Topic questions:
1.Why is the 18th century called the Age of Enlightenment?
The 18th century England is known as the Age of Enlightenment or the Age of Reason.
(1) The Enlightenment Movement was a progressive intellectual movement which flourished in France and swept through the whole Western Europe。 The movement was a furtherance of the Renaissance in the 15th & 16th centuries。
校园暴力的危害(2) Its purpo was to enlighten the whole world with the light of modem philosophical and artistic ideas。
(3) English enlighteners believed in the power of reason. They considered that social problems could be solved by human intelligence.
(4) The Enlighteners criticized different aspects of contemporary England, discusd social life according to a more reasonable principle。
(5) The Enlightener celebrated reason or ration, equality, science and human beings’ ability to perfect themlves and their society. They called for a reference to order, reason and advocated universal education.
(6) Famous among the great enlighteners in England were tho great writers like John Dryden, Alexander pope and so on.
2.Comment on Alexander Pope and his contributions to English poetry。
Alexander Pope is the greatest poet of the Augustan age, best known for his satirical ver and for his translation of Homer。 His major works are Essay on Criticism, Essay on Man, The Rape of the Lock。
竞选演讲>弓字旁He was so perfect in heroic couplets that no one can approach him. And in the field of satiric and didactic ver, he was the undisputed master。 He popularized the neo—classical literary tradition。 He was one of the early reprentatives of the Enlightenment who introduced into English culture the spirit of rationalism and greater interest in the hu
man world。 He reprented the highest glory and authority in matters of literary art and made great contributions to the theory and practice of prosody.
3.What do you find admirable in Robinson Crusoe? Discuss briefly some of his traits。
Robinson Crusoe developed from a naïve and artless youth into a clever and hardened man, tempered by numerous trials in this eventful life。 He successfully struggled alone against the pitiless forces of nature on a lonely island. He is a real hero, and the best qualities of his character are shown to the full: his marvelous capacity for work, his boundless energy and persistence in overcoming obstacles。
4. Analyze the character of Tom Jones in The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling。
Tom Jones is the pattern of the good-natured unheroic hero of the age. He is a very handsome young man of manly virtues: kind, frank, generous, high—spirited, loyal and courageous, but impulsive, wanting prudence and full of animal spirits and nsuality. He reprents everyman. (He is of manly virtues and yet not without fault。)
5. What is the symbolic meaning of the tiger in William Blake’s The Tyger?
The tiger initially appears as a strikingly nsuous image. However, as the poem progress, it takes on a symbolic character, and comes to embody the spiritual and moral problems the poem explores: perfectly beautiful and yet perfectly destructive。 Blake's tiger becomes the symbolic center for an investigation into the prence of evil in the world. Since the tiger’s remarkable nature exists both in physical and moral terms, the speaker’s questions about its origin also encompass both physical and moral dimensions。 The poem's ries of questions repeatedly ask what sort of physical creative capacity the "fearful symmetry” of the tiger bespeaks; assumedly only a very strong and powerful being could be capable of such a creation。
6。 9点的英文Make a comparison between the two volumes of William Blake: The Songs of Innocence数列知识点 and The Songs of Experience.
The two books hold the similar subject matter, but the tone, emphasis and conclusion differ。
(请求近义词1) Songs of Innocence is a lovely volume of poems, prenting a happy and innocent world, though not without its evils and sufferings.侧踢
(2) Songs of Experience paints a different world, a world of miry, poverty, dia, war and repression with a melancholy tone.
7。 Who are the “Lake Poets” in English literature? To which literary movement do they belong?
Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey have often been mentioned as the ”Lake Poets” becau they lived in the Lake District in the northwestern part of England. The three traverd the same path in politics and in poetry, beginning as radicals and closing as conrvatives。