Hydatid dia in childhood: A retrospective
analysis of 376 cas炫耀是什么意思>乳癖消片说明书
期刊名称: Pediatric Pulmonology
作者: Deniz Anadol MD,Ayhan Gmen,Nural Kiper,Uur zelik
薯条的制作方法年份: 1998年
如歌如泣期号: 第3期
关键词: children;hydatid dia;echinococcosis;benzoimidazole;surgery
摘要:During a 20-year period, 376 children with hydatid dia were treated at Hacettepe University Ihsan Dogramaci Children's Hospital. There were 223 males and 153 females with a mean age of 8.9 ± 0.1 years. Hydatid cysts were localized in the lungs in 222 patients, in the liver in 56 patients, and in other organs in the remaining patients. Cough, fever, and abdominal pain were the most common sym
ptoms. One hundred eight patients had medical, 182 patients had surgical, 73 patients had medical and surgical, and 4 patients had medical and percutaneous drainage treatment as the initial therapy.When evaluating the results of therapy, the relap rate was higher in surgically treated patients than medically treated patients. We conclude that medical treatment of childhood hydatidosis is best, except in cas with complications