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科研论文引言部分的公式化写法 名人爱读书的故事




也许有的人会说我误导研究生,四个月的宝宝食谱但是事实上这种对科研写作有益的八股文被写进正宗教科书呢!2008年牛津大学出版社出版了一本Write Like a Chemist,里面说到表演喜剧、电视里面做卖车的广告,都是有一定套路的,不按照套路出牌就吸引不了观众,就没有人来看戏、买车。同理,书中介绍了写引言部分的公式

1.  Introduce the Rearch Area
    1.1.  Identify the rearch area
    1.2.  Establish the importance of the rearch area
    1.3.  Provide esntial background information about the rearch area
2.  Identify a Gap (or Gaps)
3.  Fill the Gap
    3.1. Introduce the current work
    3.2. Preview key findings of the current work (optional)

The first move, with three submoves, has the broad purpo of describing the general resarch area. Submove 1.1 identifies the rearch topic, and submove 1.2 stress its importance. Together, the two submoves are frequently accomplished in the first few ntences of the paper. Note that only the general topic is mentioned at this point, not the specific work that is prented in the paper. Submove 1.3 is where authors summarize esntial works in the field and situate the current work in its appropriate context. This submove does not provide an exhaustive review of the literature but rather includes "sound bites" that alert readers to works that critically influenced the current work or led to fundamental knowledge in the field. The entire move is usually accomplished in a few paragraphs, with most attention devoted to submove 1.3. All three submoves are strengthened by citations to the literature. Works by other authors are cited as well as previous, relevant works by the current authors.

The cond move in the Introduction ction (Identify a Gap) shifts the reader's attention from what has been done (or learned or understood) to what still needs to be done (or learned or understood). The esnce of this move is capyured in the ntence, "Although much is known about X, little is known about Y." Of cour, to correctly identify a gap, the authors must have throughly reviewed the literature; hence, cotations to the literature are common in this move, too.

After a gap has been identified, the third and final move of the Introduction ction is to fill the gap. This move typically compris a short paragraph at the end of the Introduction and begins with a phra like "In this paper, we..." At last, the authors can refer to the current work, and many u the personal pronoun we to accomplish this task. The authors give a short description of the current work (typically a few ntences), highlighting how the work fills the identified gas (submove 3.1). The Introduction can end here, or the authors can elect to preview their principal findings (submove 3.2). If the authors do the latter, care must be taken not to repeat ntences verbatim that appear elwhere in the paper.


1. 引言结构如倒金字塔,即从一个宽泛的研究领域到一个非洲巨阴族“本文要做的特定的东西。结构不能颠倒,而且倒金字塔基底不能无限宽广,即:不能从漫无边际的地方说起。比如写催化科研论文,如果有的人首先介绍说:催化在国民生产中多么多么重要,80%的化工流程都有赖于催化。氧化在催化中很重要。选择氧化在氧化中很重要。使用空气作为氧化剂的选择氧化很重要。使用无毒催化剂的空气选择氧化很重要。,那么这样引言的开场白就扯得太远了,没有直奔主题。

2. 在介绍别人和自己做了什么前期工作时,要根据这一小部分(submove 1.3)的功能二胡怎么学有针对性、概括性地综述,不能堆积材料。所谓新加坡风景堆积材料就是说引用每一篇文献时用了大量篇幅进行描述,没有概括出和本文有关的要点,而是把该文献的摘要抄了一遍。还有的人写作时,为了引文献而引文献,比如说在介绍黄金催化剂时,说现在黄金催化剂有Au/ZrO2, Au/TiO2, Au/SnO2, Au/Fe2O3, Au/Al2O3, Au/ZnO, Au/CuO, ,每一个催化剂都随机引用了5条文献,洋洋洒洒40条文献,却只说明一件事情:各类黄金催化剂被广泛研究。那么审稿人读了这句话就说,研究某种黄金催化剂的文献远远不止5篇,那么你引用这5篇的标准是什么呢?为什么不总的引用5篇综述来替代这洋洋洒洒40篇文献?

3. 避免使用时髦语,避免滥用套话。时髦语如黄金催化剂的研究是当今催化研究皇冠上的钻石,是北极星。看到这样的话,审稿人就会举起大斧砍下来。另外,避免滥用套话的意识就是说引言部分不能到处都是什么什么课题引起广泛兴趣,在什么什么中有广泛应用,如果每一段都这么说,什么一段出现几个这样的句子的话,就无趣了。

4. 指出课题组前文和本文的联系和区别。回答既然前面已经发表过几篇文章了,为什么本文还是值得发表?既然已经发过一篇快报,现在为什么要发长文章?和前文相比,有哪些新方法、新内容、新理论?是否达到更好的应用效果?如果自己不写清楚这些东西,审稿人当然不会主动给作者回答这些问题的;而如果在引言部分写清楚这些东西,审稿人的思维就会根据这些东西来判断是否可信,往往在写审稿意见的时候也会把你写的理由复述一遍,说的确有新东西,建议发表。

5. 在引言部分的末尾建议用简练的话把本文的重要结果预览一下Ratnoff蓝色的地球1981年说:Reading a scientific article isn't the same as reading a detective story. We want to know from the start that the butler did it.(R.A. Day, B. Gastel. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (6th Edition)。但是注意不能使用大篇幅预览,不能把正文里面的信息(比如用XRD做了什么,发现这个峰那个峰;用红外做了什么,发现这个峰那个峰)详细透露,一览无余。如果大篇幅预览的话,读者就不会再读文章了。这正好比电影的广告片都是有一定长度要求的,一般1-3分钟,没有20分钟的广告片。

The ACS Style Guide (3rd Edition)p. 22概括到: A good introduction is a clear statement of the problem or project and the reason for studying it. This information should be contained in the first few ntences. Give a conci and appropriate background discussion of the problem and the significance scope, and limits the work. Outline what has been done before citing truly pertinent literature, but do not include a general survey of mirelevant literature. Satate how your work differs from or is related to work previously published. Demonstrate the continuity from the previous work to yours.


