
更新时间:2023-06-11 11:31:48 阅读: 评论:0

Teaching Unit 1
*Greet the class(Good morning/afternoon/evening). 问候全班学生。
*Introduce yourlf(My name is ). 介绍自己。
*Find out the names of the students(What your name?). 询问学生姓名。
*Carry out the procedure suggested below. 按以下建议程序进行。
The meaning of instructions(Look! Listen! Open your books! etc.) should
be conveyed through gesture and mime. 用手势和摹拟表演来表示指令的含义。
Listening comprehension
1 Introduce the story 介绍故事
T:Today we'll listen to a story about a handbag.
2 Understand the situation 了解情景
Ask the students to look at the pictures and explain to you in Chine what they think is happening. Prompt the students in Chine if necessary.
3 Listening objective 听力训练目标
T:Listen to the story and e if you can answer this question: Who handbag is it?
4 Play the tape or read the dialogue 播放录音或朗读对话
Now play the tape or read the dialogue. The students listen without interruption and try to think of the answer to the question you t them.
5 Answer the question 回答问题
After the reading, ask the question: 朗读之后回:Who handbag is it?
Train students not to shout out the answer. Instead, ask one student, then ask the others to agree or disagree with a show of hands. 训练学生不集体回答;问一个学生,然后用手势问其他学生是同意还是不同意。
6 Intensive reading 精读
Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line to check the students understand. Convey the meaning of the text by referring to the pictures and by using gesture and mime. U English as much as possible.
Ask your best students to give you confirmatory translations in Chine of individual words and phras for the benefit of other students who haven't grasped the meaning.重放录音或重读对话,每行后稍稍停顿,检查学生是否理解。用书上的图片和手势、摹拟动作来表示课文的含义。尽可能多地使用英语。让学得好的学生将单词和短语译成中文,以照顾尚未理解词义的学生。
7 Play the tape or read the dialogue again 重放录音或重读对话
Play the tape or read the dialogue right through again. The students
listen only. This time, the students will understand it without difficulty.
8 Repetition 重复
Play the tape or read the dialogue again, pausing after every line, and ask the students to repeat(a) in chorus, (b) in small groups, and(c) individually. When conducting chorus and group repetition, make sure the students repeat all together after you give them a clear signal so the repetition isn't ragged:重放录音或重读对话,每行后停顿一下,让学生集体、小组和单个地重复;当集体和小组重复时,要求学生在看到你的明确信号后一起开始,以免参差不齐。
T:Excu me! (signal 教师给手势)Ss(all together 学生齐声说):Excu me! etc.
9 Reading aloud 大声朗读
Ask one or two students to take parts and to read the dialogue aloud.
Lesson 2
Number drill: Books Shut
(a)Chorus repetition 齐声重复
* Write the numbers 1-10(figures only)in numerical order on theblackboard. 将数字1 至10 写在黑板上。
* Give the instruction, 给指令Look at the blackboard!
*Say each number aloud as you point at it and get the class to repeat after you with the command, All together! Do this drill veral times. 指着每个数字大声朗读,然后说“All together!”让学生重复;多做几次。
(b)Group or individual repetition小组或个人重复
*Get small groups or individuals to repeat the numbers after you. 让小组或个人随你重复数字。(c)Chorus repetition齐声重复
*Era the numbers and write them again in non-numerical quence. 将数字擦去,打乱顺序重写。
*Say 比如说:3,7,5,2,6,1,10,4,8,9.
*Get the class to repeat each number after you. Do this drill veral times. 让全班随你重复每个数字;多做几次。
(d)Individual repetition个人重复
*Ask individual students to say aloud any number you point at. 让单个学生大声说出你所指的数字。
Repetition drill荨麻疹可以吃什么
(a)Chorus repetition 齐声重复
To elicit 引出:Is this your(pen)?
* Numerical quence.按图片顺序。
*Give the instructions 给指令Look at Lesson 2.Look and listen. Do not
* Play the examples on the tape.播放录音上的例子。
(1)Tape: Look at number1.
