Anjan Chatterjee从进化心理学和认知神经科学的角度研究了一个自然的最迷人的概念:美。为什么某些线、颜色和形状的的构造组合,会带给我们一种美的感受?他将深入我们的大脑,探寻这背后的科学原因。下面是小编为大家收集关于TED英语演讲:你如何判断什么是美,欢迎借鉴参考。
演说题目:How your brain decides what is beautiful
演说者:Anjan Chatterjee
It's 1878. Sir Francis Galton gives aremarkable talk. He's speaking to the anthropologic institute of Great Britainand Ireland. Known for his pioneering work in human intelligence, Galton is abrilliant polymath. He's an explorer, an anthropologist, a sociologist, apsychologist and a statistician. He's also a eugenist.
皇帝的英文1878 年,弗朗西斯高尔顿爵士 做了一场非凡的演说。演说的对象是英国 与爱尔兰的人类学机构。高尔顿以他在人类智慧领域的先驱工作闻名,他是个博学的人。他是个探险家、是个
蓬莱松In this talk, heprents a new technique by which he can combine photographs and producecomposite portraits. This technique could be ud to characterize differenttypes of people. Galton thinks that if he combines photographs of violentcriminals, he will discover the face of criminality. But to his surpri, thecomposite portrait that he produces is beautiful.
在那场演说中,他展示了一项新技术,他可以把照片结合产生出复合的肖像。这项技术可以用来 描绘不同类型人的特色。高尔顿认为,如果他可以把 暴力罪犯的照片结合起来,他也许就能够发现罪犯的面貌。但,出乎他意料,他制作出的复合肖像竟然很美。
Galton's surprising finding rais deep questions:What is beauty? Why do certain configurations of line and color and form exciteus so? For most of human history, the questions have been approached usinglogic and speculation. But in the last few decades, scientists have addresdthe question of beauty using ideas from evolutionary psychology and tools ofneuroscience. We're beginning to glimp the why and the how of
beauty, atleast in terms of what it means for the human face and form. And in theprocess, we're stumbling upon some surpris.
荷叶母亲教案高尔顿的意外发现,带出了更深的问题: 美,到底是什么? 为什么将线条、颜色、形式 做某些配置之后就能感动我们? 在大部份的人类史上,人们都用逻辑和推测来处理这些问题。但在最近几十年,科学家在处理关于美的问题时,用的是来自演化心理学的想法 以及神经科学的工具。我们开始研究美的定义与成因,至少对脸部及外型 已经开始有了审美的概念。在过程中,我们偶然发现了一些惊喜。
When it comes to eing beauty in eachother, while this decision is certainly subjective for the individual, it'ssculpted by factors that contribute to the survival of the group. Manyexperiments have shown that a few basic parameters contribute to what makes aface attractive. The include averaging, symmetry and the effects of hormones.Let's take each one of the in turn.
谈到互看顺眼时,对个人而言,其审美标准 绝对是主观的,原因是因为这样对 团体的生存有所贡献。许多实验都显示,有几个基本参数与脸孔的吸引力有关。这些参数包括大众脸
Galton's finding that composite or averagefaces are typically more attractive than each individual face that contributes tothe average has been replicated many times. This laboratory finding fits withmany people's intuitions. Average faces reprent the central tendencies of agroup. People with mixed features reprent different populations, andpresumably harbor greater genetic diversity and adaptability to theenvironment. Many people find mixed-race individuals attractive and inbredfamilies less so.
高尔顿发现,混血儿或有大众脸的人 通常比一般单一血种的后代 更具吸引力。这个实验室的发现,与许多人的直觉不谋而合。一般人的面孔代表了一个团体的主要倾向。有混血特征的人,代表着不同的族群,也被认定有着更高的 基因多样性、以及对环境的适应力。许多人觉得混血儿的脸孔 是较有吸引力的,而近亲交配的家庭就比较没吸引力。
The cond factor that contributes tobeauty is symmetry. People generally find symmetric faces more attractive thanasymmetric ones. Developmental abnormalities are often associated withasymmetries. And in plants, animals and humans, asymmetries often aris
怎么发邮箱给别人e fromparasitic infections. Symmetry, it turns out, is also an indicator of health.
与美有关的第二个因子是对称性。一般来说,人们觉得对称的面孔 比不对称的更有吸引力。不正常的成长通常都与不对称有关。植物、动物、及人类,造成不对称的原因通常是受到寄生虫的感染。因此,对称性 也是健康的指标。
In the 1930s, a man named Maksymilian Faktorowicz recognized the importance ofsymmetry for beauty when he designed the beauty micrometer. With this device,he could measure minor asymmetric flaws which he could then make up for withproducts he sold from his company, named brilliantly after himlf, Max Factor,which, as you know, is one of the world's most famous brands for "makeup."
在 1930 年代,有个叫蜜斯米兰佛陀维兹的人,当时他在设计美容校准仪时,体认到对称性对于美的重要性,有了这个仪器,他可以测量出微小的对称瑕疵,接着他就可以用他公司所贩卖的产品来补救,并很聪明地把他的名字取其谐音 作为公司的名称,蜜丝佛陀,各位应该知道,它是世界知名的 化妆品公司之一。
The third factor that contributes to facialattractiveness is the effect of hormones. And here, I need to apologize forconfining my comments to heteroxual norms. But estrogen and testosterone playimportant roles in shaping features that we find attractive. Estrogen producesfeatures that signal fertility.
与脸部吸引力有关的第三个因子是 荷尔蒙的影响力。在此我得道个歉,因为我的意见 仅限于异性恋的标准上。但在形成被我们认为有吸引力的那些特征上,雌激素和睪丸素扮演了重要的角色。雌激素产生的特征会传达出生育力。
Men typically find women attractive who haveelements of both youth and maturity. A face that's too baby-like might meanthat the girl is not yet fertile, so men find women attractive who have largeeyes, full lips and narrow chins as indicators of youth, and high cheekbones asan indicator of maturity.