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第二篇:unit2 单词和课文翻译
Unit2共 78 个单词
Marco Polo['pəuləu]马可·波罗 latitude['lætitju:d]n.纬度 voyage['vɔiidʒ]n.航海;航行
at the mercy of[æt ðə ˈmɜ:sɪ ɒv]受……支配 encyclopedia[en,saikl给爸爸的吻əu'pi:djə]n.百科全书 alongside[ə'lɔŋsaid]prep.靠着;沿着 adv.在旁边,沿着边
exploration[ɪk'splɔ:reiʃn]n.探险;探测 minimum['mɪnɪ神圣的爱情məm]adj.最小的;最低的 celestial[si'lestjəl]adj.天上的 pole[pəul]n.地极;柱;杆 equator[i'kweitə]n.赤道
horizon[hə'raizən]n.地平线;视野 overhead['əʊv刹时əhed]adj.在头上的 aweed['si:wi:d]n.海草;海藻
nowhere['nəʊhweə]adv.离岸的;海面上的 outward['autwəd]adj.外面的;向外的 tide[taid]n.潮;潮汐;潮流;趋势 cure[si'kjuə ]adj.安全的;可靠的
knot[nɒt]n.结 vt.打结 log[lɔg]n.原木;木材;航行日志 nautical['nɔ:tikəl]adj.海上的;航海的 nautical mile['nɔ:tikəl mail]海里 magnetic[mæɡˈnetɪk]adj.磁的;有磁性的 bearing circle['bεəriŋ 'sə:kl]方位圆 random['rændəm]adj.任意的;随便的 astrolabe['æstrəleib ]n.古代的天体观测仪;星盘 awkward['ɔ:kwəd]adj.难使用的;笨拙的 reference['refrəns]n.参考
quadrant['kwɔdrənt]n.象限;四分仪 preci[pri'sais]adj.精确的;准确的 simplify['simplifai]vt单一化;简单化
portable['pɔ:təbl]adj.轻便的;手提的;便携的 shortcoming['ʃɔ:tkʌmɪŋ]n.缺点;短处 xtant['kstənt]n.六分仪 update[ʌp'deit]vt.更新
reliable[ri'laiə琴声bl]adj.可靠的;可信赖的 Samuel['sæmjuəl]塞缪尔 swoop[swu:p]vi.突降;猛扑 parcel['pɑ:səl]n.小包;包裹
peck[pek]vt.&vi.啄食 cliff[klɪf]n.悬崖;峭壁
expedition[,ekspi'diʃən]n.远征;探险(队)compulsory[kəm'pʌlsəri]adj.必须做的;必修的 reform[ri'fɔ:m]n.改革;革新 survival[sə'vaivəl]n.生存;幸存 Captain Bligh['kæptin blai]布莱船长
Tahiti[tɑ:'hi:ti]n.塔希提岛(位于南太平洋)incident['insidənt]n.事件;事变 departure[di'pɑ:tʃə]n.出发;离开
deposit[di'pɔzit]vt.放;(把钱)存入银行 dilemma[di'lemə]n.进退两难的局面 drawback['drɔ:bæk]n.缺点;障碍 dusk[dʌsk]n.薄暮;黄昏
routine[ru:'ti:n]n.常规;日常事务 reckon['rekən ]Vt.计算;估计 reckoning['rekəniŋ]n.计算;估计 starvation[stɑ:'veiʃən]n.挨饿;饿死 psychology[sai'kɔlədʒi]n.心理学
tension['tenʃən]n.紧张;不安;张力 gradual['grædjuəl]adj.逐渐的;逐步的 gradually['grædjuəli]adv.逐渐地;逐步地 foree[fɔ:'si:]vt.预见;预知 thirst[θɜ:st]n.渴;口渴
Timor['ti:mɔ:]帝汶岛(位于东南亚)t loo[t lu:s]出发;开始 tear[tɪə;teə]vt扯破;撕破 hardship['hɑ:dʃip]n.困苦;艰难 jaw[dʒɔ:]n.颚;颌;下巴
jaws of death[dʒɔ:z ɔv deθ]鬼门关;死神 Greenland['ɡri:nlənd]格陵兰(位于北美洲东北部,世界第一大岛)
Shetland Islands['ʃetlənd 'ailənds]设得兰群岛(位于英国苏格兰北部)
宝贝是什么意思the Faroe Islands[ði feərəu 'ailənds]法罗群岛(位于丹麦北大西洋)
选修九Unit2 Sailing the oceans海洋航行
We may well wonder how amen explored the oceans before latitude and longitude made it possible to plot a ship's position on a map.我们很可能感到奇怪,在经纬度被用来在地图上标出船只位置之前,海员是如何对海洋进行探索的。The voyages of travellers before the 17th century show that they were not at the mercy of the a even though they did not have modern navigational aids.17世纪以前的航海纪录显示,即使没有现代航海技术的帮助,他们也没有任凭海洋摆布。So how did they navigate so well? Read the pages from an encyclopedia.那么,他们是怎样航行得如此之好的呢?读读百科全书这几页上的记载吧。Page 1: 第一页:
Using nature to help Keeping alongside the coastline借助大自然使船只沿海岸线行驶 This ems to have been the first and most uful form of exploration which carried the minimum amount of risk.这似乎已是最早的、最有用的探险方式,所冒的风险也最小。Using celestial bodies利用天体 ●North Star北极星
At the North Pole the North Star is at its highest position in the sky, but at the equator it is along the horizon.在北极,北极星是在天上的最高位置;而在赤道上,北极星却在地平线上。So accomplished navigators were able to u it to plot their positions.因此,熟练的航海探险家就能够利用北极星来确定他们自己的位置。●Sun太阳
On a clear day especially during the summer the sailors could u the sun overhead at midday to navigate by.They can u the height of the sun to work out their latitude.在晴朗的日子里,特别是夏天,船员可以利用正午在头顶上的太阳来导航,他们可以用太阳的高度来计算出他们的纬度。●Clouds云层
Sea captains obrved the clouds over islands.There is a special cloud formation which indicates there is land clo by.海上的船长观测岛上的云层。有一种特殊的云彩的形状表
Using wildlife利用野生动植物 ●Seaweed海藻
Sailors often saw aweed in the a and could tell by the colour and smell how long it had been them.海员常常看到海里的海藻,并能根据它的颜色和气味判断这种海藻在那儿有多久了。If it was fresh and smelled strongly, then the ship was clo to land.如果它颜色新鲜而且气味浓烈,那说明船只就离陆地很近了。●Birds鸟
Sea birds could be ud to show the way to land when it was nowhere to be en.在看不见陆地的时候,可以用海鸟来指明通往陆地的去路。In the evening nesting birds return to land and their nests.在夜晚的时候,筑巢而居的鸟就要返回陆地鸟窝。So amen could follow the birds to land even if they were offshore and in the open a.因此,即使在远离海岸的大洋上,海员们也可以跟随这些鸟到达陆地。Using the weather利用天气 ●Fog雾
Fog gathers at a as well as over streams or rivers.正如雾气汇聚在溪流或江河上一样,雾气也能汇聚在海洋上。Seamen ud it to help identify the position of a stream or river
when they were clo to land.当靠近陆地时,海员们可以用雾气来帮助确定溪流或江河的位置。●Winds风 Wi amen ud the winds to direct their sailing.They could accelerate the speed, but they could also be dangerous聪明的海员常常利用风向来导航。风向可以使船只加快速度,也可以造成危险。.So the Vikings would obrve the winds before and during their outward or return journeys.于是,北欧的海盗们在出海或返航时都要观察风向。Using the a利用大海