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Content Uniformity
The test for Content Uniformity is bad on the assay of the individual content of drug substance(s) in a number of individual dosage units to determine whether the individual content is within the limits t. The Content Uniformity method may be applied in all cas. The test for 写事作文400字Content Uniformity is required for tho dosage forms described in (C1)–(C6) below:
(C1) coated tablets, other than film-coated tablets containing 25 mg or more of a drug substance that compris 25% or more (by weight) of one tablet.
(C2) transdermal systems
(C3) suspensions or emulsions or gels in single-unit containers or in soft capsules that are intended for systemic administration only (not for tho drug products that are intended for topical administration);
(C4) inhalations (other than solutions for inhalation packaged in glass or plastic ampuls and intended for u in nebulizers) packaged in premetered dosage units. For inhalers and premetered dosage units labeled for u with a named inhalation device, also e Aerosols, Nasal Sprays, Metered-Do Inhalers, and Dry Powder Inhalers <601>
懊丧是什么意思(C5) solids (including sterile solids) that are packaged in single-unit containers and that contain active or inactive added substances, except that the test for Weight Variation may be applied in the special cas stated in (W3) below; and
(C6) suppositories
Select not fewer than 30 units, and proceed as follows for the dosage form designated. Where the amount of drug substance in a single dosage unit differs from that required in the Assay, adjust the degree of dilution of the solutions and/or the volume of aliquots so that the concentration of the drug substances in the final solution is of the same order as that obtained in the Assay procedure; or, in the ca of a titrimetric assay, u a titrant of a different concentration, if necessary, so that an adequate volume of titrant is required (e Titrimetry <541>); e also Procedures under Tests and Assays in the General Notices and Requirements. If any such modifications are made in the Assay procedure t forth in the individual monograph, make the appropriate corresponding changes in the calculation formula and titration factor.
Where a special Procedure for content uniformity is specified in the test for Uniformity of dosage units in the individual monograph, make any necessary correction of the results obtained as follows.
1.Prepare a composite specimen of a sufficient number of dosage units to provide the amount of specimen called for in the Assay in the individual monograph plus the amount required for the special Procedure for content uniformity in the monograph by finely powdering tablets or mixing the contents of capsules or oral solutions, suspensions, emulsions, gels, or solids in single-unit containers to obtain a homogeneous mixture. If a homogeneous mixture cannot be obtained in this manner, u suitable solvents or other procedures to prepare a solution containing all of the drug substance, and u appropriate aliquot portions of this solution for the specified procedures.
2.Assay parate, accurately measured portions of the composite specimen of capsules or tablets or suspensions or inhalations or solids in single-unit containers, both (a) as directed in the Assay, and (b) using the special Procedure for content uniformity in the monograph.
3.Calculate the weight of drug substance equivalent to 1 average dosage unit, by (a) using the results obtained by the Assay procedure, and by (b) using the results obtained by the special procedure.
Calculate the correction factor, F, by the formula:
F = W/P
in which W is the weight of drug substance equivalent to 1 average dosage unit obtained by the Assay procedure, and P is the weight of drug substance equivalent to 1 average dosage unit obtained by the special procedure. If
is greater than 10, the u of a correction factor is not valid.
5.The correction factor is to be applied only if F is not less than 1.030 nor greater than 1.100, or not less than 0.900 nor greater than 0.970. If F is between 0.970 and 1.030, no correction is required.
6.00 and 0.970, calculate the weight of drug substance in each dosage unit by multiplying each of the weights found using the special procedure by F.
Uncoated, Coated, or Molded Tablets, Capsules, Oral Solutions in Unit-Do Containers, Suspensions or Emulsions or Gels in Single-Unit Containers (that are intended for systemic administration only), and Solids (including Sterile Solids) in Single-Unit Containers— Assay 10 units individually as directed in the Assay in the individual monograph, unless otherwi specified in the Procedure for content uniformity in the individual monograph. Calculate the acceptance value as directed below.
For oral solutions in unit-do containers, and for suspensions, emulsions, or gels in single-unit containers that are intended for systemic administration only, conduct the Assay on the amount of well-mixed material that drains from an individual container in not more than 5 conds, or for highly viscous products, conduct the Assay on the amount of well-mixed material that is obtained by quantitatively removing the contents from an individual container, and express the results as the delivered do.
Calculation of Acceptance Value— Calculate the acceptance value by the formula:
Suppositories, Transdermal Systems, and Inhalations Packaged in Premetered Dosage Units— [note—Acceptance value calculations are not required for the dosage forms.] Assay 10 units individually as directed in the Assay in the individual monograph, unless otherwi specified in the Procedure for content uniformity.
