呛奶的急救处理2017-07-30 龙腾网订阅号
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I'm an American university student who had the amazing opportunity to stay a month in China this spring. While I was there a chronic digestive problem I have was esntially CURED. Without being too gross the issue caus indigestion gas and bloating and for me to spend entirely too much time on the toilet (and what comes out doesn't look like it should). While I was in China all of the symptoms were GONE it was like I didn't even have this issue and everything was normal. After about a week back in the States the problem was back.
So my question to you all is this. What are the differences (in your opinion) between authentic Chine food and American/British food? (When I was in the U.K. for 10 days in 2015 the problem worned). I'm aware of the differences in dining culture and truly belie
ve that Americans need to spend more time actually eating not eating and doing 7 other things.
TLDR; American feels like she's intolerant to American food and is looking for a Chine solution after spending a month there this spring. What are the main differences between American/British food and authentic Chine?
TLDR: 美国人感到她不能容忍美国的食物,并在来中国一个月后寻求中国食物的解决办法。那么英美菜与正宗中国菜的主要区别在哪?
原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:翻译加工厂 转载请注明出处
The only thing I noticed and this is purely for me personally I tend to eat much fresher fruits and vegetables in China than I ever did back home. I ud to get crippling heart burn in Canada but here I get it maybe once a year and it usually involves barbecue skewers and too much beer.
A lot of the change in habits is due to me being wary of street foods and a lot of restaurants. Another thing is that I'm consuming far less prervatives and salt here than back home which I think was part of the problem. I came here right after university so I went from eating pizza pockets and hungry man dinners to buying huge bags of fresh veggies from the local farmers market.
纯粹就我个人而言,我唯一注意到的是在中国我往往比之前在家里的时候吃更多的新鲜水果和蔬菜。在加拿大的时候我常常会有严重的胃灼热(酸反流 -- 译者注),但在这里,也
就一年犯一次这毛病,还通常是因为我吃了太多烤串和大量啤酒。许多习惯的变化是由于我对街头食物和很多餐馆的警惕。另一个我认为可能是部分原因的事实,则是在这里,我比在家时摄入更少的防腐剂和盐。我在大学毕业后来到这里,从吃比萨饺和高热量速食晚餐(hungry man 是专卖高热量方便食物的,他们宣传要Eat Like A Man -- 译者注)变成从当地农贸市场买上一大袋子的新鲜蔬菜自己料理。
I hadn't really thought about prervatives (although I did notice salt content). Temporarily (for the rest of the summer) I'm living with someone who cooks quite a lot of fresh food that she gets at farmers markets but I'm still eating some procesd food. Thanks!
Are you lacto intolerant? That's about the only situation I can e where tho problems would decrea in China.
I was eating a fair amount of ice cream and yogurt I don't know how they're made differently in China (I don't read or speak Mandarin which is on all the food labelling) but not as much as here. I have considered this. Thanks!