走红 go viral/gain stream
人脸识别技术 facial recognition technology
生物识别技术 biological recognition technology
脸部特征 facial features
身份识别 identity recognition
移动支付 mobile payment
停车管理 parking management
垃圾分类 garbage classification/sorting
干垃圾、dry garbage
湿垃圾(厨余垃圾) wet garbage (kitchen waste)
可回收物以及有害垃圾recyclables and hazardous waste
新兴国家 emerging countries
专用存款账户 special deposit account
个人银行结算账户 personal ttlement account
运营企业不得挪用 companies may not misappropriate deposit funds
押金最长退还期限 the maximum period for deposit refund
运营企业不得拒绝、拖延退还 companies should not refu or delay refunding
防范用户资金出现风险 prevent risk to urs' money
加强用户权益保障 strengthen protection of their rights and interests
交通运输新业态 emerging forms of transportation
促进交通运输新业态健康稳步发展 promote the healthy and stable development of emerging forms of transportation
网络预约出租汽车 online taxi-hailing水是什么颜色的
共享单车” bike sharing
瓶盖挑战bottle cap challenge
摔跤之星挑战 falling stars challenge
侧颜挑战 side face challenge
金融的英语米桶挑战 rice bucket challenge
武术巨星 martial arts superstar
终极格斗锦标赛 Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC)
终极格斗锦标赛现役羽量级冠军 current UFC Featherweight champion
自动检票机 automatic fare-collection gate
脸部信息 facial information
对识别准确度和安全性没有影响 accuracy and curity of the recognition process won't be compromid
北京比基尼 Beijing bikini
把T恤撩到肚子以上来降温 roll their T-shirts up above their bellies to cool down
提升城市形象 promote the image of the city
对"公共场所衣着不整行为"展开集中整治 crack down on improper dressing in public places
插队 jumping queues
不文明遛狗 uncivilized dog walking
文明行为 civilized behavior
严禁在公共场所打赤膊 ban people from going shirtless in a public place
汛期 flooding ason
强降雨 heavy downpours
黄河上游 the upper reaches of the Yellow River
超过警戒流量 exceeded the warning/alarm level月亮的知识
长江中下游 the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River
平均降雨量 average precipitation
还将有两轮强降雨 there will be two more rounds of heavy rain
基本生活保障 basic living allowances
民政部 the Ministry of Civil Affairs
抚养费 child-rearing fees
符合所有人的利益 rve the interests of all the people
撤销监护人监护资格 revoke guardianship of parents
未成年人权益 minor's rights and interests
未成年人身心健康 physical and mental health of youngsters
天上有什么大力推进素质教育 strive to promote well-rounded education
提高义务教育质量 improve the quality of compulsory education
教育体制改革reform of the education system
现代教育体系modern education system
学生减负 reduce students' excessive academic burden
培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人 foster a new generation of young people who have all-round moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetical grounding with a hard-working spirit
实体经济 real economy
自主创新 independent innovation
消防征文创新发展主动权 the initiative of innovative development
转变政府职能transform government functions
简政放权streamline administration and delegate powers
服务型政府rvice-oriented government
史前稻作文明 prehistoric rice-cultivating civilization
早期城市文明的杰出范例 an outstanding example of early urban civilization
中华文明 Chine civilization
世界遗产名录 World Heritage List
传统文化教育 traditional culture education
边城经典句子良渚古城遗址 the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City
对生产销售假劣疫苗的,设置严厉处罚 toughen penalties on producing and lling fake or substandard vaccines
义不容辞之责 a bounden responsibility
要始终把人民群众的身体健康放在首位 The people's health should always be a top priority
完善我国疫苗管理体制 improve the country's vaccine management system
全力保障群众切身利益和社会安全稳定大局 utmost efforts should be made to protect the people's interests and social curity and stability
全过程监管 whole-process supervision