THE CIVIL CODE Of The Arab Republic Of Egypt
In Ca Of Any Discrepancy, The Arabic Version Of This Law Shall Prevail
分手如何复合Section I Laws and their Applications
1. Laws and Right
Article 1
Provisions of laws govern all matters to which the provisions apply in letter or spirit.
In the abnce of a provision of a law that is applicable, the Judge will decide accord
ing to custom and in the abnce of custom in accordance with the principles of Moslem Law. In the abnce of such principles, the Judge will apply the principles of natural justice and the rules of equity.
powArticle 2
A provision of a law can only be repealed by a subquent law expressly providing for such repeal, or containing a provision inconsistent with a provision of the former law or regulating anew a matter previously regulated by a former law.
Article 3
Periods of limitation will be calculated according to the Gregorian calendar, unless expressly provided otherwi by a law.
Article 4
A person legitimately exercising his rights is not responsible for prejudice resulting thereby.
Article 5
晓出净慈送林子方The exerci of a right is considered unlawful in the following cas:
数学导数公式a) if the sole aim thereof is to harm another person;
b) if the benefit it is desired to realize is out of proportion to the harm caud thereby to another person;
c) if the benefit it is desired to realize is unlawful.
2. The Application of Laws
爱德华王子岛Conflicts of Law as to Time
Article 6
Legislative provisions as regards the legal capacity of a person are applicable to all persons who fulfill the conditions embodied in such provisions.
When a person, who was deemed to posss legal capacity in accordance with the provisions of a former law, becomes legally incapable in accordance with the provisions of a new law, such legal incapacity does not affect the validity of acts previously done by him.
Article 7
New legislative provisions as regards prescription apply from such time as they come into force in all cas in which the period of prescription has not been completed.
Former legislative provisions however, apply as regards the date of commencement of prescription, its suspension and its interruption in respect of the period prior to the application of the provisions of the new law.
Article 8
When the new law provides for a period of prescription shorter than the period pro
vided for in the former law, the new period will apply from the date the new law came into force, even if the old period of prescription has already commenced to run.
If, however, the remaining period still to run under the former law is shorter than that fixed by the new law, the prescription shall be completed upon the expiry of such remaining period.
Article 9
Proof established in advance is governed by provisions of the law in force at the time when the proof was established or at the time when such proof should have been established.
Conflicts of Law as to Place
Article 10
Egyptian law will rule to determine the nature of a legal relationship in order to ascertain the law applicable in the event of a conflict between various laws in any particular suit.
Article 11
The status and the legal capacity of persons are governed by the law of the country to which they belong by reason of their nationality. If, however, in a transaction of a pecuniary nature, concluded and having effect in Egypt, one of the parties is a foreigner without legal capacity and such lack of capacity is due to a reason that is not apparent and which cannot be easily detected by the other party, this reason has no effect on his legal capacity.
The legal status of foreign juristic persons such as companies, associations, foundations, or others, is subject to the law of the State in who territory such juristic persons have established their actual principal at of management. If, however, a juristic person carries on its principal activities in Egypt, Egyptian law
will be applied.
Article 12
The fundamental conditions relating to the validity of marriage are governed by the (national) law of each of the two spous.
Article 13
The effects of marriage, including its effects upon the property of the spous, are regulated by the law of the country to which the husband belongs at the time of conclusion of the marriage.
Repudiation of marriage is governed by the law of the country to which the husband belongs at the time of repudiation, whereas divorce and paration are governed by the law of the country to which the husband belongs at the time of the commencement of the legal proceedings.