1.I'm on my way.
2.Let's get out of the way.
广西桂林山水3.Get out of my way!
4.There is no way out.
5.He made his way to the top. 无线网拒绝接入
6.The way he talks is annoying.
7.There is a better way to do that.
8.You're way out of line.
9.The way you look at me is haunting.
10.I can always find my way.
11.It's way too early to be awake.
郑州旅游景点12.I'm making my way home.
13.That's the wrong way to do it.
14.We have to find a way around the problem.
苹果pay15.She always finds a way to get what she wants.
16.The way he behaves is terrible.
茶叶店利润怎么样17.This way, plea.
18.My way or the highway.
19.Do it the right way.
20.The only way to go is forward.