The New Theory On Weight Loss: Your Bad Diet Has Damaged Your Brain
You’ve tried and tried to lo weight, but it just doesn’t happen. Or you lo a bit, then gain it back with a vengeance. Sound familiar?
Recently, while reporting a story on 3 new supplements studied for weight loss, I had the opportunity to speak with nationally known obesity expert Louis Aronne, M.D., Director of the Comprehensive Weight-Control Program at New York-Presbyterian Hospital
最近,我在报道三种研究中的新的减肥补充剂时,借机采访了全国知名肥胖症专家、医学博士路易·阿龙内(Louis Aronne)。阿龙内是纽约-长老会医院/威尔·康奈尔医疗中心(New York-Presbyterian Hospital /Weill Cornell Medical Center)“综合体重控制项目”(Comprehensive Weight-Control Program)的负责人。
According to Aronne, scientists are finally finding answers to the mystery that has stumped them for so long: Why do some people em to find it impossible to lo weight, despite numerous rious attempts to get slim using diets and exerci?
And what they’ve discovered might surpri you: Years of eating – and overeating – the typical American diet actually changes the brain. More specifically, it damages the signaling pathways in the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that regulates metabolism.
“The evidence is quite convincing – eating fattening foods caus inflammatory cells to go into the hypothalamus, ” explains Aronne. “This overloads the neurons and caus neurological damage.”慰问品
A groundbreaking study in the British Journal of Nutrition published in February, 2013 is one example of the kind of high-quality, on-target rearch that’s proving the theory of hypothalamic damage and thus paving the way to new weight loss strategies, Aronne says.
据阿龙内说,今年仿佛的近义词是2月,《英国营养学杂志》(British Journal of Nutrition)发布了一项开创性的研究,这是一项典型的、具有针对性的高质量研究,证明了下丘脑损伤理论,为减肥新策略的诞生铺平了道路。
A team of scientists at the University of Liverpool analyzed a body of rearch that included studies of different weight loss diets. What they found was that a diet high in saturated fat and simple carbohydrates ts in motion a chain reaction of “metabolic dysfunction” involving the appetite regulating hormones leptin and ghrelin. (Leptin’s job is to suppress appetite, ghrelin’s to increas it.) In addition, a fatty high-carb diet resulted i
n “alterations in structural plasticity” – i.e. brain changes.
利物浦大学(University of Liverpool)的一个科学家团队分析了一系列对减肥食谱的研究。他们发现,饱和脂肪和简单碳水化合物含量高的饮食会导致“代谢功能障碍”的连锁反应,其中涉及到两种食欲调节激素的活动,这两种激素分别是瘦素(leptin)和胃饥饿素(猪大肠的功效与作用ghrelin)。(瘦素的作用是抑制食欲,胃饥饿素则刺激食欲)除此之外,高脂肪、高碳水化合物的饮食还会导致“结构塑性的改变”——也就是大脑结构的变化。
Over time, consuming too many calories from fat and simple sugars damages the nerves that conduct signals through the hypothalamus, affecting the function of leptin and ghrelin, and thus the body’s ability to regulate weight and metabolism, says Aronne. “Becau of this damage, the signals don’t get through about how much fat is stored.”
In other words, your brain has gone haywire and you can no longer trust the messages it’s nding you about appetite, hunger, and fullness. “It’s like your gas gauge points to empty all the time, whether or not the tank is full, ” says Aronne. “So you keep stopping for gas, and then eventually you start filling up gas cans and storing them in the back of your car becau you’re so convinced you could run out of gas at any moment.”
So What Does Work for Weight Loss?
Change your diet, and change it fast. “It’s about biology, ” Aronne is fond of saying. While some damage to the hypothalamus may be permanent, it’s possible to rever much of it.
“If less fatty food comes in, it reduces the rate of damage, ” he explains, noting that it doesn’t matter so much which specific diet you follow, as long as it’s one that cuts calories, reduces fat, and reduces simple carbohydrates.
Of cour, there are lots of trendy diets, such as the Fast Diet currently making headlines. And there’s no reason not to try a new approach and e if it works better for you than the ones you’ve tried in the past. But work with your body, not against it, Aronne says, and the weight will come off much faster.