Good morning, everybody. (Applau.) Thank you, thank you, thank you very much. Plea,plea have a at. Thank you so much. Well, good morning, everybody.
Welcome to the White Hou andwelcome to our annual Easter prayer breakfast. As always,we are blesd to be joined by so many good friends fromaround the country. We'vegotdistinguished guests. We've got faithleaders, members of my administration who are here.And I will once again resist the temptationto preach to preachers. (Laughter.) It never worksout well. I am reminded of the admonition from the Bookof Romans -- “Do not claim to bewir than you are.〞 (Laughter.) So this morning, I want to offer some very brief reflections aswe startthis Easter ason.
But as I was preparing myremarks, something intervened yesterday. And so I want to justdevote a few words about yesterday's tragedy inKansas. This morning our prayers are withthepeople of Overland Park. And we'restill learning the details, but this much we know. A gunmanopened fire at two Jewish facilities-- a community center and a retirement home. I怎样才能生男孩
nnocentpeople were killed. Their families were devastated. And this violence has struck the heart ofthe Jewish community in KansasCity.
Two of the victims -- agrandfather and his teenage [grand] son -- attended the UnitedMethodist Churchof the Resurrection, which is led by our friend Reverend Adam Hamilton.Some of you may know that during myinauguration, Reverend Hamilton delivered the rmonat the prayer rvice atthe National Cathedral. And I wasgrateful for his prence and hiswords. He joined us at our breakfast last year. And at the Easter rvice for Palm Sunday lastnight, he had to breakthis terrible news to his congregation.
That this occurred now -- as Jewswere preparing to celebrate Passover, as Christians wereobrving Palm Sunday--makes this tragedy all the more painful. And today, as Passoverbegins, we're eing a number of synagogues andJewish community centers take addedcurity precautions. Nobody should have to worry about theircurity when gathering withtheir fellow believers. No one should ever have to fear for theirsafety when they go to pray.
And as a government, we're goingto provide whatever assistance is needed to support theinvestigation. As Americans, we not only need to open ourhearts to the families of the victims,we've got to stand united against thiskind of terrible violence, which has no place in oursociety. And we have to keep coming together acrossfaiths to combat the ignorance andintolerance, including anti-Semitism thatcan lead to hatred and to violence, becau we'reall children of God. We're all made in His image, all worthy ofhis love and dignity. And we ewhathappens around the world when this kind of religious-bad or tinged violencecan rear itsugly head. It's got no placein our society.
So this Easter Week, of cour werecognize that there's a lot of pain and a lot of sin and alot of tragedy inthis world, but we're also overwhelmed by the grace of an awesome God. We'rereminded how He loves us, so deeply,that He gave his only begotten Son so that we might livethrough Him. And in the Holy Days, we recall all thatJesus endured for us -- the scorn of thecrowds and the pain of thecrucifixion, in our Christian religious tradition we celebrate theglory of theResurrection -- all so that we might be forgiven of our sins and grantedeverlastinglife.
And more than 2,000 years later,it inspires us still. We are drawn toHis timeless teachings,challenged to be worthy of His sacrifice, to emulate asbest we can His eternal example tolove one another just as He loves us. And of cour, we're always reminded each andevery daythat we fall short of that example. And none of us are free from sin, but we look to His life andstrive,knowing that “if we love one another, God lives in us, and His love isperfected in us.〞
I'll tell you, I felt this spiritwhen I had the great honor of meeting His Holiness, PopeFrancis,recently. I think it's fair to say thattho of us of the Christian faith, regardless of ourdenomination, have beentouched and moved by Pope Francis. Now,some of it is his words --his message of justice and inclusion, especially forthe poor and the outcast. He implores ustoe the inherent dignity in each human being. But it's also his deeds, simple yet profound--hugging the homeless man, and washing the feet of somebody who normallyordinary folkswould just pass by on the street. He reminds us that all of us, no matter whatour station, havean obligation to live righteously, and that we all have anobligation to live humbly.Becauthat's, in fact, the example that we profess to
So I had a wonderful conversationwith Pope Francis, mostly about the imperatives ofaddressing poverty andinequality. And I invited him to come tothe United States, and Isincerely hope he will. When we exchanged gifts he gave me a copy ofhis inspiring writings, “The Joy of the Gospel.〞 And there is a passage that speaks to ustoday: “Christ's resurrection,〞hewrites, “is not an event of the past; it contains a vital power which haspermeated this world.〞And he adds,“Jesus did not ri in vain. May wenever remain on the sidelines of this march ofliving hope!〞
鱼胶怎么做好吃又简单 So this morning, my main messageis just to say thank you to all of you, becau you don'tremain on thesidelines. I want to thank you for yourministries, for your good works, for themarching you do for justice anddignity and inclusion, for the ministries that all of you attendto and havehelped organize throughout your communities each and every day to feedthehungry and hou the homeless and educate children who so desperately need aneducation.You have made a difference inso many different ways, not only here in
the United States butoveras aswell. And that includes a cau clo tomy heart, My Brother's Keeper, an initiativethat we recently launched to makesure that more boys and young men of color can overcomethe odds and achievetheir dreams.