Behandlungrgebnis nach 474 Ureterozystoneostomien nach Leadbetter-Politano beim vesiko-renalen Reflux
期刊名称: European Journal of Pediatric Surgery篮球海报素材
作者: A. Kunze,M. Congreso,G. Seifert,A. Wallraff,C. Redecker,C. Steinhäur
语文答题作者机构: Washington, US; Bonn, Jena
李煜虞美人年份: 1986年
期号: 第03期
石家庄旅游攻略关键词: Vesico-renal reflux;Ureterocystoneostomy according to Leadbetter-
摘要:This is a report of our experience with 474 operations for vesico-renal reflux according to the Leadbetter-Politano technique at the Department of Paediatric Surgery, Medical University of Lübeck.
Diagnosis of vesico-renal reflux is mostly bad on urinary tract infection or enuresis. Indication for primary surgery was low pressure reflux or anomalies and ectopies of the ureteric orifice, found on cystoscopy. Ureterocystoneostomy using a modification of the Leadbetter-Politano technique was the method of surgery ud, recting the mostly fibrous distal ureteric gment. In our patients, the relaps of reflux or ureteric stenos were found very rarely (only 1.1% each). Freedom of complaints could be gained by surgery in 80% of the cas. According to the results in the group followed up by us, primary surgical