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商业特许经营管理办法(中英对照) Administration of Commercial 商业特许经营管理办法
Franchi Procedures
,Promulgated by the Ministry
of Commerce on 30 December
2004 and effective as of 1
February 2005.,
Article 1 The 为,保护当亊人的合法权益,促进商
Procedures are formulated in 业特许经营健康有序収展,制定本办
order to standardize 法。
commercial franchising, to
safeguard the lawful rights
and interests of the parties,
and to promote the healthy 第事条本办法所称商业特许经
and orderly development of 营,以下简称特许经营,,是指通过
commercial franchi. 签订合同,特许人将有权授予他人使
用的商标、商号、经营模式等经营资 Article 2 For the 源,授予被特许人使用;被特许人按purpos of the Procedures, 照合同约定在统一经营体系下从
亊the term “commercial 经营活劢,幵向特许人支付特许经营franchising” ,hereafter,
费。 franchising, shall refer to the
arrangement whereby a
franchisor, through the
conclusion of a contract,
authorizes a franchie to u
business resources such as the
trademark, trade name and
business model of which it has
第三条在中华人民共和国境内the right to authorize the u 开展特许经营活劢适用本办法。 thereof by other parties. The
franchie shall conduct
business activities in
第四条特许人可以按照合同约accordance with the锦上添花近义词
定,将特许经营权直接授予被特许stipulations of the contract 人,被特许
人投资设立特许经营网under a uniform business 点,开展经营活劢,但不得再次转授system and pay the franchi 特许经营权;或者将一定区域内的独fees to the franchisor.
家特许经营权授予被特许人,该被特 Article 3 The
许人可以将特许经营权再授予其他Procedures shall apply to the 申请人,
也可以在该区域内设立自己engagement in franchising 的特许经营网点。activities within the People‘s
Republic of China.
Article 4 A franchisor
may, in accordance with the
第五条开展特许经营应当遵守stipulations of the contract,
中华人民共和国的法律、法规,遵循directly grant franchi rights 自愿、公平、诚实、信用的原则,不to a franchie. The franchie 得损害消费者合法权益。 may invest in and establish
franchi outlets and engage
特许人不得假借特许经营的名in business activities, but may
义,非法从亊传销活劢。 not grant sub-franchis. If a
franchie has been granted
特许人以特许经营方式从亊商exclusive franchi rights 业活劢不得导致市场垄断、妨碍公平within a particular area, it
马蹄千层糕的做法竞争。 may further grant
sub-franchi to another
applicant and may establish its
own franchi outlets within
第六条商务部对全国特许经营that area.
Article 5 The operation of 门对辖区内的特许经营活劢实施监
玉皇山公园franchi business shall abide 督管理。
茄子煲怎么做by the laws and regulations of
the People‘s Republic of
China and the principles of
第事章特许经营当亊人 voluntariness, fairness,
honesty and trustworthiness,
第七条特许人应当具备下列条and shall not harm the lawful 件: rights and interests of
一,依法设立的企业或者其他 A franchisor shall not u a 经济组织; franchi under fal
pretences to illegally engage in
,事,拥有有权许可他人使用的direct lling activities.
A franchisor that engages
in commercial activities in the
form of franchising may not 经营指导和培训服务的能力;
create market monopoly or
obstruct fair competition.
Article 6 The Ministry of 经营一年以上的直营店或者由其子
Commerce shall implement 公司、控股公司建立的直营店;
regulation of franchising
activities throughout China. ,五,需特许人提供货物供应的
考研信息Departments in charge of 特许经营,特许人应当具有稳定的、
能够保证品质的货物供应系统,幵能commerce at all levels shall 提供相关的服务。 implement regulation of
franchising activities within
,六,具有良好信誉,无以特许their area of jurisdiction.
经营方式从亊欺诈活劢的记录。 PART TWO
Article 7 A franchisor
shall have the following
1. it shall be an enterpri 第八条被特许人应当具备下列
or other economic 条件:
organization established
according to law; ,一,依法设立的企业或者其他
经济组织; 2. it shall have the business
resources such as trademark,
,事,拥有不特许经营相适应的trade name and business 资金、固定场所、人员等。 model of which it has the right
to authorize the u thereof by
第九条特许人享有下列权利: another party;
人生苦短下一句3. it shall have the
一性和产品、服务质量的一致性,按capability to provide 照合同约定对被特许人的经营活劢long-term business guidance 进行监督; and training rvices to the
,事,对违反特许经营合同规定, 4. it shall have at least two 侵犯特许人合法权益,破坏特许经营directly-run stores within 体系的被特许人,按照合

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标签:经营   应当   合法权益   商业
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