班级 :英本 2043 学号: 200407139
摘要:本文探究了英语中关于 “吃 ”的各种不同表达法;以汉语中
诞生的短语及谚语进行归类, 然后在此基础上讨论其各自的翻译。
关键字 :吃 吃相 “吃 ”字短语 引申意
“吃文化 ”为线索,对由 “吃 ”
Abstract: his paper comments on the various expression for “ eat ”with, the clue of “ Chine
culture of eating ”, it brings the phras and idioms relating to 虎皮兰作文“其他房产 eat into” categories, and then
bad on this classification, it discuss their translation .Through examples, this paper has
included that translators should have a thorough grasp for the source language, and then do free
translation. Do avoid word-by word translation.
Key Word: eat eating manner phras relating to figur“e直译和意译的区别ative”
引言:一提到 “吃 ”,人们自然而然想到的英语对等词就是 “eat。”实际上,在很多情况
不是用 “eat来”表达。
如《水浒传》第二十六回《偷骨殖何酒叔送丧 供人头武二郎设祭》有这么一个场景:武松
请邻居吃酒, 准备为兄报仇, 众邻居的紧张气氛、 害怕心理可想而知, 特别是王婆和他嫂嫂。
“⋯⋯士兵斟酒到第四杯酒,前后共吃了七杯酒过, 众人却似吃了吕太后一前个筵席。 ”这句
话中连用了二个 “吃 ”,但在英译本中都没有一个 “eat而”译成 “Sothe soldier came again and人才是第一生产力
poured out four rounds of wine and this made ven rounds altogether and it emed to the guests
that by now they had sat through the length of a thousand feasts. ”
一、 1.强力枇杷露在单纯表示 “吃东西 ”这一概念上,英译是常见的表达法大致有六种。
1.1译作 eat,校园文化建设规划和实施方案 take 或 have
(1)“哈哈,好小弟, 快吃啊! 吃了肚子就不唱大戏了 。”(贾宝泉 《撷自那片芳洲的清供》 )