本索引為《龍與地下城玩者手冊 3.5E》中文版之輔助文件,由「奇幻修士會」製作維護。
中文法術名英文法術名頁碼一級召喚怪物術Summon Monster I 286 一級召喚盟友術Summon Nature's Ally I 287 七級召喚怪物術Summon Monster VII 286 七級召喚盟友術Summon Nature's Ally VII 289 七彩噴射Color Spray 212 九級召喚怪物術Summon Monster IX 287 九級召喚盟友術Summon Nature's Ally IX 289 二級召喚怪物術Summon Monster II 286 二級召喚盟友術Summon Nature's Ally II 287 人類定身術Hold Person 242 八級召喚怪物術Summon Monster VIII 286 八級召喚盟友術Summon Nature's Ally VIII 289 力牆術Wall Of Force 299 卜筮Augury 204 三級召喚怪物術Summon Monster III 286 三級召喚盟友術Summon Nature's Ally III 287 女妖之嚎Wail Of The Banshee 298 不死之死Undeath to Death 297 不滅明燄Continual Flame 215 中和毒性Neutralize Poison 258 五級召喚怪物術Summon Monster V 286 五級召喚盟友術Summon Nature's Ally V 288 元素戰隊Elemental Swarm 227 內爆術Implosion 245 六級召喚怪物術Summon Monster VI 286 六級召喚盟友術Summon Nature's Ally VI 288 化石為泥Transmute Rock To Mud 295 化戾變形Baleful Polymorph 205 化泥為石Transmute Mud To Rock 295 化棍法Chang
estaff 210 化鐵為木Transmute Metal To Wood 295 反邪惡法陣Magic Circle Against Evil 251 反制守序Dispel Law 224
反制邪惡Dispel Evil 224 反制混亂Dispel Chaos 224 反制善良Dispel Good 224 反重力Rever Gravity 273 反秩序法陣Magic Circle Against Law 251 反混亂法陣Magic Circle Against Chaos 251 反善良法陣Magic Circle Against Good 251 幻化靈體Ethereal Jaunt 229 幻音術Ghost Sound 236 幻景Hallucinatory Terrain 240 幻影手Helping Hand 241 幻牆術Illusory Wall 244 心靈屏障Mind Blank 255 心靈迷霧Mind Fog 255 心靈遙控Telekinesis 292 支配人類Dominate Person 226 支配怪物Dominate Monster 226 支配動物Dominate Animal 226 木遁術Transport Via Plants 295 水中呼吸法Water Breathing 300 水面行走Water Walk 300 火球術Fireball 232 火種術Fire Seeds 232 火燄刀Flame Blade 233 火燄風暴Fire Storm 232 火燄陷阱Fire Trap 232 火燄箭Flame Arrow 233 火燄護盾Fire Shield 232 火牆術Wall Of Fire 298 加速術Haste 240 召喚座騎Mount 258 召喚樂器Summon Instrument 286 召雷術Call Lightning 209 召雷暴術Call Lightning Storm 209 四級召喚怪物術Summon Monster IV 286 四級召喚盟友術Summon Nature's Ally IV 288 失智之觸Touch of Idiocy 295 巨蟲術Giant Vermin 237 巧言術Tongues 294 巧智術Fox's Cunning 235 打擊死靈Disrupt Undead 225
正氣如虹Righteous Might 274 正義烙印Mark Of Justice 253 永恆幻影Permanent Image 261 永恆靜滯Temporal Stasis 294 瓦解武器Disruption Weapon 225 生物定位術Locate Creature 250 目盲術/耳聾術Blindness/Deafness 208 石化術Flesh To Stone 233 石言術Stone Tell 285 石膚術Stoneskin 285 石牆術Wall Of Stone 299 任意門Dimension Door 223 光亮術Light 249 共振術Sympathetic Vibration 292 共鳴術Sympathy 292 再生術Regenerate 271 冰風暴Ice Storm 244 冰牆術Wall Of Ice 299 同化武器Align Weapon 199 同遊靈界Etherealness 