唐诗名句A.C.S.American Chemical Society美国化学学会
B. Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银⾏APEC Asia – Pacific Economic Cooperation亚太经济合作组织APHA American Public Health Association美国公共卫⽣协会
AQSIQ General Administration of Quality Supervision Inspection
and Quarantine of the P. R.C.
出行英文ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟
ASEM American Society of Electric Manufacturers美国电器制造商协会
A.U. African Union ⾮洲联盟
AWSA Australian Wool Surveillance Authority澳⼤利亚⽺⽑监督局CARICOM Cariben Community and Common Market 加勒⽐共同体和共同市场CCIC China Certification & Inspection Group中国检验认证集团
GB China National Standard(中)国家标准
CCPIT Chine Chamber for Promotion of International Trade中国国际贸易促进委员会CHR Commission on Human Rights 联合国⼈权委员会
CIQ China Inspection and Quarantine中国检验检疫
CRS Commonwealth of Independent States 独⽴国家联合体
CIQA China Entry-Exit Ins. & Quarantine Association中国出⼊境检验检疫协会CNCA Certification and Accreditation Administration of P.R.C.中国国家认证认可监督管理委员会CEN Committee of European Normalization欧洲标准化委员会CQC China Quality Certification Center 中国质量认证中⼼
CSA Canadian Standards Association加拿⼤标准协会
DSB Dispute Settlement Body争端解决机构
EFTA European Free Trade Association欧洲⾃由贸易联盟
EP European Parliament 欧洲议会
EU European Union欧洲联盟
实用挽联大全FAO Food & Agriculture Organization(U.N)联合国粮农组织
FDA Food and drug administration (USA)美国⾷品药物管理局
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade关税与贸易总协定(已被WTO取代)G-7 Group of Seven 西⽅七国集团
G-20 Group of 20 20国集团
G-77 Group of 77 77国集团
离我最近的快餐店IAWTL Inter. Association of Wool Testing Laboratories国际⽺⽑检验实验室协会
怀念童年的日子IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (联合国)国际复兴开发银⾏ICJ International Court of Justice 海⽛国际法庭;(联合国)国际法院IEC International Electro technical Commission国际电⼯技术委员会
ILO International Labor Organization国际劳⼯组织
IMF International Monetary Fund国际货币基⾦组织
IMO International Maritime Organization国际海事组织
IOC International Olympic Committee 国际奥委会
ISO International Standardization Organization国际标准化组织
IWTO International Wool Textile Organization国际⽑纺组织
JCIC Japan China Commodity Inspection Co. Ltd.⽇中商品检查株式会社
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北⼤西洋公约组织
NAM Non-Aligned Movement 不结盟运动
OAS Organization of American States 美洲国家组织
OECD Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development 经济合作和开发组织
凯尔特人队OMIC Overas Merchandi Inspection Co.(⽇)海外货物检查株式会社OPEC Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries ⽯油输出国组织
OSCE Organization for Security and Cooperation in European 欧洲安全与合作组织
PICC People’s Insurance Company of China中国⼈民保险公司
SAC Standardization Administration of China中国国家标准化管理委员会
在健身器材上HSC(UN) Security Council of United Nations (联合国)安理会
SNEC Seven-Nation Economic Summit 七国经济最⾼级会议
UL Underwriters’ Laboratories美国保险商实验室
U.N. United Nations 联合国
什么叫反问句UNCTND United Nations Conference on Trade and Development联合国贸易与发展会议
UNDP United Nations Development Program联合国开发计划署
UNEP United Nations Environment Program联合国环境署WCO World Customs Organization世界海关组织WHO World Health Organization世界卫⽣组织WIPO World International Property Organization世界知识产权组织WTO World Trade Organization世界贸易组织