——In her face were too sharply blended the delicate features of her mother, a Coast aristocrat of French descent, and the heavy ones of her florid Irish father.
1.Delicate a.娇嫩的,精巧的,易碎的,脆弱的
2.Sharply ad.锋利地,剧烈地 Sharp a. 锋利的,尖的 Sharpen v. 变锐利,削尖
Sharpener n.削尖用的器具 Pencil sharpener 转笔刀
3.descent n
(课堂评价表a) [C usu sing 通常作单数] coming or going down 下来; 下去: The plane began its descent into Paris.飞机到巴黎开始降落. (b) [C] slope 斜坡: Here there is a gradual descent to the a.这里有个通向海的缓坡.
[U] origins; ancestry 出身; 血统; 祖先; 祖籍: of French descent, ie having French ancestors 祖籍法国 * He traces his descent from the Stuart kings.他的祖先可追溯至斯图亚特国王.
[C] ~(on/upon sb/sth)(fig 比喻) (a) attack 攻击; 袭击: the invaders' descent on the town 入侵者对该城的攻击. (b) unexpected or inconvenient visit 出乎意料的或不合时宜的到访: a sudden descent by tax officials 税务官员之突然到来.
[sing] change to behaviour that is low and unworthy 堕落: a sharp descent to violent abu 突然粗俗得破口大骂.
一个人的名字——Her new green flowered-muslin dress spread its twelve yards of billowing material over her hoops and exactly matched the flat-heeled green morocco slippers her father had recently brought her from Atlanta.
4.Material n.材料,原料
5.Spread v.延伸,展开
6.Slipper n.守候的人拖鞋
Slip 电子分频器n
[C常作单数] act of slipping; fal step 滑动; 滑倒; 失足:
One slip and you could fall off the cliff.脚下一滑就可能从悬崖上跌下去.
[C] minor error caud by carelessness or lack of attention 小错误; 小疏忽: make a slip失误 * There were a few trivial slips in the translation.译文中有几个小错误.
[C] thin or small piece of paper 纸条: a salary slip, ie giving details of earnings, tax paid, etc 薪金单(列有收入﹑ 税款等细节) * 水箱温度过高怎么办write a phone number on a slip of paper 把电话号码写在纸条上.
give sb the `slip(infml口) escape from or get away from (sb following or chasing one) 摆
脱或避开(尾随者或追逐者): We managed to give our pursuers the slip.我们设法甩掉了後面追来的人.
a `slip of a boy, girl, thing, child, etca slightly-built boy, etc 瘦削的男孩等: She's just a slip of a thing, but she can run faster than all of us.别看她那麽瘦, 跑起来比我们谁都快.
a slip of the `pen/`tongueminor error in writing/speech 笔误[口误]: A slip of the tongue made me say Robert instead of Richard.我说走了嘴把理查德说成了罗伯特. there's ,many a ,slip 'twixt (the) ,cup and (the) `lip(saying谚) things can easily go wrong before one gets what one wants, expects, hopes for, etc 事情往往会功败垂成: They think they'll win the election easily, but there's many a slip 'twixt cup and lip.他们以为能在选举中轻易取胜, 但事情往往会功败垂成.
——Nineteen years old, six feet two inches tall, long of bone and hard of muscle, with sunburned faces and deep auburn hair, their eyes merry 恶灵之泪and arrogant, their bodies clothed in identical blue coats and mustard-colored breeches, they were as much alike as two bolls of cotton.
7.Merry a.高兴的,愉快的
8.Sunburned a.晒黑的
9.Cotton n.棉花
—— And raising good cotton, riding well, shooting straight, dancing lightly, squiring the ladies with elegance and carrying one's liquor like a gentleman were the things that 校花与乞丐mattered.
10.Liquor n.酒 liquid n.液体 a.液体的
11.Elegance n.优雅 elegant a.优雅的
12.Matter vi.[I, Ipr] ~ (to sb)尤用於否定句和疑问句; 句中含what﹑ who﹑ where﹑ if等词, 通常以it作主语 be important 关系重大; 要紧
What does it matter (whether he comes or goes)?(他来也好去也好, )那有什麽关系?
* Some things matter more than others.有些事情更重要.
* Does it matter if we're a bit late?我们晚到一会儿有关系吗? * It doesn't matter to me what you do.你做什麽我都无所谓.
——In the accomplishments the twins excelled, and they were equally outstanding in their notorious inability to learn anything contained between the covers of books.
13.Accomplishment [U] successful completion 完成; 成功: celebrate the accomplishment of
one's objectives 庆祝大功告成.
[C] thing achieved 成就; 成绩.
[C] skill that can be learnt, esp in the social arts 才艺, 技艺, 教养(尤指社交): Dancing and singing were among her many accomplishments.她多才多艺, 能歌善舞. Accomplish v. 完成,实现
14.outstanding a.杰出的,突出的
15.Contain v.包含,包括,能容纳
Container n.容器
——It was for this preci reason that Stuart and Brent were idling on the porch of Tara this April afternoon.
16.Preci a.精确的
— He is kind of t on getting an education, and you two have pulled him out of the University of Virginia and Alabama and South Carolina and now Georgia. He'll never get finished at this rate.
17.Rate n.比率;(价值、费用或价格的)量度;速度,进度;(pl.)税
网络党校(infml口) if this/that continues; doing things this/that way; if this/that is typical
照这样[那样]下去; 照这样[那样]做; 如果情况就是这样[那样]的话