
更新时间:2023-06-12 07:01:11 阅读: 评论:0

莫干山 中英双语介绍
The clogged streets and smoggy skies of Asia's cities make it hard to imagine any great drives in the region. But every time Karen Yu travels, she and her husband make time to get behind the wheel.
虽然亚洲城市似乎很难摆脱街道拥挤不堪、天空烟尘弥漫的景象,让人很难想像在这种地区驾车旅行能有什么好感受,但是,每次Karen Yu和丈夫一起旅行的时候,他们总会挤出时间,来那么一段自驾出行。
In recent years, the couple has toured Phuket in Thailand, Melbourne and Perth in Australia and Kyushu and Nagoya in Japan -- all by car. 'It's all about the freedom,' says Ms. Yu, a Hong Kong attorney. 'You're on your own, and you can e what you like, wander off and explore side roads.'
最近几年,他们两人驾车游历了泰国普吉岛、澳大利亚墨尔本、帕斯以及日本的九州和名古屋。在香港做律师的Karen说,自驾车出游最大的好处就是自由。你可以完全自己做主,能看到喜欢看的,到处随意 踏,兴之所至还可以去探索偏僻的小路。
Whether a four-day trip or an afternoon jaunt, whether you take the wheel yourlf or hire a driver, your route is out there. From the clove-scented interior of Bali to Thailand's wine country to the mountains and fiords of New Zealand's South Island, Weekend Journal takes readers on the road.
Moganshan, China
The first foreign vacationers to visit the mountaintop resort area of Moganshan, at the turn of the last century, were carried up in dan chairs. The days, travelers can drive up a steep, winding road past tea plantations and bamboo forests.
That scenic route is the last leg of a trip from Shanghai that can be done, for the most part, on an expressway. It is a relatively easy and relaxing three-hour drive, and the trip grows more interesting as you approach Moganshan and get away from the urban and industrial sprawl of the Yangtze River delta. But in this ca it is the destination rather than the journey that is the highlight. (A detour on the return trip, though, turns out to be charming; details below).
丙午岁旦Wealthy Westerners living in Shanghai in the early 1900s built sprawling stone villas, hotels, tennis courts, clubs and even a municipal pool in Moganshan. Rich Chine, including nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek and his wife, soon followed. In 1936, Shangh
ai's North China Daily News rhapsodized that the resort was blesd with 'the skies of Italy, the verdure of Japan, the grandeur of the Rockies.'
上世纪初,住在上海的富有西方人在莫干山一带建了大量别墅还有酒店、网球场、俱乐部,甚至还有一处游泳池。富有的中国人不久也开始效仿他们的做法,其中包括前国民党领导人蒋介石和他的夫人。1936年,在上海出版的英文《字林西报》(North China Daily News)形容莫干山有“意大利的天空、日本的青翠、落基山的雄伟”。
泰国沙美岛假如我有一支马良的神笔The natural beauty remains, but the man-made amenities have fallen on hard times. Many of the stone mansions were turned into getaways for Communist officials and sanitariums for work units after the party's 1949 victory, and gradually sank into a state of often not-so-genteel disrepair. Some of the old villas and hotels have been poorly restored and reopened as state-run guesthous. Others hou multiple local families. On the balcony of one who gatepost reads 'Pine Nook,' tattered underwear is hanging out to dry -- a far cry from the days of the gin fizz.
定量分析法产党上台后,许多用天然石材建造的房屋成了领导干部的度假别墅和单位职工的疗养院,并逐渐被荒废,失去了昔日的风采。一些旧别墅和酒店草草维修之后被改造成国营旅馆。其他房屋则变成了多个家庭合住的单位宿舍。在一处门柱上写着Pine Nook的房子,可以看到阳台上晾着破旧的内衣,与当年灯红酒绿的上流生活相比已是天壤之别。
For our one-night stay, we pick a relatively new place down the mountain from the old resort area. Known as Naked Retreats, though no nudity is involved, it's a ries of converted farmhous that can sleep individuals and couples as well as families and larger groups.
夜晚,我们在莫干山选择了从老景区往山下、位于半山腰的一处相对较新的度假村,名叫Naked Retreats。不过别误会,这里与裸体无关,它实际上是农舍改造的旅馆,有单人房、双人房和家庭房,还有多人间。
The accommodations are simple. Our lodge has six bedrooms and three shared toilets and shower stalls. But they are clean, comfortable and even stylish. Our bedroom had a groovy, Scandinavian-looking bentwood chai lounge.
Staff members will cook your meals for a fee, or you can whip up your own. Breakfast is do-it-yourlf, with eggs, bread and bacon in the fridge. The verandah in front of our building had large drums t up for u as barbecue grills.求平均值公式
Mountain trails around the retreat make for some great, if steep, walks. The morning after we arrive we t out, accompanied by one of the retreat's resident dogs, to walk up the mountain to the old resort area. In some spots, old stone stairways ea the way up the path, lined with bamboo and other vegetation that is often more than head high.
The greenery has completely overwhelmed the ruins of an old hotel on the mountainside. A vine-entangled stone archway and retaining wall is almost all that is left of a home that once belonged to one Laurenz Bergfriede, according to an inscription on the arch.

本文发布于:2023-06-12 07:01:11,感谢您对本站的认可!



标签:莫干山   别墅   驾车   旅馆   泰国
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