韦利:The Master said,“To learn and at due times to repeat what one has learnt,is that not after all a pleasure?That friends should come to one from afar,is that not after all delightful?To remain unsoured even though one’s merits are unrecognized by others,is that not after all what is expected of a gentleman?”
许渊冲:Is it not a delight,said the Master,to acquire knowledge and put it into practice?Is it not a
海参怎么烧好吃pleasure to meet friends coming from afar?Is he not an intelligentleman,who is careless alike of bEing known or unknown?
韦利:The Master said,“ ‘Clever talk and a pretentious manner’are ldom found in the Good.”
许渊冲:A good man,said the Master,would rarely say what he does not believe,or pretend to appear better than he is.
韦利:The Master said,” A country of a thousand war-chariots cannot be administered unless the ruler attends strictly to business,punctually obrves his promis,is economical in expenditure,shows affection towards his subjects in general,and us the labour of the peasantry only at the p roper times of year.”
许渊冲:In a country of a thousand war-chariots,said the Master,the ruler should be respectful in deed and faithful in word,thrifty in expenditure and affectionate towards the people and tell them to labor at the proper times of the year.
些特质。此外,韦利在翻译“节用而爱人”的“人”时,使用了“subject ”一词,该词此处意为“国民”,可见他对本句话中“人”字的理解极为细致深刻。在“使民以时”中,韦利将“民”译为“labor of peasantry”,也可见其对中国文化理解的细致入微与深度。由于古人大都以务农为生,广大劳动人民就是农民。相比之下,许渊冲对“人”、“民”的处理都译为了“people”,可能由于韦利是以一名外国人的视角研究中国文化,故他对某些概念的理解更为敏感与细腻。许先生整句的翻译句式更加工整,更为简洁。
韦利:The Master said,“ A young man’s duty is to behave well to his parents at home and to his elders abroad,to be cautious in giving promis and punctual in keeping them,to have kindly feelings towards everyone,but ek the intimacy of the Good. If,when all that is done,he has any energy to spare,then let him study the polite arts.
许渊冲:A young man,said the Master,should be filial at home and respectful abroad,cautious and trustworthy,affectionate towards all and intimate with
the good. If he has time to spare when his duties are done,he may u it to learn arts.
韦利对“入则孝、出则弟”的翻译,整合为一句话。将“孝和弟”统一译为“behave well”。许渊冲则将“孝”
和“弟”分开翻译,译为“filial”和“respectful”,可见也许从西方人的视角来看,对父母的“孝”和对年长者的“弟”可统一理解为“好”的概念,不像中国人在概念上区分的那样细致。而韦利在处理“谨而信”时,则分开翻译为“be cautious in giving promis ”和“be punctual in keeping them”,将“谨”和“信”具体化,其描述细致解释了“谨”和“信”,让目标读者更能清楚明白这二字的内涵,以便他们理解《论语》的内容。许渊冲在处理“谨而信”时,仅用了两个表示人特质的形容词“cautious and trustworthy”,言简意赅做以翻译。总体而言,对于此句话的翻译,韦利较许渊冲更为具体细腻,解释性更强。
韦利:The Master said,“a gentleman who never goes on eating till he is sated,who does not demand comfort in his home,who is diligent in business and cautious in speech,who associates with tho that