229 回返真言Word Of Recall 303 地動術Move Earth 258 地震術Earthquake 227 守衛結界Glyph Of Warding 237 安定心神Calm Emotions 210 安撫動物Calm Animals 209 曲木術Warp Wood 300 有限願望Limited Wish 249 次元錨Dimensional Anchor 223 次元鎖Dimensional Lock 223 次級幻影Minor Image 255 次級困惑術Confusion, Lesr 214 次級法術無效結界Globe of Invulnerability, Lesr 237 次級指使術Geas, Lesr 236 次級異界誓盟Planar Ally, Lesr 262 次級異界誓縛Planar Binding, Lesr 263 次級造物術Minor Creation 255 次級復原術Restoration, Lesr 273 死亡一指Finger Of Death 231 死亡法陣Circle Of Death 211 死亡喪鐘Death Knell 219
死亡徽記Symbol of Death 290 死者交談Speak With Dead 282 死者復活Rai Dead 269 死雲術Cloudkill 212 死靈定身術Halt Undead 240 灰飛煙滅Destruction 220 羽落術Feather Fall 231 舌燦蓮花Glibness 237 艾伐黑觸手Evard's Black Tentacles 229 行動自如Freedom Of Movement 235 行動無
蹤Pass Without Trace 261 行影術Shadow Walk 278 克敵機先True Strike 296 冷凍射線Ray Of Frost 270 利刃術Keen Edge 247 吸血鬼之觸Vampiric Touch 298 吸能術Energy Drain 228 困惑術Confusion 214 妖火Faerie Fire 230 完全修復術Make Whole 253 完全復生術True Resurrection 296 形體變化Shapechange 278 忍受元素傷害Endure Elements 228 投影術Project Image 267 束縛大法Binding 206 李歐蒙小屋Leomund's Tiny Hut 248 李歐蒙庇護所Leomund's Secure Shelter 248 李歐蒙秘藏箱Leomund's Secret Chest 248 李歐蒙陷阱Leomund's Trap 249 沈默之域Zone of Silence 303 沈默術Silence 280 沉睡術Deep Slumber 219 灼熱光輝Searing Light 276 灼熱金屬Heat Metal 240 邪居Unhallow 297 邪影擊Unholy Blight 297 防生物力場Repulsion 272 防死結界Death Ward 219 防活物護罩Antilife Shell 202 防植物護罩Antiplant Shell 202 防範探知Fal Vision 231咳嗽吃什么水果好
防護守序Protection From Law 267 防護邪惡Protection From Evil 267 防護法術效果Protection From Spells 268 防護能量傷害Protection from Energy 267 防護混亂Protection From Chaos 267 防護善良Protection From Good 267 防護箭矢Protection From Arrows 267 防魔法力場Antimagic Field 202 刺石術Spike Stone 283 卓姆吉瞬間召喚Drawmij's Instant Summons 226 咆哮術Shout 279 命令不死生物Command Undead 213 命令術Command 212 命令植物Command Plants 213 奇蹟術Miracle 255 延遲爆裂火球Delayed Blast Fireball 219 怪物定身術Hold Monster 242 怪物暈眩術Daze Monster 219
怪影殺手Weird 301 拉瑞心靈連線Rary's Telepathic Bond 269 拉瑞強記法Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer 269 抹消術Era 229 抵抗能量傷害Resist Energy 273 放逐術Banishment 205 注目術Enthrall 229 法師幫手Mage Hand 250 法師護甲Mage Armor 250 法術反轉Spell Turning 283 法術免疫Spell Immunity 282 法術抗力Spell Resistance 283 法術無效結界Globe Of Invulnerability 237 法術灌輸Imbue With Spell Ability 244 油膩術Grea 238 治療小傷Cure Minor Wounds 217 治療中度傷Cure Moderate Wounds 217 治療致命傷Cure Critical Wounds 217 治療重傷Cure Serious Wounds 218 治療輕傷Cure Light Wounds 217 物品定位術Locate Object 250 物體傳送術Teleport Object 293 糾纏術Entangle 228