(C1) 包衣片,除了含有25mg或更多原料药的薄膜包衣片,其原料药组成占了片剂总重的25%。
(C2) 经皮系统
(C3) 单个剂量包装的或用仅于全身给药(而不是局部给药)的软胶囊包装的混悬剂或乳剂或凝胶剂。
(C4) 包装于单位计量进过事先测量的过吸入剂(除了包装于玻璃或塑料安瓿中用于喷雾的溶液剂)。对于标签上标注需要使用到指定的吸入器的吸入剂和事先测量过单位剂量,可参见喷雾器,鼻喷雾器,定量吸入剂和干粉吸入剂<601>。
(C5) 包装于单个剂量容器中固体(包括无菌固体),含有活性或无活性的添加剂,除了重量差异的测试中可以应用于(W3)所列举的特殊情况。
(C6) 栓剂
F = W/P
P 通过特殊测试法中得到的指相当于平均单剂量的药物重量。如果:
对于仅用于系统全身给药的单剂量包装中的口服液体制剂,以及单剂量包装的混悬剂、乳剂或凝胶剂, 在进行测定时,从单独容器中滤干得到充分混匀的物料的含量测定不得超过5s。高粘度的产品在进行含量测定时,定量的转移单个容器中的内容物来得到混合均匀的无聊进行含量测定,所得到的结果为可转移的剂量。
Weight Variation
The test for Weight Variation is applicable for the following dosage forms:
(W1) solutions for inhalation that are packaged in glass or plastic ampuls and intended for u in nebulizers, and oral solutions packaged in unit-do containers and into soft capsules;
(W2) solids (including sterile solids) that are packaged in single-unit containers and contain no added substances, whether active or inactive;
(W3) solids (including sterile solids) that are packaged in single-unit containers, with or without added substances, whether active or inactive, that have been prepared from true solutions and freeze-dried in the final containers and are labeled to indicate this method of preparation; and
(W4) hard capsules, uncoated tablets, or film-coated tablets, containing 25 mg or more of a drug substance comprising 25% or more, by weight, of the dosage unit or, in the ca of hard capsules, the capsule contents, except that uniformity of other drug substances prent in lesr proportions is demonstrated by meeting Content Uniformity requirements.
(W1) 包装于玻璃或塑料安瓿睡眠养生中用于喷雾吸入的溶液剂,和包装于单位剂量容器中与软胶囊中口服给药溶液剂。
(W2) 包装于单个剂量容器中的固体(包括无菌固体),不含有添加剂,无论是活性的还是无活性的。
(W3) 包装于单个剂量的容器中含有或不含有添加物质的固体(包括无菌固体),添加物质可以具有活性也可以是无活性的。固体制剂通过真溶液和在最终容器中冻干进行制备,并且标签中指定了此种制备方法。
(W4) 硬胶囊,未包衣片或薄膜包衣片,含有25mg或更多的原料药,原料药占剂量单位重量的的25%或更多,胶囊的内容物。其它比例更少的原料药均匀度需要证明其符合含量均匀度要求。
The test for Content Uniformity is required for all dosage forms not meeting the above conditions for the Weight Variation test.
Where compliance with the Content Uniformity test is required, then, by application of the provision for u of alternative methods provided in the General Notices ction of this Pharmacopeia, it is possible for manufacturers to ensure this compliance by application of the Weight Variation test where the concentration relative standard deviation (RSD) of the drug substance in the final dosage units is not more than 2%. This RSD determination may be bad on the manufacturer's process validation and product development data. The concentration RSD is the RSD of the concentration per dosage unit (w/w or w/v), where concentration per dosage unit equals the assay result per dosage unit divided by the individual dosage unit weight. See the RSD formula in Table 2. Where the Weight Variation test is ud in this way, the product must, if tested, nevertheless comply with the official compendial test for Content Uniformity.
Select not fewer than 30 dosage units, and proceed as follows for the dosage form designated. The result of the Assay, obtained as directed in the individual monograph, is designated as result A, expresd as % of label claim (e Calculation of Acceptance Value). Assume that the concentration (weight of drug substance per weight of dosage unit) is uniform. [note—Specimens other than the test units may be drawn from the same batch for assay determinations.]
Uncoated or Film-Coated Tablets— Accurately weigh 10 tablets individually. Calculate the drug substance content, expresd as % of label claim, of each tablet from the weight of the individual tablet and the result of the Assay. Calculate the acceptance value.
Hard Capsules— Accurately weigh 10 capsules individually, taking care to prerve the identity of each capsule. Remove the contents of each capsule by a suitable means. Accurately weigh the emptied shells individually, and calculate for each capsule the net weight of its contents by subtracting the weight of the shell from the respective gross weight. Calculate the drug substance content, expresd as % of label claim, of each capsule from the net weight of the individual capsule content and the result of the Assay. Calculate the acceptance value.
