Unit 15
语越来越重视,在学习好英语的同时我们也不能忘掉我们的 母语一语的学习!
Learning Chine and English Together!
We have a long and glorious history here in China. We should be immensly(非常)proud of what the Chine culture has contributed to the world both in ancient times and in modern times. However, some people feel that Chine is no longer a uful thing to learn. Some students even feel that we should all just learn English! We must realize^ though, that there are many reasons why we really need to learn both Chine and English.
We Need to Learn Chine for Ourlves!
It's true that we need to study our own Chine language and culture diligently(勤奋地).So many important things have happened in China over the last 5,000 years that it would be impossible to understand them all without studying incredibly hard. We are Chine and we need to understand our roots,关家垴and the roots are in our language. We all have strong feelings for our country^ and therefore we need to cultivate怎样查找手机型号(培养)a strong love for our language as well.
绳编钥匙扣We Need to Learn Chine for the World!
We should not just study Chine for our own sake but we also need to study China for the benefit of the entire world.Even if people from other counties do study China and Chine,夫妻吵架图片it can sometimes be difficult to fully comprehend(理 解)it without having the same experiences we have. Therefore^ we need to become the experts in our own language and our own culture for their sake as well as our own.
We Need to Learn English for Ourlves!
Even if we study our own Chine language and culture thoroughly, that isn't enough. Even though China is a very large country, the world is even largen Even if we are experts on China,we still may know very little about the rest of the world. Language is a window into the rest of the world. Through language we can learn more about the rest of the world for ourlves.冷暖自知是什么意思