Is the valuer the barrier to identifying the value of
纸粘土期刊名称: Journal of Property Investment & Finance
证婚作者: Georgia Warren-Myers元宵节花灯制作方法
作者机构: Deakin University
年份: 2013年
期号: 第4期
关键词: Valuation; Sustainability; Property; Australia
摘要:Purpo - Broad-scale investment in sustainability is limited due to the lack of evidence of the relationship between sustainability and the property's market value. Although evidence is amassing and being analyzed through advanced modeling, this evidence is not being reflected in the valuation pr学嫖娼到新东方
ocess. Valuers have a pivotal role in financial markets, in the reporting of ast values. Conquently, they are the current barrier in large-scale investment in sustainability, due to their lack of reporting or consideration of sustainability in the valuation
process.Design/methodology/approach - This rearch investigates, in the Australian context, whether valuers' are incorporating sustainability as a consideration in the valuation process and their depth of reporting on it. Further, the rearch investigates whether valuers' 舒适英语