Actual depth; the true depth of water as oppod to a predicted depth. Tidal height from table added to the charted depth.
Almanac; an annual publication containing Tide Tables astronomical ephemerals etc.
Altitude; the angular distance of a celestial body above the viewers horizon.
温馨家庭图片Anabatic Winds; caud by warm air rising up a slope to be replaced by cooler air, as oppod to kabatic, descending winds. Apparent wind; the wind as felt on board, this will be the actual wind modified by the wind created by the vesls movement.
Aries; the constellation of the Ram in the Northern Celestial Hemisphere, e also, First Point of Aries.
Astrolabe; an instrument ud to determine the altitude of celestial objects before the introduction of the xtant. The first recorded u by Greek astronomers in around 200 B.C.
Azimuth; the horizontal angular distance from a reference position to a celestial body, usually measured clockwi in degrees from the direction of the nearest pole.
B Navigation Terms.
Barometer; an instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure. Barometric Gradient; the rate at which atmospheric pressure ris of falls.
Bars Harbor Bar.
Beacon; an unlit navigation mark.
Bearing; the compass reading taken of a object in relation to the obrver.
Beaufort Scale; a numerical method of describing wind strength. Body; a celestial object.
Buoyage Marks and Systems;
C Navigation Terms.
Cape; a piece of land that that projects out into a large body of water. Cardinal Marks; buoyage marks indicating the direction of safe water with reference to the cardinal points.
Cardinal Points; the four main points of the compass, North, East, South and West.
Cartography; the study and the construction of maps. Cartographer; a map maker.
CC or Compass Cour; the cour to steer which has been corrected for current, variation, and deviation.
Celestial navigation; a method of navigating by referring to the stars or other objects in the sky.
Celestial sphere; an imaginary sphere with the earth at its center, on who surface the stars, planets and other heavenly bodies appear to be situated.
Characteristics; the distinctive pattern of flashes ud to identify a light.
Chart datum; the reference level on charts to which tidal heights are referred.
Charted depth; the depth shown on the chart for a particular point on the a bed.
Chronometer; a very accurate clock or watch that is ud for determining one's longitude at a
Circumnavigate; to travel around the entire Earth.
Civil twilight; times given in the almanac, for listed latitudes for approximately the best time to take a morning or evening sight, when both the horizon and the heavenly bodies are visible.
CMG; the Cour Made Good is the cour over the ground. Cocked hat; a triangle formed by a ries of three LOPs which do not meet at an exact point.
水浒传好句好段COLREGS; the international rules for prevent of collisions at a.
Compass; a device that always points towards magnetic north, ud for navigation.
Compass Ro; is a design on a chart that shows direction. It points which way is north, south, east, west, and some intermediate directions.
Constellations; Star groups.
Conversion tables; ud to convert units of one system to units in another.
Copernicus; 1473-1543, Polish astronomer credited with disproving the Ptolemaic System.
Cour; the direction in which a vesl is heading or is intended to be steered, the direction through the water.
Cour made good; the direction in which the vesl is actually traveling as oppod to the direction in which it is pointing. Corrections; alterations made to charts to update navigational information.
Cross bearing; using LOPs from veral navigational aids or marks to obtain a position fix.
Crux; the Southern Cross a constellation en in the southern hemisphere.
D Navigation Terms.化妆公主
Dead reckoning; determining a position by plotting cours and speeds from a known position.
挣外快Declination; the angular distance to a point on the celestial sphere measured north and south from the celestial equator along the hour circle.
Deviation; the compass errors caud by metallic o magnetic objects on board the vesl.
Dip; a correction to be applied to xtant attitudes to compensate for height of eye above a level.
Doldrums; the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (or ITCZ) a belt of very still air between 5 degrees north and 5 degrees south of the equator.
Drift; the speed in knots of the effect of current or tide on a vesl's progress.
Drying height; the height above chart datum, on a chart, of any areas which are uncovered at low water.
Duration of tide; the time between high an low water, normally just over 6 hours.
E Navigation Terms.
Ebb; out-flowing tide.
Electronic logs or E log books; a method of standardising the keeping of logs digitally on commercial vesls.
Electronic charts; there are two different types e Vector charts and Raster marine charts.颜色关系
ENT; , Evening Nautical Twilight.
EP; Estimated Position, the DR plus the effects of current. Ephemerals; a published collection of tables giving coordinates for astronomical bodies for specific times.发朋友圈说说
Estimated Position; a DR position which has been adjusted to allow for Set and Drift.
ETA; estimated time of arrival.
Equator; an imaginary circle around the earth, halfway between the north and south poles.