Fractionated intravesical radioimmunotherapy with 213Bi-anti-EGFR-MAb is effective without toxic side-effects in a nude mou model of advanced韩剧迷
自我认知怎么写human bladder carcinoma
期刊名称: Cancer Biology & Therapy
作者: Fazel, Julia, R?tzer, Silvia,Seidl, Christof,Feuerecker, Benedikt,Autenrieth,
Michael,Weirich, Gregor,Bruchertifer, Frank,Morgenstern,
劳动最光荣的手抄报Alfred,Senekowitsch-Schmidtke, Reingard记叙文表达方式
年份: 2015年
期号: 第10期
关键词: α-emitter;bladder cancer;EJ28
cells;histopathology;immunotherapy;targeted treatment;toxicity
摘要:Gold standard in therapy of superficial, non-muscle invasive urothelial tumors is transurethral rection followed by intravesical instillation therapies. However, relap is commonly obrved and therefore new therapeutic approaches are needed. Application of 213Bi-immunoconjugates targeting EGFR had shown promising results in early tumor stages. The aim of this study was the evaluation of fractionated application of 213Bi-anti-EGFR-MAb in advanced tumor stages in a nude mou model. Lucifera-transfected EJ28 human bladder carcinoma cells were instilled intravesically into nude mice following electrocautery. Tumor development was monitored via bioluminescence imaging. One day after tumor detection mice were treated intravesically either 2 times with 0.93 MBq or 3 times with 0.46 MBq of 213Bi-anti-EGFR-MAb. Therapeutic