兵之书Sensitivity and Specificity of Cognitive and Functional Screening Instruments for Dementia: The Indo‐U.S. Dementia Epidemiology Study 期刊名称: Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
作者: Rajesh Pandav MBBS,Graham Ratcliff D Phil,MPH Mary Ganguli MD,Rajesh
Pandav,Mary Ganguli
年份: 2010年
期号: 第3期
关键词: aging;epidemiology;community study;population study;predictive
value;mental status
摘要:There is a shortage of adequate screening instruments for dementia in poorly educated populations and non–English-speaking groups. An epidemiological survey was conducted in a population-bad, largely illiterate, sample of 5,126丧事四言八句顺口溜
人活一世individuals aged 55 and older in 28 villages in the rural community of Ballabgarh in northern India. All participants were administered a general mental status test, the Hindi Mental State Examination (HMSE), and a brief battery of neuropsychological tests. Their informants answered a questionnaire asssing functional ability, the
Everyday Abilities Scale for India (EASI). Six hundred thirty-two participants
underwent clinical diagnostic evaluation for dementia. We investigated whether the nsitivity, specificity, and predictive value for dementia of the mental status test
could be improved by 神话传说故事