金剛木Ironwood 247 封門術Hold Portal 243 幽影咒法術Shadow Conjuration 277 幽影塑能術Shadow Evocation 277 幽靈手Spectral Hand 282 律令目盲Power Word, Blind 264 律令死亡Power Word, Kill 265 律令震懾Power Word, Stun 265 律言Dictum 222 指北術Know Direction 247 指使術Geas/Quest 236 星界投射Astral Projection 203 柔石術Soften Earth And Stone 281 枯朽術Blight 208 毒擊Poison 264 洲際飛行Overland Flight 260 流星爆Meteor Swarm 254 活化物體Animate Objects 201 活化植物Animate Plants 201 活化繩Animate Rope 202 疫病術Contagion 215 疫病蟲群Inct Plague 246 相位門Pha Door 262 祈禱術Prayer 265 穿牆術Passwall 260 英勇術Heroism 241 英雄宴Heroes' Feast 241 虹光法球Prismatic Sphere 265 虹光法牆Prismatic Wall 265 虹光噴射Prismatic Spray 265
虹彩圖紋Rainbow Pattern 269 重傷術Harm 240 重霧術Solid Fog 281 降咒Bestow Cur 205 音鳴爆Sound Burst 282 風訊術Whispering Wind 301 風牆術Wind Wall 302 飛行術Fly 233 飛蟲走獸Summon Swarm 289 食屍鬼之觸Ghoul Touch 236 修復術Mending 254
凍寒之觸Chill Touch 211 凍寒金屬Chill Metal 211 凌空而行Air Walk 199 凋死術Horrid Wilting 243 弱能術Enervation 228 弱智術Feeblemind 231 恐懼術Fear 231 恐懼徽記Symbol of Fear 290 恩賜Virtue 298 時間停止Time Stop 294 氣化形體Gaous Form 235 消除隱形Invisibility Purge 246 海市蜃樓Mirage Arcana 255 浮空術Levitate 249 涅斯圖偽裝靈光Nystul's Magical Aura 259 疲乏之觸Touch of Fatigue 294 疲乏波Waves of Fatigue 300 真實目光True Seeing 296 破除結界Break Enchantment 209 神行術Longstrider 250 神能Divine Power 226 神眷Divine Favor 226 神莓Goodberry 238 神導術Guidance 239 祝福武器Bless Weapon 208 祝福術Bless 207 祝福聖水Bless Water 208 秩序之怒Order's Wrath 259 秩序護盾Shield Of Law 279 秘法印記Arcane Mark 203 秘法眼Arcane Eye 203 秘法鎖Arcane Lock 203 秘密文頁Secret Page 276 秘眼通Arcane Sight 203 粉碎音波Shatter 278 臭雲術Stinking Cloud 284 荊棘叢生Spike Growth 283 虔誠護盾Shield Of Faith 278 衰弱射線Ray Of Enfeeblement 270 衰弱徽記Symbol of Weakness 292 衰竭波Waves of Exhaustion 300
衰竭射線Ray of Exhaustion 270 託夢法Dream 227 迷幻手稿Illusory Script 244 迷宮術Maze 253 迷惑動物Animal Trance 201 迷罩Veil 298 迴避偵測Nondetection 258 閃光術Flare 233 閃光塵Glitterdust 237 閃現術Blink 208 閃電束Lightning Bolt 249 閃耀圖紋Scintillating Pattern 275 馬友夫強酸箭Melf's Acid Arrow 254 高等幻影Major Image 253 高等守衛結界Glyph Of Warding, Greater 238 高等咆哮術Shout, Greater 279 高等命令術Command, Greater 213 高等法術免疫Spell Immunity, Greater 283 高等幽影咒法術Shadow Conjuration, Greater 277 高等幽影塑能術Shadow Evocation, Greater 277 高等英勇術Heroism, Greater 241 高等秘眼通Arcane Sight, Greater 203 高等探知Scrying, Greater 