professor in-residence
∙Professors-in-Residence are academically qualified rearch or other creative personnel who engage in teaching, rearch, and University rvice to the same extent as tho holding the corresponding titles in the professorial ries in the same department.
∙Intended to be supported from non-State funds
∙Qualified individuals drawn from professional practice also can be appointed in the Adjunct ProfessorSeries
∙All positions within the ries are untenured
∙数乘For further information e APM 270
General Information
芙蓉花茶∙Appointments, merits, and promotions are effective July 1st
∙All appointments/reappointments may be from 1 – 3 years, depending on rank (two years for Assistant and Associate rank, three years for Full rank) as long as funding is cure for the same time period. End dates must coincide with pay period end dates (October 31st, February 28th/29th, or June 30th).
∙There are no limits on the number of reappointments for individuals in this ries
女友小恩Submitting the Action (all, except renewals)Plea refer to equivalent ction in the Regular Professor Series for instructions on each action
Renewals can be from one to three years, bad on the availability of funds. End date of renewal cannot surpass the funding end date or the eligibility date for the next academic personnel action. End dates must coincide with pay period end dates for AY appointments (October 31st, February 28th/29th, or June 30th).
Submitting the ActionPlea submit the following to the College APO:
∙Submit the ca via OPUS
∙Original Adjunct/Professor-in-Residence Series Renewal Form
∙Updated History Record (do not include the current year)
Helpful hints for pleting the Adjunct/Professor-in-Residence Series Renewal Form: (plete all fields)油麦菜的做法大全
SalaryEnter the annual and monthly salary rate OR check the WOS box.
Term of AppointmentEnter begin and end date. Length of renewal can now coincide with the term of the appointment (two years for Assistant and Associate rank; three years for full Professor rank) as long as funding is cure for the same time period. End dates must coincide with pay period end dates for AY appointments (October 31st, February 28th/29th, or June 30th).
Provide name of supervisor
Note: The ipso facto statement is included in the appointment ction; therefore, a renewal letter is no longer needed.
Additional Comments, (optional)You may provide additional ments relating to the renewal of appointment, elaborate on the employee’s general responsibilities, etc. When filled out on-line, the box will expand.
Routing and ApprovalThe College Divisional Analyst will review the ca and then forward it to the Dean for review. The Dean has final approval authority on both types of renewals. The College Divisional Analyst will approve/disapprove the ca in OPUS and direct a copy of the approved/disapproved form to the department who will then provide a copy to the employee.
UC Path测试工程师面试题Follow UC Path guidelines when entering the approved action.
Last updated: 09/17/21