4毫米锁闭Closure check for 4 mm locking A、B 组填料Fill material of group A,B
AF线Negative feeder
AS 自治域Autonomous system (AS) CAMEL 应用部分CAMEL application part (CAP)
CA 砂浆CA mortar
CRTS I 型板式无砟(zha3) 轨道CRTS-I slab ballastless track
CRTS I 型双块式无砟(zha3) 轨道CRTS-I bi-block sleeper ballastless track
CRTS II 型板式无砟(zha3) 轨道CRTS-II slab ballastless track
CRTS II 型双块式无砟(zha3) 轨道CRTS-II bi-block sleeper ballastless track
C组碎石、砾石类填料Granular fill of group C
C 组细粒土填料Fine soil fill of group C DMI 显示单元Display unit of DMI
GPRS 归属服务器GRPS home rver (GROS)
GPRS 接口服务器GPRS interface rver (GRIS)
GPRS 隧道协议GPRS tunneling protocol (GTP)
GPRS 支持节点GPRS supporting node (GSN)
GPS-RTK 数字化测图法GPS-RTK digital mapping
GSM-R 无线传输单元Radio transmission unit of GSM-R
H 型钢梁H-shaped steel beam
H 型钢翼缘板H shaped steel flange plate吃一智长一堑
H 型钢柱H-beam pole
II 类水体Class II water body (不能直接饮用,硬度高)
IP 地址IP address
IP 会议电视系统IP video conference system
I 类水体Class I water body (可以直接饮用)
N 线Neutral wire
pH 值
Nyala SO2 控制区SO2 control region
T (形连)接T-connection
TCP/IP 协议TCP/IP protocol
T-梁、T型梁、T形梁、T梁T-beam; T-girder T形刚构桥T-shaped rigid frame bridge
T型角焊T-fillet welding
U形桥台U-shaped abutment
U型谷地U-shaped valley
U 型卡U-shaped card U(-shaped) clip
VPN 路由反射器VPN route reflector
V 停控制站(“V 停”站) V-switch post
V 形拉线V-stay
WGS-84 大地坐标系统World Geodetic System 1984
ZK 活载ZK live load
ZPW-2000 (UM) 系列轨道电路ZPW-2000 (UM) ries track circuit
矮型信号机Dwarf signal
安全保护距离overlap distance
安全保护区safety protection region
安全保障平台curity platform
安全标志safety sign
安全出口exit; emergency exit
安全出口标志灯marker lamp for emergency exit
安全措施safety measure
安全措施费safety measure fees
安全带safety belt
安全挡台safety barricade
安全等级safety level
安全地线safety earth wire
安全电路vital circuit
安全阀safety valve湖南湘西凤凰古城
安全防范safety precautions; safe guarding 安全防范系统(SAS)curity protection& alarm system
安全防范预警系统early warning system for safety precautions
安全隔离设备safety paration device
安全管理safety management
安全管理设备curity management target
安全管理体系safety management system
安全管理制度safety management system
安全管理组织机构safety management organization
安全护栏safety railing
安全技术标准technical standard on safety 安全技术交底technical disclosure on safety 安全监控safety monitoring
安全监控系统safety monitoring system
安全检测设备safety detection device
安全检查safety inspection
airbnb安全检查表safety checklist
安全教育培训safety training
安全接点vital contact
安全警戒线curity guard line
安全距离safety distance
安全可靠safe and reliable
安全空间safety space
安全门evacuation exit
安全评估safety evaluation
安全钳safety tongs
安全色safety colour网络安全教育内容
安全设计safety design
安全生产法律法规laws and regulations on production safety
安全生产费safety production fees
安全生产网safety operation network
安全生产责任制responsibility system for safety in production
安全适用safety and applicability
安全疏散功能evacuation function
安全停车距离safe stopping distance
安全网safety net
安全系数safety factor
安全线catch siding
安全型灯具safety type lamp
安全型继电器vital relay
安全隐患potential hazard
安全照明emergency lighting
安全抓杆safety grab bar
安全资源配置safety resource allocation
西游记摘抄安装功率installed power
安装装置installation device 氨压缩机间ammonia compressor room
氨盐amine salt
氨制冷剂系统ammonia refrigerant systems 岸坎bank ridge
岸坡bank slope
按钮表示button indication
暗沟blind ditch ?
暗河underground river
暗龙骨吊顶hang ceiling with concealed joist 暗挖法Mining method
暗挖隧道mining tunnel
八字形桥台flare wing wall abutment
拔起高度lifting height
拔桩机Pile extractor
百米标100-meter mark