275 高等異界誓盟Planar Ally, Greater 262 高等異界誓縛Planar Binding, Greater 263 高等造物術Major Creation 253 高等復原術Restoration, Greater 273 高等傳送術Teleport, Greater 293 高等解除魔法Dispel Magic, Greater 225 高等窺視魔眼Prying Eyes, Greater 268 高等隱形Invisibility, Greater 246 高等魔化武器Magic Weapon, Greater 253 高等魔爪Magic Fang, Greater 251 鬼斧神工Fabricate 230 偽相Seeming 276 偽造生命Fal Life 230 假象術Mislead 256 偵測守序Detect Law 221 偵測死靈Detect Undead 222 偵測邪惡Detect Evil 220 偵測思想Detect Thoughts 222
偵測毒性Detect Poison 221 偵測動植物Detect Animals Or Plants 220 偵測密門Detect Secret Door 221 偵測探知Detect Scrying 221 偵測混亂Detect Chaos 220 偵測陷阱Detect Snares And Pits 222 偵
測善良Detect Good 221 偵測魔法Detect Magic 221 動物化身Animal Shapes 201 動物交談Speak With Animals 282 動物使者Animal Mesnger 200 動物定身術Hold Animal 242 問道自然Commune With Nature 213 圈套術Snare 281 堅韌術Bear's Endurance 205 崇敬術Concrate 214 常駐幻影Persistent Image 261 強酸四濺Acid Splash 199 御風而行Wind Walk 301 探知Scrying 275 啟蒙術Awaken 204 旋風術Whirlwind 301 晝明術Daylight 218 殺生術Slay Living 280 混沌之鎚Chaos Hammer 210 混沌真言Word Of Chaos 302 混沌護壁Cloak Of Chaos 212 深幽黑暗術Deeper Darkness 219 淨化食糧Purify Food And Drink 268 畢格比金剛拳Bigby's Clenched Fist 206 畢格比飛擊掌Bigby's Forceful Hand 206 畢格比粉碎掌Bigby's Crushing Hand 206 畢格比擒拿掌Bigby's Grasping Hand 206 畢格比護身掌Bigby's Interposing Hand 206 異界之門Gate 235 異界探知Contact Other Plane 214 異界傳送Plane Shift 263 異界誓盟Planar Ally 262 異界誓縛Planar Binding 263 異變動物Animal Growth 200 盛怒術Rage 269
移位術Displacement 225 移除目盲/耳聾Remove Blindness/Deafness 271 移除恐懼Remove Fear 272 移除疾病Remove Dia 272 移除麻痺Remove Paralysis 272 移除詛咒Remove Cur 271 脫身大法Refuge 271 蛇紋法印Sepia Snake Sigil 276 通神術Commune 213 通曉傳奇Legend Lore 248 通曉語言Comprehend Languages 213 連環閃電Chain Lighting 210 造水術Create Water 217 造成小傷Inflict Minor Wounds 245 造成中度傷Inflict Moderate Wounds 246 造成致命傷Inflict Critical Wound
s 245 造成重傷Inflict Serious Wounds 246 造成輕傷Inflict Light Wounds 245 造風術Gust Of Wind 239 造糧術Create Food And Water 216 陰魂咒法術Shades 277 雪雨暴Sleet Storm 280 博識術Owl's Wisdom 260 喪志術Doom 226 喚起死靈Create Undead 216 喚起高等死靈Create Greater Undead 216 寒冰錐Cone Of Cold 214 尋找捷徑Find The Path 231 尋找陷阱Find Traps 231 復仇風暴Storm Of Vengeance 285 復生術Resurrection 273 復原術Restoration 273 提升抗力Resistance 273 援助術Aid 199 棘牆術Wall Of Thorns 300 植物交談Speak With Plants 282 植物凋零Diminish Plants 223 植物滋長Plant Growth 263 減緩毒性Delay Poison 219 測知謊言Discern Lies 223 焚雲術Incendiary Cloud 245