Soft Capsules— Accurately weigh 10 intact capsules individually to obtain their gross weights, taking care to prerve the identity of each capsule. Then cut open the capsules by means of a suitable clean, dry cutting instrument such as scissors or a sharp open blade, and remove the contents by washing with a suitable solvent. Allow the occluded solvent to evaporate from the shells at room temperature over a period of about 30 minutes, taking precautions to avoid uptake or loss of moisture. Weigh the individual shells, and calculate the net contents. Calculate the drug substance content, expresd as % of label claim, in each capsule from the net weight of product removed from the individual capsules and the result of the Assay. Calculate the acceptance value.
Solids (Including Sterile Solids) in Single-Unit Con tainers— Proceed as directed for Hard Capsules, treating each unit as described therein. Calculate the acceptance value.
Oral Solutions Packaged in Unit-Do Containers— Accurately weigh the amount of liquid that drains in not more than 5 conds from each of 10 individual containers. If necessary, compute the equivalent volume after determining the density. Calculate the drug substance content, expresd as % of label claim, in the liquid drained from each unit from the net weight of the individual container content and the result of the Assay. Calculate the acceptance value.
Calculation of Acceptance Value— Calculate the acceptance value as shown in Content Uniformity, except that the individual contents of the units are replaced with the individual estimated contents defined below.
χ1, χ2, , χn = individual estimated contents of the units tested, where χi = Wi ×A /
W1, W2, 日漫动漫 , Wn = individual weights of the units tested, for weight variation,
A = 调薪原因content of drug substance (% of label claim) determined as described in the Assay
W = mean of individual weight (W1, W2, , Wn) of the units ud in the Assay.
Solutions for Inhalation Packaged in Glass or Plastic Ampuls and Intended for U in Nebulizers— [note—Acceptance value calculations are not required for the dosage forms.] Accurately weigh 10 containers individually, taking care to prerve the identity of each container. Remove the contents of each container by a suitable means. Accurately weigh the emptied containers individually, and calculate for each container the net weight of its contents by subtracting the weight of the container from the respective gross weight. From the results of the Assay, obtained as directed in the individual monograph, calculate the drug substance content, expresd as % of label claim, in each of the containers.
当需要符合含量均匀度测试要求时,可以应用总体注意事项中替代方法的使用要求。在最终剂型单位的原料药浓度相对标准偏差不超过2%的情况下,生产商可以应用重量差异测试保证符合含量均匀度测试要求。RSD的测定可以根据生产商的过程验证和药物开发数据来确定。在每剂量单位浓度等于以按照重量划分的每剂量单位含量测定结果时,浓度RSD指的是每个剂量单位(w/w, 或w/v)的浓度的RSD。参见表2中RSD公式。当重量差异测试按照这种方法使用时,如果进行含量均匀度测试,产品必须符合官方药典中含量均匀度测试的要求。
χ1, χ2, , χn = 单个估算的供试品含量,其中χi = Wi ×A /
W1, W2, , Wn = 单个供试单位剂量的重量,作为重量差异
A = 原料药含量(相当于标示量的%),由含量测定中的方法测定
W = 单个供试品在含量测定中重量的平均值(W1, W2, , Wn
Uncoated, Coated, or Molded Tablets, Capsules, Oral Solutions in Unit-Do Containers, Suspensions or Emulsions or Gels in Single-Unit Containers (that are intended for systemic administration only), and Solids (including Sterile Solids) in Single-Unit Containers— The requirements for dosage uniformity are met if the acceptance value of the first 10 dosage units is less than or equal to L1%. If the acceptance value is greater than L1%, test the next 20 units, and calculate the acceptance value. The requirements are met if the final acceptance value of the 30 dosage units is less than or equal to L1%, and no individual content of any dosage unit is less than [1- (0.01)(L2)] M nor more than [1 + (0.01)(L2)] M as specified in the Calculation of Acceptance Value under Content Uniformity or under Weight Variation. Unless otherwi specified in the individual monograph, L1 is 15.0 and L2 is 25.0.
① 10个剂量单位药物的含量均匀度的AV值≤L1%则认为是符合要求。
② 如果AV值≥L1%,接下来测试20个剂量单位,计算AV值。如果以上测试过的30个剂量单位的AV值≤L1%,并且没有任何一个单位剂量少于[1- (0.01)(L2)] M,或大于[1 + (0.01)(L2)] M,则认为是符合要求。

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标签:含量   剂量   重量   测定   胶囊   单位   计算   包装
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