As John Watson’s anguished cry of “Sherlock!” rings in the air, John himlf approaches Sherlock Holmes’ headstone. We e brief flashback clips of Sherlock and Jim Moriarty on the rooftop of Bart’s Hospital, then of John arriving by taxi at the hospital and Sherlock standing on the roof’s edge talking to him by phone.
SHERLOCK: It’s a trick. Just a magic trick.
JOHN: No. All right, stop it now.
(He starts to walk towards the hospital.)
层高SHERLOCK: No, stay exactly where you are.
(John backs up.)
SHERLOCK: Don’t move.
JOHN: All right.
(They em to hold out their hands towards each other.)
SHERLOCK: Keep your eyes fixed on me. Plea, will you do this for me?
JOHN: Do what?
SHERLOCK: This phone call – it’s ... it’s my note.
(But now we’re eing new footage. Behind Sherlock, two men are dragging the body of Jim Moriarty across the roof towards the door. Sherlock takes no notice as he continues to concentrate on John.)
表白语录SHERLOCK: It’s what people do, don’t they? Leave a note?
JOHN: Leave a note when?
SHERLOCK: Goodbye, John.
JOHN: No. Don’t.
(The men drag Jim’s body into a rvice elevator somewhere in the hospital, and lay it on the floor. As Sherlock continues to look down towards John, one of the men opens a ca. Inside is a latex mask which is a perfect replica of Sherlock’s face. The other man clos the lift doors, while the first man takes a small bottle from the ca and, using tweezers, carefully extracts a blue soft contact lens.
高情商聊天On the roof, Sherlock drops his phone behind him and stares intenly ahead of himlf as John screams, “Sherlock!” up at him.
In the elevator, Jim’s dead open eyes are now blue instead of brown. The man takes the mask out of the ca and lays it over Jim’s face, then picks up a scalpel and reaches forward to start lifting the clod eyes on the mask. The cond man starts to apply a dark curly wig to Jim’s slicked-down hair.
On the roof, Sherlock spreads his arms and falls forward. John stares in horror, and a man on a pushbike slams into him from behind, nding him crashing to the ground. Sherlock plummets towards the ground, but now it’s clear that he is attached to a bungee
cord. While John lies on the ground still trying to catch his breath, Molly Hooper watches from a window of Bart’s as Sherlock plunges past, the bungee cord trailing behind him. He heads towards the pavement but the cord stops his fall as it reaches its full extension. Sherlock’s breath whooshes out of him ... then the elastic begins to contract and Sherlock is yanked skywards. Molly gasps as he shoots back into view, flailing to change his direction and, before she can react, he wraps his arms around his head and kicks his way through the window in front of her. She cringes back from the breaking glass and Sherlock lands on his feet and unclips the bungee cord from his waist. It is whipped out of the window and disappears from view and Sherlock straightens his coat, ruffles his hands through his hair and marches over to Molly, taking her head in his hands and kissing her deeply for a couple of conds. She reaches up to hold his head but he pulls away, giving her a long last look and then leaving the room. She watches him go with a girly smile on her face.
Downstairs, the two men are dragging Jim’s body – now perfectly disguid as Sherlock’s – out onto the street, and nearby a man wearing a fur-lined hooded jacket is approaching 泌感颗粒
John. The men put the body into position on the pavement and one of them squirts fake blood onto the paving stones around the head. Other people – various fake medical staff and pasrs-by – are running into position around the body. The jacket-wearing man walks over to John as more people run towards the scene. John gets up onto his knees, eing the pasrs-by running over to the body and pointing upwards as they appear to discuss what they just saw. John gets to his feet, and the man steps into his way.)
(It’s none other than Derren Brown, the famous illusionist and hypnotist!
[Click here for more information.]
He puts his hand onto John’s shoulder.)
DERREN: John. Look at me. Look at me.
(John drags his eyes away from the scene of Sherlock’s fall and looks at Derren, who face is a little fuzzy so clo-up. Derren puts his fingers over John’s face.)
DERREN: And sleep!
(John collaps forward, his eyes closing. Derren supports him and gently lowers him to the ground.)
DERREN: Right the way down, right the way deep, right the way sound asleep. That’s right. That’s good – keeping my voice just there in the centre of your head and floating all the way around you.
(While he’s speaking, he reaches down to John’s wrist and adjusts his watch, turning it back a few minutes. He straightens up and looks down at John.)
DERREN: And you will awaken in three, two, one ...
(John starts to move on the ground.)
DERREN: ... zero.