above the line (预算中经常收支的)往来账目
above the line payments and receipts 预算中经常收支账目
acceptable offer 可接受的报价
acceptance for honour 代(参加)承兑拒付汇票
accepting bank 承兑银行
accessory contract (合同附件)从契约
accident and indemnity 意外事故及损害赔偿(A.&I.)
accommodation bill 通融(汇划)票据
account 帐户(A/C 或 Acct.)
account of 某人帐内 (A/O)
accounting dollar 记账美元
across-the-board tax-cut 全面减税
act of God (acte de dieu)天灾
actual tare 实际皮重
actual weight 实际重量(A/W)
ad referendum contract 草约
ad valorem (according to value)从价
ad valorem import duties 从价进口税
additional premium 附加(额外)保费
别离的笙箫 address 地址(Add.)
adquate insurance 充分保险
adjustment brokerage 历算手续费
advanced deposits进口押金制
advanced freights 预付运费(A.F.)
advancing (价格)趋涨
advice of drawing 汇款通知书
Aero Insurance Underwriters 空运保险承保人(公司)
affirmative covenant 保单
aftoad (in transit )路货,在途
after date 开汇票日后 (a.d.)
after rvice 货品售出后的服务
after sight 见票后
agency trade 代理贸易
agent 代理商( Agt.)
aggregate amoount 总金额
aggregate to … 总合计
agreemant of intent 意向协议书
air (way) bill of lading 空运提单
airway delivery note 空运提货单
all risks insurance 全险
allowance for damage 货损折旧
alongside B/L 靠船边提单
ambiguous clau 含义不明条款
amendment of contract 修改合同
amount 总额
amount of insurance in force 现行保险额
analysis certificate 化验证明
annual closing 年终结算
antedate 倒填日期
appraisal certificate 评价证明书 (使用证明书)
apprair of customs 海关检验人
approximate 约计 Approx
arbitration clau 仲裁条款
arrival draft 到货后提示的汇票
article 条款 Art.
Asian dollar 亚洲美元
Asssable to tax 应征税的
at the market 照市价
attachment 附件
authority to pay 支付授权书 A/P
authority to purcha 购买授权书 A/P
average 平均
average agreement 海损分担协议
average distribution clau 海损按比例分担条款
average policy 海损保单
average statement海损理算书
average survey record 海损证明
backlog 未交货订单
bad cheque 空头支票
bail 保证人
bancorp(oration) 银行公司
bank discount rate 银行贴现率
bank rate 银行利率,银行贴现率
bank transfer 转账
basis (期货和现货之间的差价)基本差价
batch number 批号,炉号 batch No.
猎豹 bear and bull 买空卖空
bear sale 卖空
bearish 卖空,行情看跌
bilateral central rates 两国货币的双边中心汇率
bill after date 开票后
bill at sight 即期票据麻衣神相图解
bill at usance 远期汇票
bill of exchange 汇票
bill of freight 运单
bill of lading 提单
bill at sight 即期票据
bill at usance 远期汇票
bill of exchange 汇票
bill of lading to a named person 记名提单
blank credit 空白式信用汇票(银行间的通融票)
blank power of attorney 空白委托书
blanket insurance 总保险
blocked mark balances 冻结的马克存款
blocked money 冻结帐户
blocked sterling 冻结的英镑
border customhou 边境关卡
both dates included 包括双方日期 (B.D.I.)
brain drain 智能(人才)外流
brain industry 脑力产业
儿童睡眠不好怎么办 branch office 分公司 B.O.
branded article 商标商品
breach of contract 违反合同
break 跌价
break-up value 资产净值
bundle 捆,扎,束,卷,盘 Bdl.
business day 营业日
buying order 购货单
buying rate 买入价
by parate mail 另邮
by way of 经由
by –laws 规章,章程,细则,法规
calculation unit 核算单位
calender year 日历年度
call for bid 招标
call for funds 招股,集资
call loan 活期贷款
call rate 活期贷款利率
callable in 24 hours 24小时通知付款
cancellation clau 撤销条款
cancelling former order 撤销前期订货 C.F.O.
capital equipment 固定设备
capital goods 生产资料
capital investment 资本投资
capital optimum 资本限额
capital output ratio 资本产量比
car number 车号
carbon copy 复写的副本 CC
care of 转交 c/o
cargo list 装货清单
cargo single risk certificate 货物单程保险书
carload 整车货 C.L.
carried forward 转下页 c/f
carried over 结转下期 c.o.
carrying vesl 载货船只
carry-over rate 转期利率
carte blanche (法语)全权委托
ca number 箱号
cash account 现金账目
cash against bill of lading 凭提单付现 Cash B/L.
cash against documents 见单付现 C.A.D
cash and carry 现金交易
cash market 现货市场
cash on delivery 交货付款 C.O.D.
cash payment 现金支付
cash sales 现金销售
cash with order 订购即付 C.W.O.
cast number 浇铸号 cast No.
casualty insurance 意外事故保险
catalog price 商品目录价格
catalogue 目录 Catal.
caveat emptor (拉丁)货物出门概不退换
ceiling price 最高限价
certificate 证明
certificate of competency 能力证明
certificate of conformity 合格证
麦面 certificate of delivery 交货证明书 C/D
certificate of importation 进口证明书
certificate of incorporation 注册(登记)证明书
certificate of inspection 检查证明书
certificate of insurance 保险证明书 C/I
certificate of intention 意愿证明书
x轴y轴坐标图 certificate of loss 残损证书
certificate of manufacturer 制造厂证书
certificate of origin 产地证书 c/o