Sharing and not caring
American teens are xting more and xing less
How to adapt x-ed to a different kind of peril
*【题⽬解说】Sharing and not caring:这篇⽂章的题⽬取得很好,⽤了尾韵,很有诗意。同时这也是意味深长,英语常有sharing is caring分享即关爱的说法,这⾥化⽤这个说法,在发送性短信的时候,sharing is not caring,⼀语双关。*注:本期精读原⽂发表于3⽉26⽇《经济学⼈》。
胡萝卜白萝卜1. BY CONVENTIONAL measures, American teenagers have become prudish. Less than half of high-school students are having x, with fewer partners and more contraceptionthan the generation before them. Teen-pregnancy rates have never been lower. But tho indicators no longer offer a complete picture: online, teens are bucking the trend. In 2019, among 12- to 17-year-olds, 14% repo
rted nding nudeimages, compared with 12% three years earlier; 23% received them, up from 19%. The steady climb may reflect rising smartphone u and changing social norms. What it certainly reflects, says Justin Patchin, of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, is that “the current approach to stop this isn’t working.”
2. For a decade, the prevailing advice to teens about xting has been straightforward: don’t. In about half of states it is illegal for under-18s to xt, on child-pornography grounds. Legal punishments for minors are rare, but widely publicid in hard-linex-education literature. One xting-prevention programme in Connecticut, sponsored by the state’s criminal-justice division, warns would-be xters that “your family members are eventually very likely to e any images you nd electronically,” and friends may be “ashamed to be associated with you.” Public-school lesson
plans from one county in Florida are bluntly entitled “Sexting Over the Net! STOP IT NOW” and “Safe Sexting: No Such Thing.”
3. Tho reactions are understandable. But they are bad on misconceptions of the problem. “We wasted so much time trying to figure out why kids were xting,” laments Joris Van Ouytl of the University of Antwerp, who began studying the topic in 2013. More important, rearchers now broadly agree, is the context in which children are doing it. Just as it is offline, connt is vital. Things go wrong when teenagers pressure and coerceothers, most often girls and younger teenagers, to nd nude photos; or forward them to someone el, as happens in 4% of cas.
这些都是可以理解的。但它们都是基于对性短信这个问题的误解。安特卫普⼤学的Joris Van Ouytl
4. Conflation of abusive and non-abusive xting has led to an oversimplifiedrespon. The onusof most interventions has been on the nder. But Jeff Temple, of the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, notes that such thinking ignores the fact that xt-nders are often the victims of harassment. It alsolets offteenagers who demand xts or share them without permission, andleaves outthe recipients of unsolicitedones who have been “cyber-flashed”. In some places xting lawslump togetherteenagers who take nude photos of themlves, technically creating child pornography, with adult predators. Some states, including New Mexico and Washington, have begun decriminalisingxting between minors—a good first step.
5. “We have to stop being distracted by the fact that xting involves digital technology,” says Elizabeth Englander, director of the Massachutts Aggression Reduction Centre. Instead, she argues, it is “part and parcelof xual development”. The internet has spawnednovel abus with wider-than-ever reach, but they tend to mirror tho in the real world. For instance, more than a quarter of teenagers in relationships suffer “digital-dating abu”, where one partner us technology to snoop on, threaten or stalkthe other; 35.9% of teenage victims have also suffered that offline.
马萨诸塞州寻衅⾏为防控中⼼(Massachutts Aggression Reduction Centre)主任伊丽莎⽩·英格兰德说:“我们不能再因为性短信涉及数字技术⽽分⼼了。”相反,她认为,这是“性发展的⼀部分”。互联⽹催⽣了前所未有的新虐待⽅式,但它们往往反映了现实世界的情况。例如,超过四分之⼀恋爱中的青少年遭受“数字约会虐待”,即⼀⽅使⽤技术窥探、威胁或跟踪另⼀⽅;35.9%的青少年受害者在线下也有同样的遭遇。
6. Yet most x education is stuck inanalogue. New Jery is rare in covering xting problems in its
curriculum; in December a bill was introduced to incorporate it in Illinois, too. The question that remains is what they should be teaching. To find out, rearchers discusd some anti-xting messages with older teenagers in Massachutts and Colorado. Girls reported being affected by danger-fuelled warnings they had heard in the past (“You can’t control a picture once it’s been nt”); boys, on the whole, didn’t. Even among female students who had found such messages convincing, 40% had xted nonetheless. Ms Englander concludes that just-say-no messages “may work for some, but not many, kids.” Wor, they risk scaring tho who need help from coming forward.
