PMI Rearch Call for Proposals 2009
Instructions for Preparation and Submission of
Full Rearch Proposal
Deadline: August 31, 2009
Applicants advancing to the cond round of review will be invited to submit a 10-page proposal. Authors are required to structure their proposals using the following outline.
COVER PAGE (not counted in the 10-page limit)
1. Title of the Rearch Project
2. Names, Titles and Institutional Affiliations of Rearch Team
3. Project Summary/Abstract
The abstract should be no more than 300 words. Include a statement of the problem that the propod rearch will address, the type(s) of methods ud
(quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, etc.), the sample size, where the study
will be conducted, analysis tools, and amount requested from PMI.
4. Key Words
List five key words that describe the project
1. Rearch Question and Significance
爱情英文Clearly state the rearch question that the study will address. State how your rearch is innovative, how your proposal looks at a topic from a fresh point of
view, or develops or improves project management tools, process,
Very briefly, embed your rearch question in the context of the rearch area that led to the proposal. Focud, relevant literature will be critically analyzed in
Section 3 below.
Demonstrate how the rearch will increa knowledge in the field and will improve the practice of project management.
PMI Sponsored Rearch Program 1
2. Specific
The specific aims are the objectives of the rearch project—what you intend to accomplish by the clo of the project. They are clear, focud, conci
证明范本statements that elaborate on or “unpack” the rearch question.
The aims should flow directly from the rearch question, and the
methodology ud in the study should relate directly to the aims.
The project should have no more than four specific aims.
3. Literature
Relevant Literature. In this ction, demonstrate not only knowledge of relevant strands of literature but also a critical asssment of them with up-to-
date references. U this ction to show existing gaps or discrepancies in
knowledge within the area of your rearch. In some cas the proposal
reprents a completely new direction or line of rearch, while in others it is
part of a continuing program in an area in which the investigator has been
engaged. If the propod project is part of an ongoing program of rearch
for which you have already done a full literature review, summarize the
literature in this ction. If you intend only to update the literature as part of
the current proposal, demonstrate that the baline literature review is
actually complete, and append the full review as an Appendix to the proposal.
Preliminary Studies. If previous work has been undertaken (e.g., pilot or exploratory study, pha I rearch), summarize the results in this ction. If
you have an existing questionnaire (one that has been ud in a pilot or on-
going study relevant to this proposal) mention it here and provide details in
the ction, “Data Collection Methods.” If you plan to u the questionnaire
in the propod study, attach it as an Appendix. Explain the relationship
between your earlier study(ies) and the propod rearch.
4. Methodology
Rearch Design/General Methodological Approach. In this ction, provide an overview of the rearch design, including a summary of the
methods of procedures and a justification for the approach.
Methods of Procedure. In this ction be specific about the procedures that will be ud in the study
Sample Size and Description – If the project encompass survey
rearch, include the type of sample, target and expected number of
survey respondents, the source of respondents, stratification variables,
etc. If ca studies are propod, provide number of cas, interviews per
ca, source of respondents, number, type, and length of interviews
within strata, etc. Describe significant sampling characteristics (e.g. job
titles/positions), location, types of industries/organizations, methods of
access, etc.
PMI Sponsored Rearch Program 2
Data Collection Methods – detail precily how the data will be
collected. If an existing questionnaire will be ud, describe its relevance
to the propod study, how it has been ud in the past and cite its
source; if a pilot questionnaire has been developed and ud by the
investigators in a preliminary study, attach it as an appendix; if an original
questionnaire will be developed, provide an outline of the propod data
categories in which questions will be constructed. For interviews, provide
a draft of the propod interview schedule(s) including, at minimum, the
list of topical data categories that will be addresd.
5. Data Analysis Plan
Describe how both quantitative and qualitative data will be analyzed. For
example, how will field notes from interviews and the contents of documents be
managed, analyzed, and interpreted? What types of statistical techniques will be
applied to the data? Justify the analysis plan that is lected.
6. Deliverables and Methods of Dismination
Format the ction on Deliverables, using the frame of the chart below. (The
information on the chart below is an example only.) Narrative can further explain
planned methods of dismination.
蓄电池十大名牌Type Planned Target/ Site/Outlet Planned Date
Prentation PMI Rearch Conference July 2010
Journal article Academy of Management Review December 2010
2011 Rearch Manuscript PMI July
7. Project Time Frame and Schedule of Activities
Format the project’s timeline and schedule of activities, using the frame of the
chart below. Detail the methods of procedure, including activities related to both
quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. The sample charts contain
examples of steps that might be included. Be specific.
Methods of Procedure Planned Start Planned
1. Complete literature review Jan 10 Apr 10
2. Identify Sampling Frame Jan 10 Feb 10
3. Sample Selection Feb 10 Feb 28
4. Draft Instruments and Protocols
5. Pilot Testing of Questionnaires
6. Revision of Instruments
7. Survey Administration
8. Data Analysis
9. Report Writing
PMI Sponsored Rearch Program 3
Methods of Procedure Planned Start Planned Finish
1. Complete Literature Review Jan 10 Apr 10
个人储蓄2. Selection of Cas Feb 1 Feb 15
3. Develop interview schedules/protocols Jan 15 Mar 1
4. Field rearch – conduct interviews
5. Document Review -gather documents
6. Shaping rearch questions/propositions
7. Content Analysis of Documents
8. Content Analyze Interviews
8. Project Budget
Display the project budget using the template below. (Data in the chart are only examples.) In the “Other Expen” category, list items such as travel associated
with data collection, travel to conferences, supplies, etc.
Description U Source Amount Amount Source Amount Server Web
University K$ 1.2
Description U Source Amount Amount Source Amount Web sphere KM tool K$ 10
Name Role in
Source Amount Amount Source Amount Project
PMI Sponsored Rearch Program 4
Type Source Amount Amount Source Amount Travel
9. Project Team
List names, title, affiliations, detail role on the project, and field of specialization on template and attach CVs/résumés as an Appendix. Include all team
members, including consultants.
Area of Specialization
Name Title Affiliation Role on the
10. Bibliography/Works Cited
In this ction include references only for tho works cited in the proposal.
PMI’s editorial guidelines adhere to the system of grammar, usage and
documentation outlined in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association (APA 5th Edition). Plea refer to this source for specific formatting
and style information, not addresd elwhere on the PMI Sponsored Rearch
APPENDICES (not counted in 10 page proposal limit)
The following items are required appendices to the proposal.
CVs of key project staff, including principle investigator, co-principle investigators and consultants
Verification that the study has been submitted to the applicant’s Institutional Review Board/Ethics Committee for review regarding rearch with human
Name of and contact information for the Grants Administrator at the University of the principal investigator.
If stated previously that the literature review is complete or that an existing questionnaire will be ud in the study, attach as an Appendix.
PMI Sponsored Rearch Program 5