S:Is this your pen?
(2)T:Yes, it is. Number 2.
S:Is this your pencil?
(3)T:Yes, it is. Number 3.
S:Is this your book?
T:Yes, it is.
T:Now you ask the questions. Ready?
1 As in(1)above.
2 As in(2)above.
3 As in(3)above.
4 T:Yes, it is. Number 4.
S:Is this your watch?
5 T:Yes, it is. Number5.
S:Is this your coat?
6 T:Yes, it is. Number6.
S:Is this your dress?
7 T:Yes, it is. Number7.
S:Is this your skirt?
8 T:Yes, it is. Number 8.
S:Is this your shirt?
9 T:Yes, it is. Number 9.
S:Is this your car?
10 T:Yes, It is. Number 10.
S:Is this your hou?
T:Yes, it is.
(b)Group or individual repetition 小组或个人重复
*Non-numerical quence. 不按图片顺序。
*Ask small groups or individual students to repeat each question and affirmative tag answer on the tape. Drill all the vocabulary thoroughly.
9 Is this your car? 5 Is this your coat?
Yes, it is. 3 Is this your book?
4 Is this your watch? 8 Is this your shirt?
2 Is this your pencil? 1 Is this your pen?
7 Is this your skirt? 6 Is this your dress?
Pattern drill: Books open
*Illustrate each exerci first by providing the stimulus and the respon.
* Then, with the instruction Now you!, ask individual students to continue in the same way.然后,用“Now you!”的指令让学生按同样的方式继续这一练习。
(a)To elicit 引出:Yes, it is.
* Ask individual students questions in the following way.用以下方式向学生提问。
T:Mr./Mrs./Ms. Look at number4. Is this your watch?(Give cue by nodding.
S:Yes, it is. etc.
(b)To elicit 引出:Is this your(pen)?
* Elicit questions from individual students with call words.用提示的词引导学生发问。
T:Mr./Mrs./Ms. Look at number1. your pen.
S:Is this your pen?
T:Yes, it is. etc.
(c)To elicit 引出:Is this your pen? Yes, it is.
* Get individual students to ask each other questions and provide answersin the following way.用以下方法引导学生相互提问并回答。
T:Mr. ask Ms. .(Convey the meaning of ask by gesture.用手势引导
学生提问。)Number 9.
S1: Is this your car?
S2: Yes, it is.
T:Ms. ask Mrs. Number 6.
S2: Is this your dress?
Teaching Unit2
Lesson 3
Content and basic aims
*Greet the class(Good morning/afternoon/evening).问候全班学生。
*Carry out the procedure suggested below, as outlined in Teaching Unit
1.按下列原第1 单元所列的程序进行。
The meaning of instructions(Look!Listen.Open your books! etc.)should be conveyed through gesture and mime. 用手势和摹拟表演来表示指令的含义。
Listening comprehension
1 Introduce the story 介绍故事
我了解的机器人T:Today we'll listen to a story about an umbrella.
2 Understand the situation 了解情景
Ask the students to look at the pictures and explain to you in Chine what they think is happening. Prompt the students in Chine if necessary. 要求学生看图,并用中文解释图中表示的动作,必要时可用中文给学生提示。
3 Listening objective 听力训练目标
T:Listen to the story and e if you can answer this question: Does the man get his umbrella back?
4 Play the tape or read the dialogue 播放录音或朗读对话
Now play the tape or read the dialogue. The students listen without interruption and try to think of the answer to the question you t them. 播放录音或朗读对话。学生不停顿地听录音,准备回答教师提的问题。
触摸屏笔记本5 Answer the question 回答问题
After the reading, ask the question:朗读之后问:Does the man get his umbrella back? Train students not to shout out the answer. Instead, ask one student, then ask the others to agree or disagree with a show of hands 训练学生不集体回答;问一个学生,然后用手势问其他学生是

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标签:学生   录音   对话   回答   训练
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