缺省类型(可视包) | |
公共类型 | |
缺省接口(包可视) | |
公共接口 | |
缺省内部类型(包可视) | |
私有内部类型 | |
受保护内部类型 | |
公共内部类型 | |
缺省内部接口(包可视) | |
私有内部接口 | |
受保护内部接口 | |
公共内部接口 | |
缺省字段(包可视) | |
私有字段 | |
受保护字段 | |
公共字段 | |
缺省方法(包可视) | |
私有方法 | |
受保护方法 | |
公共方法 | |
将项目标记为 Java 项目 | |
此 Java 元素导致错误 | |
此 Java 元素导致警告 | |
不推荐使用此 Java 元素 | |
构造函数 | |
抽象成员 | |
终态成员 | |
静态成员 | |
word导航同步成员 | |
具有 public static void main(String[] args) 的类型 | |
接口的实现方法 | |
超类的覆盖方法 | |
“类型”层次结构中具有焦点的类型 | |
调用层次结构中的最大扩展级别 | |
调用层次结构中的递归调用 | |
调试启动 | |
运行启动 | |
已终止运行启动 | |
进程 | |
已终止进程 | |
调试目标 | |
暂挂的调试目标 | |
猪头 已终止调试目标 | |
线程 | |
已暂挂线程 | |
堆栈帧 | |
运行堆栈帧 | |
标记由于热代码替换不成功而可能与目标 VM 不同步的堆栈帧的修饰符 | |
标记由于热代码替换不成功而可能与目标 VM 不同步的堆栈帧的修饰符 | |
检查的对象或原语值 | |
查看表达式 | |
局部变量 | |
监视器 | |
争用中的监视器 | |
争用监视器的线程 | |
由线程拥有的监视器 | |
拥有监视器的线程 | |
当前指令指针(堆栈的顶部) | |
当前指令指针 | |
已启用行断点 | |
已禁用行断点 | |
将行断点标记为已安装的修饰符 | |
将断点标记为条件的修饰符 | |
标记入口方法断点的修饰符 | |
标记出口方法断点的修饰符 | |
字段访问观察点 | |
字段修改观察点 | |
字段访问和修改观察点 | |
将观察点标记为已安装的修饰符 | |
异常断点 | |
运行时异常断点 | |
已禁用的异常断点 | |
将异常断点标记为已捕获的修饰符 | |
将异常断点标记为未捕获的修饰符 | |
将异常断点标记为受限制的修饰符 | |
将异常断点标记为已安装的修饰符 | |
Compilation Unit (*.java file) | |
Java file which is not on a build path | |
农学国家线 | class file |
file without icon assigned to its type | |
unknown object | |
Java scrapbook page (*.jpage file) | |
Java scrapbook page (evaluation in progress) | |
JAR description file | |
Java Working Set | |
Java Model | |
Library container | |
JAR file with attached source | |
JAR file without attached source | |
source folder | |
package | |
empty package | |
logical package | |
empty logical package | |
package only containing non Java resources | |
package declaration | |
import container | |
import | |
class (public) | |
interface (public) | |
enum type (public) | |
针灸英语 | annotation type (public) |
package visible class | |
private class | |
protected class | |
default field (package visible) | |
private field | |
protected field | |
public field | |
default method (package visible) | |
private method | |
protected method刘字怎么写 | |
public method | |
marks project as Java project | |
this Java element caus an error | |
this Java element caus warning | |
this Java element is deprecated | |
constructor | |
abstract member | |
final member | |
static member | |
synchronized member | |
type with public static void main(String[] args) | |
implements method from interface | |
overrides method from super class | |
type with focus in Type hierarchy | |
maximal expansion level in Call Hierarchy | |
recursive call in Call Hierarchy | |
class path variable | |
JAR with attached source | |
JAR without attached source | |
system library | |
build path ordering | |
inclusion filter | |
exclusion filter | |
access rules | |
Javadoc location | |
source attachment | |
native library location | |
output folder | |
HTML tag | |
Javadoc tag | |
local variable | |
template | |
field | |
method | |
debug launch | |
run launch | |
terminated run launch | |
process | |
terminated process | |
debug target | |
suspended debug target | |
terminated debug target | |
thread | |
suspended thread | |
stack frame | |
running stack frame | |
adornment that marks a stack frame that may be out of synch with the target VM as a result of an unsuccessful hot code replace | |
adornment that marks a stack frame that is out of synch with the target VM as a result of an unsuccessful hot code replace | |
inspected object or primitive value | |
watch expression | |
local variable | |
monitor | |
使至塞上王维 a monitor in contention | |
a thread in contention for a monitor | |
a monitor that is owned by a thread | |
a thread that owns a monitor | |
current instruction pointer (top of stack) | |
current instruction pointer | |
enabled line breakpoint | |
disabled line breakpoint | |
adornment that marks a line breakpoints as installed | |
adornment that marks a breakpoint as conditional | |
adornment that marks an entry method breakpoint | |
adornment that marks an exit method breakpoint | |
field access watchpoint | |
field modification watchpoint | |
field access and modification watchpoint | |
adornment that marks a watchpoint as installed | |
exception breakpoint | |
runtime exception breakpoint | |
disabled exception breakpoint | |
adornment that marks an exception breakpoint as caught | |
adornment that marks an exception breakpoint as uncaught | |
adornment that marks an exception breakpoint as scoped | |
adornment that marks an exception breakpoint as installed | |
本文发布于:2023-06-10 20:44:26,感谢您对本站的认可!
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