7. Some rearchers are proposing an alternative: a tech-savvyversion of “abstinence-plus” education, which discouragesxting but offers strategies to keep teenagers safe if it does happen. T
he goal is to ensure that “any backlash is notirreparable”, explains Sameer Hinduja, co-director of the Cyberbullying Rearch Centre. It would stress that all xting carries risk, but certain strandlevate it: taking a photo with your face in it, with a birthmark, in a recognisable place; nding it to a stranger, storing it on a cloud rver, using an uncured app. And it would incorporate xting into broader conversations about respect in relationships generally. Most experts endorthis approach.
⼀些研究⼈员提出了另⼀种⽅案:⼀种精通技术的“禁欲+”教育,这种教育不⿎励发送性短信,但提供了⼀些策略,以确保青少年在发⽣性短信时的安全。⽹络欺凌研究中⼼的联席主任Sameer Hinduja解释说,这样做的⽬的是确保“任何反弹都不是⽆法弥补的”。它强调,所有的性短信都有风险,但某些情况会增加风险,包括:在⼀个容易辨认的地⽅,⽤你的脸、胎记拍照⽚;发送给陌⽣⼈;储存在云服务器上;使⽤不安全的应⽤程序。它将把性短信纳⼊关于两性关系中的尊重话题中。⼤多数专家都赞同这种⽅法。
8. Laypeople, though, will probably “cringe”, “even recoil” at it, Mr Hinduja admits, “becau it counters everything they have been taught” about xting. Some concerns are age-old, such as that children will as a result have more x, online or off. Others are new. Encryptionmeant to protect minors’ identity could complicate child-pornography investigations. Without a formal curriculum, pare
nts can still talk to their children about how to be good “digital citizens”. But some translation may be required. “When we say ‘xting’, kids know we’re boomers,” says Darren Laur, a 55-year-old former law-enforcement official who now runs a digital-literacy company. “They say ‘nd nudes’.”
然⽽,Hinduja先⽣承认,门外汉可能会对此“害怕”,甚⾄“退缩”,“因为它与他们被教导的有关性短信的⼀切都是背道⽽驰的”。有些担忧是由来已久的,⽐如孩⼦们最终会有更多的性⽣活,不管是线上的还是线下的。旨在保护未成年⼈⾝份的加密技术可能会使⼉童⾊情调查复杂化。没有正规的课程,⽗母仍然可以和孩⼦谈论如何成为优秀的“数字公民”。但是可能需要⼀些改变。“当我们说‘性短信’时,孩⼦们知道我们是婴⼉潮⼀代,”55岁的前执法官员达伦·劳尔(Darren Laur)说,他现在经营着⼀家数字扫盲公司。“他们说‘发送裸照’。”
prudish/'pruːdɪʃ/ adj. 过分拘谨的
And even the prudish standards of the censors are sometimes flexible enough to allow content that might shock children, who are just as impressionable in China as anywhere el.
contraception/kɒntrə'pʃ(ə)n/ n. [医]避孕
So did demand for contraception, as women worried that access to birth-control would be curtailed.
buck the trend反潮流;逆势⽽上
But even if organic is not in your budget, you can buck the trend.
nude/njuːd/ n. (绘画、照⽚或雕塑)裸体adj. 裸体的
in the nude
nude contract⽆偿契约
They draw the nude figure with careful anatomy.
hard-line/'hɑ:dlain/ adj. 主张采取强硬路线的;毫不妥协的;采强硬态度的
松声The deal split hardline and more pragmatic Brexiteers.
coerce/kəʊ'ɜːs/ vt. 迫使做;强迫, 强制;(以武⼒、惩罚、威胁等⼿段)控制;⽀配;压制
I was coerced into joining the gang.
decriminalize/diː'krɪmɪn(ə)laɪz/ vt. ⾮刑事化;合法化
快乐的一只小青蛙President Putin has signed into law a controversial bill that decriminalizes some forms of domestic violence in Russia.普京总统将⼀部有争议的法案签署法律,该法案使俄罗斯某些形式的家暴合法化。
a good first step好的开始
lump together放在⼀起;归在⼀起;把…混为⼀谈;⼀概⽽论
We try to lump together a t of inputs and outputs, so as to treat them as a single commodity.
leave out遗漏, 省略, 删去; 未顾及, 忽略
A liar may leave out pronouns and speak in a monotonoustone.
let off放出;准许…暂停⼯作;宽恕
As the companies fail, the markets take note. This lets off steam and ttles things down.
oversimplify/ˏəuvəˈsɪmplɪfaɪ/ v. 叙述或说明(⼀问题、事实等)过于简单
The headlines over-simplify the richness of the format question for newspapers.
onus/'əʊnəs/ n. 责任,义务;负担
onus of proof
onus probandin. 〈拉〉举证责任
This puts the onus on the industry and this isn't all bad.
unsolicited/ʌnsə'lɪsɪtɪd/ adj. 未被恳求的,主动提供的
predator/'predətə/ n. ⾷⾁动物;掠夺者;捕⾷者
Terribly stupid predators they're able to outsmart everyday?