2401 | buy off | 出钱摆脱、向……行贿、收买 | buy off the opposition buy off justice buy off the judge buy off the customs offcers |
2402 | off balance | 不平衡 | The impact of the blow knocked him off balance.(猛击) She run so fast that she was off balance. An unexpected hole in the road caught him off balance. |
2403 | size up | 估量、估计 | size up the situation size up problems He sized up the situation at a glance.(一眼) |
2404 | impress | vt.留下深刻印象、使意识到、使钦佩、使铭记、盖印 n.印记 | impress the audience impress the boss as a diligent employee(adj.勤奋的) | 上风处
2405 | impression | n.印象、感想、盖印、压痕 | strengthen the impression(加深印象) the initial impression(第一印象) leave a good impression on interviewers(给面试官们留下好印象) |
2406 | odds and ends | 零星杂物、琐碎物品 | I will buy some odds and ends at that store. She pieced together odds and ends of cloth. I threw away a few odds and ends. |
2407 | price | n.价格、价钱、代价 白萝卜排骨汤vt.定价、标价 | rai the price of hous knock the percent off the price Prices jumped by 60% last year. |
2408 | hold off | 推迟、拖延、阻止、抵挡住 | His cold manner holds people off.(n.举止、态度) hold off the enemy's attack hold off the decision The rain will hold off till evening. |
2409 | appreciate | vt.欣赏、赏识、感谢、感激、正确评价、理解、意识到 vi.增值 | appreciate works of art appreciate LiBai's poems appreciate your concern(vt.n.关心、挂念) Your help was greatly appreciated. I appreciate your problem,but I can't help you.(我理解你的困难,但却爱莫能助) |
2410 | precious | adj.珍贵的、贵重的 | Time is more precious than money. Real friendship is very precious. Water is a precious resource. |
2411 | sign in | (使)签到、(使)登记 | Plea sign in before entering. All visitors must sign in on arrival. They signed in at the reception(接待处) dest. |
2412 | in no ca | 让梦想开花无论如何不、决不 | I will reveal your cret in no ca. In no ca should you forget your task. In ni ca shall you break the rule. |
2413 | on approval | 供试用的商品、包退包换的 | I nd this to you on approval. He bought the television t on approval. take the dress on approval(试穿裙子) The store offers us samples(样品) on approval. |
2414 | on loan | 出借的、暂借的 | I have the book on loan from the library. She has a piano on loan from her friend. The book you wanted is out on loan. |
2415 | out of stock | 无现货的、脱销的 | We are out of stock of this item. King size jacket is out of stock. The blue skirts are out of stock. |
2416 | sign on 奶源基地 | 签约雇用、签约受雇 | He signed on for another six years. He signed on as a sailor for three years. I'd like to sign on as cabin boy.(水手) |
2417 | drill | n.钻头、操练 v.钻、钻孔、打眼、操练 | drill into the wall bule drill drill for more oil 电热毯开关military drill fire drill股票的种类 She had lots of drills in listening. |
2418 | thrill | v.(使)激动、(使)兴奋 为自己奋斗n.激动、狂喜、恐惧 | The game thrilled the fans. I was thrilled by your news. Ggive somebody a big strill experience the thrill of the game |
2419古典文学 | grill | n.烤架、烧烤餐馆、烤肉、格板 n.烧烤、拷问 | Put the steak on the grill. clean the grill before starting a fire He spent the summer in a downtown grill. The bank clerk looks at others through the grill. I sometimes grill food outdoors on coals. He was grilled for two hours in police station. |
2420 | identify | vt.认出、鉴定、把……等同于 vi.认同、体会 | identify the customers identify the fake money identify the antique(古董) identify the object of this ntence identify the cau of the fire identify fault A witness identifies the criminal |
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