By Harold Holzer
No American hero, with the possible exception of George "I Cannot Tell a Lie" Washington, has been more encrusted with myth than Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln did boast virtues that required little embellishment. He ro from obscurity through hard work, lf-education and honesty. He endured venomous criticism to save the Union and end slavery. He died shortly after his greatest triumph at the hands of an assassin. But tall-tale-tellers have never hesitated to rewrite Lincoln's biography. On Presidents' Day, it's well worth dispelling some perennial misconceptions about the man on the $5 bill.
1. Lincoln was a simple country lawyer.
This durable legend, personified by laconic Henry Fonda in John Ford's film "Young Mr. Lincoln," dies hard. Lincoln's law partner William H. Herndon, looking to boost his own reputation, introduced the canard that Lincoln cared little about his legal practice, did scant rearch, joked around with juries and judges, and sometimes failed to collect fees. Lincoln himlf may have compromid his legal reputation with his oft-quoted admonition "Discourage litigation."
True, politics became lawyer Lincoln's chief ambition. Still, in the 1850s he ably (and profitably) reprented the Illinois Central Railroad and the Rock Island Bridge Co. - the company that built the first railroad bridge over the Mississippi River - and earned a solid reputation as one of his home state's top appeals lawyers.
Lincoln's legal papers testify to a diver and profitable practice. Had he not been "aroud," as he put it, to speak out in 1854 against the pro-slavery Kansas-Nebraska Act before eking a Senate at, he likely would have remained a full-time lawyer and earned fame and fortune at the bar.
2. Lincoln was gay.
Gay rights activist Larry Kramer has long speculated that Lincoln was gay, claiming in 1999 that he'd discovered Lincoln's love letters to onetime roommate Joshua Speed. The claim is reportedly featured in Kramer's forthcoming history of homoxuality, "The American People," but historian Gabor Boritt called Kramer's asrtion "almost certainly . . . a hoax."一年级下册语文生字表
Still, the idea persists. In 2005, "The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln," written by queer theory professor C. A. Tripp - a colleague of x rearcher Alfred Kiny - purported to prove that Lincoln was an active homoxual who married only to conform to 19th-century convention and continued flirting and sleeping with young men throughout his presidency. Tripp went so far as to suggest that Lincoln's xual indifference is what contributed to his wife's mental illness.
Is it true? And if it is, does it matter? According to Herndon, Lincoln exhibited a "powerful" attraction to women and was a regular customer in prairie brothels before his marriage at
age 33. His first son was born just nine months after his marriage, which suggests enthusiasm if not experience. Then again, proving that a man loves women isn't the same as proving that he doesn't love men. Maybe it's best to throw up our hands - and remember that Lincoln's xual orientation is but a small part of his historical legacy.
3. Lincoln was depresd.
Four generations of biographers attest that Lincoln was often moro, but Washington College's Joshua Wolf Shenk made the ca in his recent book, "Lincoln's Melancholy: How Depression Challenged a President and Fueled his Greatness," that the 16th president was clinically depresd. Lincoln certainly had moments of what he called the "hypo," most notably when his first rious crush, Ann Rutledge, died in 1835, and again when he broke up with fianc??e Mary Todd on the eve of their nuptials in 1841. (They reconciled the next year.)文化的重要性
橄榄油面膜Though I co-edited a collection of Lincoln papers with Shenk, we disagree on this point. Genuine depression was untreatable in the 19th century, and its victims often descended
into madness or took their own lives. It is impossible to reconcile this debilitating dia with the Lincoln who labored tirelessly and effectively during his demanding presidency. Clinically depresd people often can't get out of bed, let alone command an army.
Was Lincoln sad? Sure - his son Willie died of fever in the White Hou in 1862, while the president himlf led a war that would take the lives of 600,000 other young men. It would be far more remarkable had Lincoln remained perennially jolly.万千星辉贺台庆
沙发摆放效果图4. Lincoln was too compassionate.
Much has been made by poet and Lincoln biographer Carl Sandburg and other historians over the notion that Lincoln was a rial pardoner. This is untrue - Lincoln not only approved the execution of derters, but 38 alleged Indian raiders were hanged by his order in Mankato, Minn. on Dec. 26, 1862, still the largest mass execution on U.S. soil.
Meanwhile, Lincoln conducted the bloodiest war in American history to prerve the Union, authorized the deployment of deadly new weaponry such as mines, ironclad wars
hips and niter (a 19th-century version of napalm), and accepted unprecedented casualties for his chon cau.