有很多人还不了解3D打印笔是什么, 3D打印笔具有立体作画功能的画笔,利用PLA、ABS塑料材质,3D打印笔可以在任何表面“书写”,甚至可以直接在空气中作画。它无需电脑或电脑软件支持。你只要把它插上电,等一等就可以开始你的奇妙创作。如果你能够空气中任意舞动你的手指,你会无师自通3D打印笔。它基于3d打印,挤出热融的塑料,然后在空气中迅速冷却,最后固化成稳定的状态。赋予了您无尽的创造力。只要几个小时的练习,你便能够描画出惊人的绚烂。
1. 接通输出功率是5V 2A的电源(可以是移动电源或者是5V2A的手机插头,直接插电脑都可以),电源指示灯亮黄色;
1. Connected the 3D pen's power who output power is 5V 2A(may be the mobile power supply or 5V2A mobile phone plug, even can connect to USB by computer), the power indicator lights yellow and can be ud normally.
运动场上2. 单击进丝键,加热指示灯亮红色,开始预加热;
2. Click the filament enter button, the heating indicator lights red, and begin to heat up.
3. 加热指示灯变为绿色,预加热完成,单击进丝键,并将耗材加入进/退料口;3. The heating indicator turns green. Pre heating is completed. Click on the filament enter button and add filament to the inport / outport.
4. 耗材挤出出料口,开始作画;公司年度总结报告
4. Filament extrudes the outlet, begin painting.
5. 3D打印笔进丝/退丝过程中,单击任意按键暂停,再次单击进丝/退丝继续;
5. When 3D Print pen enters / returns the filament, click any button to pau, click again, the pen continues to work.
6. 单击退丝键,耗材自动退出进/退料口;
6. Click the filament ruturn button, the filament automatically withdraws from the inport / outport.
7. 在使用3D打印笔过程中,无论是续丝还是换丝,我们都要保证耗材端部的平整性;
7. We have to ensure the loading port smooth filaments,whether loading or unloading the material in the process of using the 3D pen.
正确 错误 错误
1. 此设备适用于8岁以上儿童和成人使用。儿童需要在成人监护下方可使用。
This equipment is suitable for children over 8 years of age and adult u. Children need to be ud in the adult guardianship.
2. 此设备前段笔尖及附近为高温危险区域,严禁用手触摸或用笔尖触碰其他物品。专利收费标准一览表
The equipment for high temperature near the anterior tip and dangerous region, therefore no pen touch other objects by hand touch.
3. 严禁用异物塞入进料孔。
It is strictly prohibited to u foreign body into the feed hole.
4. 该设备为精密电子仪器,请勿水淋。
The equipment for precision electronic instruments, do not water.
5. 使用后请放置于安全位置,以防高空跌落或儿童触摸。
Plea put it in a safe place, to prevent falling from high altitude or the children touch.