我第一次成为国际刊物独立审稿人是在2003年。五年多来为二十多个杂志审了近百篇文章。刚开始当审稿人的时候,学习了The ACS Style Guide第二版,里面有大量著名化学专家关于如何审稿的介绍性文章(The ACS Style Guide第二版已经把这些内容去掉了)。审稿的好处在于锻炼自己critical thinking的能力。有了这种能力,自己就能用这种critical的眼光审视自己的稿件,这样自己投文章就更有把握。同时,稿子审得越多,编辑找自己越勤快,这说明自己的劳动和学术判断被承认,这样自己以后投稿就更加有credit了。

Making the Right Moves: A Practical Guide to Scientific Management, p. 182.santorini

As your relationships with journal editors develop, you may be asked to review manuscripts submitted by other scientists. Take the task riously. Do the reviews throughly and promptly. If you don't have time or don't think you have the right experti, let the editors know right away. They will not hold this against you. A late or weak review, however, could hurt your reputation with the editors. The benefits of rving as a reviewer are potentially great. Not only will you learn about others' rearch, you will improve your own critical skills and confirm your standing as a knowledgeable scientist in the eyes of the editors. You own future papers will be taken more riously if you do good reviews.

给中国杂志投稿和给外国杂志投稿不大一样。有的催化文章投中国化学不中,投Journal of Molecular Catalysis A却能中。而有的美国化学会志两页快报投中国化学倒未必会中,因为审稿人看不懂。外国的催化杂志审稿偏重于总体印象,有时候审稿人对实验提不出意见,就说这篇文章没有趣、没有用,还没有达到该杂志的水平,建议投其它差的杂志。越是出名的审稿人,审起稿子越是高屋建瓴,评价该文章在该课题中的地位和意义,而很少死扣字句的错误。


Communicating Science: A Practical Guide, Springer, p. 102.

Before starting on your task, jot down your answers to a list of questions such as:

1)  Is this the appropriate journal for publication? If not, can I suggest a better medium?
2)  Is this paper significant/important? Why? Why not?
3)  Is it comprehensive with respect to its subject matter?
4)  Are there omissions?
5)  Are there mistakes? Inaccuracies?
激活时间查询6)  Is the work reproducible from the evidence provided?
7)  Do some of the authors' asrtations need to be qualified?
8)  Does the paper conform to the high standards as previous contributions from the same group?
9)  Is the writing clear and fluid? Can it be improved? How?
10) Are there mispellings? Typos?
11) Is the bibliography (reference) adequant?
12) Is the artwork necessary and complelling?
13) Is the title adequate?
14) Should the abstract be rewritten?
15) Can I suggest cuts in the manuscript?
16) How can I sum up in a ntence or two my overall asssment?

The ACS Style Guide (Third Edition), p. 74.

The entire manuscript should be read carefully and critically. Most reviewers read a manuscript more than once. Manuscripts should be rated on technical quality, significance of the work, importance to the rearch field, and adequacy of expression. Many reviewers divide their reviews into general comments and specific, detailed comments. In the general ction, reviewers draw attention to both the strong and weak points of the manuscript, the concepts, the objectives, and the methods. Like an author writing a manuscript, reviewers should write reviews in a comprehensive but conci manner, addressing the questions prented below:

Suggested Topics for A Peer Review

1)  Are the methods (experimental ction) adequately described and referenced?
2)  Are there any unsupported conclusions?
3)  Is there anything that is confusing or ambiguous?
4)  Do figures and tables appropriately illustrate the data?
5)  Is the introduction clear and informative?
6)  Is either the introduction or discussion longer than necessary, and do they make n in relation to the subject and the data?
7)  Although the discussion is the appropriate place for speculation, is it excessive?
8)  Are the appropriate references cited? Are the references accurate?
9)  Is English usage and grammar adequate?
10) Is the length of the manuscript unwarranted? Suggestions on how a manuscript can be shortened are appreciated by editors.
11) Is the u of color warrented? Printing color is a significant expen for the publisher.

Esntial Skills for Science and Technology, Oxford University Press, p. 161.

Critical analysis

1)  Is the article appropriate for its target audience?
2)  Does the article build on prior rearch?
3)  Does the article reflect a good knowledge or previous literature in the field?
4)  Does the authors identify the problem or issue clearly and explain its relevance?
5)  Did the authors choo the best rearch method and approach? Was it executed properly?
6)  Were the methodology, findings, and reasons for their conclusions logically and clearly explained?
7)  Do the authors make appropriate comparisons to similar events, cas, or occurances?
8)  Are the ideas really new or do the authors merely repackage old ideas with new names?
9)  Were there adequate and appropriate examples and illustrations?
10) Do the authors discuss everything they promi in the abstract, introduction, and outline?
11) Does the article make a contribution to its field? If not, in what way should it have made a contribution and why didn't it?
12) What are the article's strengths and weakness?
13) What are its limitations and boundaries?
14) Did it discuss all the important aspects in its domain thoroughly?
15) Overall, how complete and thorough a job did the authors do? Did they justify their conclusions adequately? Did they provide enough background information to make their work comprehensible?
16) How confident are you in the article's results? Is it convincing?


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