Sex is fun. Lack of x is a whole lot of not-fun — we've known that forever. And while many scientific studies have proven that an active x life can make you healthier, evidence suggests that it can make you prettier, too. If you're regularly knocking boots, great for you. If you're not, sorry for kicking you when you're down坐收渔翁之利 — but either way here's a little added incentive to start getting more!
Happy pants
Sex stimulates production of oxytocin, the most romantic of all hormones. Stimulating oxytocin lowers the stress hormone cortisol and keeps us calm and relaxed. Part of the glo
w after x is related to this hormonal effect. “Cortisol caus muscle and bone mass to shrink— meaning you lo that xy and athletic look if you are chronically stresd and have high cortisol levels!” says Dr. Steven Masley, president of The Masley Optimal Health Center, and author of the forthcoming 30-DAY HEART TUNE-UP: A Breakthrough Medical Plan to Prevent and Rever Heart Dia. Cortisol also increas visceral fat, the culprit behind tho 数量关系式stubborn waistline tires.弗之怠
性爱可以刺激最浪漫的荷尔蒙——催产素的生成。令人兴奋的催产素可以降低压力荷尔蒙皮质醇的水平,让我们保持冷静,放松。性爱后的荣华焕发部分原因与荷尔蒙的影响有关。“皮质醇会导致肌肉和骨量萎缩——这意味着,如果你长期承受着压力和高水平的皮质醇,你就会失去性感而活力的外表。”Steven Masley博士说。Steven Masley是马士雷最佳健康中心的主任,也是即将出版的《30天心脏调整:预防和逆转心脏病的突破性医疗计划》一书的作者。皮质醇还会增加内脏脂肪,是造成顽固的腰部赘肉的罪魁祸首。
Who needs brightener?
Sex gives your skin a natural glow by improving blood circulation, which helps to pump oxygen to your skin and make it brighter. In addition to adding a healthy glow and keeping skin soft, nourished and looking young, incread circulation resulting from x can also help to eliminate toxins.
Goodbye, acne!
Sex increas levels of an antibody called immunoglobin, which is great news for your immune system. This can fight inflammation and infection caud by bacteria nesting in your clogged pores. Sex also controls acne by reducing your hormone levels or balancing them out. Win-win!
What's cold ason?
Some men and women offer strong anecdotal evidence that x can help combat asthma and hay fever by unblocking stuffed-up nos and alleviating sinus pressure. That translates to no head congestion during x or red swollen eyes and no. And that's pretty attractive!
Great hair days
Sex boosts circulation — which is great in a whole lot of ways — but we’re especially fans of how this applies to our scalps. The theoretical result of which is stronger, longer, gorgeous hair: i.e. our personal utopia.
Natural lip plumper
The act of kissing actually makes lips swell. “This is why we find full lips to be attractive and why people come to e us for lip augmentation,” says Boston-bad Dr. Jeffrey Spiegel, MD, a facial plastic surgeon. "Also, we have a unique procedure [the lip lift] that we do in the office that can give you that nsual attractive appearance." And, of cour, intimacy caus swelling also in your skin — similar to massage! But totally more fun.
亲吻可以让嘴唇丰盈。“这也是我们发现丰满的嘴唇更有吸引力,人们来找我们进行丰唇的原因。”Jeffrey Spiegel是来自波士顿的一名面部整形外科医生。他说,“我们办公室还提供一种独特的提唇手术,让你的外表更加性感。”当然,性爱中的亲密接触还可以让你皮肤丰盈,效果等同于按摩!但是比按摩有趣的多!
Better sleep
毕业致谢By having x at the end of the day you’ll reap more of the stress-relieving benefits. Having a deep, stress-free sleep helps you look better in the morning. Don’t believe us? Behold how crappy you look on mornings you don’t get a good night’s rest.
Rosy cheeks
Ever heard of the pregnancy glow? It’s a real thing, and it actually applies to orgasms as well. Blood flow adds glow and luster to skin. “Sex caus your heart to beat faster, increasing blood circulation—creating the same effect, and giving your skin an after-x glow!” says Alessandra Torre, a best-lling erotica author who has studied the prettifying effects of x for her writing.
有没有听说过妊娠光彩?这是真的,而且同样适用于性高潮。血液流动可以增加皮肤的色泽和光彩。“性爱让心脏跳动得更快,促进血液循环,让皮肤散发性爱后的光彩。”Alessandra Torre图画文字说。Alessandra Torre是最畅销的性爱书刊作家,她曾经研究过性爱的美容功效。