n. 体操(运动);技巧
Gymnastic apparatus体操用具
We did an hour of gym.我们做了一小时的体操。
Its cheerleading began including gymnastic movements in their cheers.啦啦队队员在他们的助威声中加入了体操运动。手机壁纸小清新
At school she had been captain of the hockey team and had won the gymnastics trophy two
years running.上学时她做曲棍球队长,连着两年得了体操奖杯。
all the gymnastics, you may be sure, will cea at Bombay.'这种体操式的`旅行到了孟买,就完事大吉,没问题,您瞧吧。”
A gymnast on the trampoline was turning somersaults有个体操运动员正在蹦床上做空翻
免费壁纸图片Rules that govern gymnastics scoring are made by FIG.体操比赛评分规则由国际体操联合会制订。
The athlete beat his teacher at his own game by tting a new record in the gymnastics.那位运动员在体操上创造了新纪录,在这方面他胜过了他的老师。
"I hate the girly sports like gymnastics, swimming, bodybuilding, tennis and tabletennis. "我讨厌像体操,游泳,健美,网球和乒乓球这些女孩子的运动。
长驱直入是什么意思I often go to a gym for a workout. Lifting weights will build arm and shoulder muscles,won't it?我经常去体操馆锻炼。举重可以锻炼手臂和肩膀的肌肉,不是吗?
Gymnasts need iron will and unswerving spirit. 体操运动员需要钢铁般的意志和百折不挠的精神 。
The gymnast dared a breathtakingly difficult move.这位体操选手敢于做惊险的高难度动作。
The school is going to put on a gymnastic display.这个学校将举行体操表演。
The gymnast poid herlf on the balance beam gracefully.体操运动员优美地立在平衡木上。