inston hurhill's iron urta in speeh
inston hurhill pre nted his sines of peae, , at estminster ollege in fulton, missouri on marh 5,46 .
preside nt mluer, ladies and gen tleme n, and last, but erta ini not least, the preside nt of the un ited states of ameri a:
i am ver glad in deed to e to estmi nster ollege this
车间精细化管理after noon, and i am plime nted that ou should give me a degree from an in stituti on ho reputati on has bee n so solidl established. the n ame estm in ster someho or other ems familiar to me. i feel as if i have heard of it before.
in deed no that i e to thi nk of it, it as at estm in ster that i reeived a ver large part of m eduation in politis, dialeti, rhetori, and one or to other thin gs. in fat e have both bee n eduated at the same, or similar, or, at an rate, kindred establishme nts.
it is also an honor, ladies and gentlemen, perhaps almost uniq ue, for a private visitor to be in trodued to an XXdemi audie ne b the preside nt of the un ited states. amid his heav burde ns, duties, and resp on sibilities--un sought but not reoiled from-
-the preside nt has traveled a thousa nd miles to dig nif and magnif our meeti ng here to-da and to give me an opportunit of addressing this kindred nation, as ell as m on oun trme n aross the oea n, and perhaps some other oun tries too. the preside nt has told ou that it is his ish, as i am sure it is ours, that i should have full libert to give m true and faithful ounl in the anxious and baffling times. i shall ertainl avail mlf of this freedom, and feel the more right to do so beau an private ambitions i ma have herished in m ounger das have been satisfied beond m ildest dreams. let me hoever make it lear that i have no offiial missi on or status of an kind, and that i speak onl for mlf. there is no thi ng here but hat ou e.
as ou slol open our ees, look around, notie here the light es into our room; listen arefull, e if there are ne sounds ou an reognize; feel ith our bod and spirit, and e if ou an n the freshness in the air.
es, es, es, it 's a ne da, it 's a different da, and
it 's a bright da! and most importantl, it is a ne beginning for our life, a beginning here ou are going to make ne deisions, take ne ations, make ne friends, and take our life to a totall unpreedented level !
in our mind 's ees, ou an e learl the things ou ant to have, the plaes ou intend to go, the relationships ou desire to develop, and the positions ou aspire to reah.
ou an hear our laughter of jo and happiness on the da hen everthing happens as ou dream.
ou an e the smiles on the people around ou hen the magi moment strikes.ou an feel our fae is getting red, our heart is beating fast, and our blood is rushing all over our bod, to ever single orner of our being !
ou kno all this is real as long as ou are onfident, passionate and mitted ! and ou are onfident, ou are passionate, ou are mitted !
ou ill no longer fear making ne sounds, shoing ne faial expressions, using our bod in ne as, approahing ne people, and asking ne questions.
ou ill live ever single da of our life ith absolute passion, and ou ill sho our passion through the ords ou speak and the ations ou take.
ou ill fous all our time and effort on the most important goals of our life. ou ill never suumb to hallenges of hardships.
ou ill never aver in our pursuit of exellene. after all, ou are the best,
and ou derve the best !
as our oah and friend, i an assure ou the door to all the best things in
the orld ill open to ou, but the ke to that door is in our hand. ou must do our part, ou must faithfull follo the plans ou make and take the ations ou plan,
ou must never quit, ou must never fear. i kno ou must do it, ou an do it, ou
ill do it, and ou ill sueed! no stand firm and tall, make a fist, get exited, and ell it out.
i must do it !i an do it !i ill doit !i ill sueed !
眉毛上面有痣i must do it !i an do it !i ill doit !i ill sueed !
i must do it !i an do it !i ill doit !i ill sueed !
- -/r+tj ?
电话的发明者hi, everbod. i am a modern post-90s girl, alled emma.
sine junior high shool, beau of bus ork, m father moved to live in a
far XX pan. eekl or even monthl, i an onl e him one. also, m mother is on
dut at night, so i don 't often e her, either. ever night, i 'm alone at home, take are of
mlf and feel lonel. i miss m father and hope to have a arm dinner, not
just mlf alone. 40s
it has been three ears, think arefull, i ant to ask: in the times of
osted generation, am i reall luk? in m vie, living in this age is both luk
and unluk._15s
e live ithout ar full o
f information, modern siene and tehnolog. life is
ver onvenient. e don 't need to orr about
food. there are a lot of opportunities and time to learn a lot of knoledge and develop our on interests. hat ' s more, there is onl one hild per famil ith enough love and full attention. so e are health and luk. __________________ 35s
but ever oin has to sides, to think from another side, e ma be unluk.
as is mentioned, it ‘s luk that e have enough
love and are. but one our parents are XX from us, e 'll be lonel and bee indifferent .also if love is given too muh, teenagers ma bee unsatisfied; personalit is stubborn, extreme, lfish and laking in tolerane.
at junior high shool, i had a beautiful rih but arrogant lassmate. she didn 't allo people to sa no to her and did anthing she anted to do. the result as that she anted to make real friends but an 't make it.
hat 's more, the more e are loved, the more responsibilit and pressure e have. e stud harder to return the love. but if
e don ' t sueed, having little experiene, e ma ollap desperate jump off
the building suiide. m good friend, beau of the failure in his test, he
beame depraved, i 'm ver sad
for that.
generall speaking, in the modern era, e are both luk and unluk. but hether luk or not, e should enjo everthing e have, onverting the misfortune
to luk.
an a, in a fe months, i an e m father, so i 'm ver happ.