Heart mind brain intention wish popularity feeling (必要时可更改单复数)
1 心有余而力不足 one’s ability fall short of one’s wishes
2 您的建议我会永远铭记在心 I will always bear your advi in mind.
3 如果你忘了他的生日她会很伤心的。 You will hurt her feelings if you forget her birthday.
4 居心叵测。To nur evil intentions
ppt合并5 得人心者得天下。 Tho who gain popularity among the people will gain the power.
6 劳心者治人,劳力者治于人。Tho who work with brains rule and tho who work with their brawn are ruled .
哀莫大于心死。 The greatest despair comes from a devastated heart.
二 从贴切表达词语蕴含意义的角度比较以下几组译文(选择题,选最合适的翻译,很简单,
1 这是民国六年的冬天,大风刮得正猛,我因为生计关系,不得不一早在路上走。
A it’s the winter of 1917. the wind was blowing hard, but I had to walk in the street to make a living.
B it’s happened during the winter of 1917. a bitter north wind was blowing but, to making living , I had to be up and out early.
2 世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章。
A the world’s affairs, well understood, are all scholarship. human relationships , maturely experienced ,are already literature.
B true learning implies a clear insight into human activities .genuine culture involves the skilful manipulation of human relationships.
3 这尊塑像站了几百年了,她觉得这是一种苦役。营养晚餐
A having stood there for veral hundred years, the statue and now come to detest it as a kind of forced drudgery.
B having stood there for veral thousand years , the stature felt that it was hard labor.
4 他昨天擦破了皮,现在到医院换药去了。
A he had a scratch yesterday and now has gone to change medicine in the hospital.
B he had a scratch yesterday and now has gone to change dressing in ……
5 佃农家的生活自然是很苦的,可是由于母亲的聪明能干,却舒服。A the life of a tenant famer’s family was of cau hard ,but we somehow managed to scrape along becau mother was a clever and able woman. (b 就没打出来了,反正记住正确的就是了)
6 富华家具带给您典雅的欧陆风情。
B you will be enchanted by the unique European amorous feelings of Fuhua furniture.
7 世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。
A the turn of the century finds china most active on the diplomatic arena.
8 她比赛失败,我感到很惊讶
I was not a little surprid that he lost the game
9 不看秦始皇兵马俑,不算真正到过中国
No one who has not en the Qin Dynasty terra cotta figures can claim to have visited china
We cannot reach our strategic goal unless we carry out reforms and adhere to the open policy .this is a key process we must go through.
复合维生素b1 那条小径曲曲折折通向山顶
The path zigzags up he hill.
2 这对年轻夫妇并不相配,一个西施,一个张飞
This young couple is not well matched, one is a xishi, ----a famous Chine beauty, while the other is a zhang fei -----a well-known ill-tempered brute.
That shanghai has changed greatly in recent years has won admiration from people all over th world.
4 母亲一把大剪刀,仿佛裁掉了我童年的忧伤,给我剪出一个原来如此瑰丽的世界。
Mother had a big pair of scissors, with which she ems to cut off the sorrows of my childhood and cut out for me such a surpassingly beautiful world
1 中国政府不干预香港特别行政区的事物
A the central government has refrained from intervening in the affairs of the HKSAR.
B the central government has nerver intervened in the affairs of the …..
2 中国经济将融入世界经济的大潮。
你画我猜中文版The economy of china will converge with that of the world
3 这事儿到了现在,还是时时记起
Even now ,this remains fresh in my memory
4 在同新闻界谈话的时候,上海人使用越来越多的最高级形容词
You can hear shanghai people using more and more adjectives of the superlative degree
when they talk to the press.
1 这些细菌要在温度达到一百摄氏度才会死亡
A the bacteria will not die until the temperature reaches 100
B the bacteria will still be alive so long as the temperature is below 100
2 这种水泥一拌好就硬结
No sooner had this cement be mixed with water than it began to harden.
无论何处, 铝在自然界总是以化合的形式存在着
Aluminum is nowhere to be found uncombined in nature.
There is never a force acting in nature unless two or more bodies are involved.
打的 take a taxi
打水 fetch water
打井 sink a well
打农药spray incticide
(给车胎)打气 pump a tyre