Who are the Americans?
I. The “Natives”
1. The aboriginal peoples of the Western Hemisphere usually are divided into two groups. One is the Indian peoples (including North American, Middle American, and South American Indian peoples) . The cond group consists of a number of Arctic peoples, most of whom are variously 以不同的名称called Eskimo [ ]爱斯基摩人or Inuit[ ]因纽特人 but also including such other groups as Aleuts泉州元宵节[ ](爱斯基摩人中的)阿留申(岛)人.
2. From 1,600,000 to 10,000 years ago (during the Ice Age [or Pleistocene Epoch[ ]更新世的:属于或标志第四纪的两个时期中较早时代的地质时期、岩石系列和沉积矿床的, 这一时期以互生外貌、北方冰蚀退缩和人类祖先的出现为特征] but the exact time cannot be decided), by the a land bridge (it is believed) where the Bering Strait [ ]now divides Asia and America.
3. At the time of European contact there were perhaps as many as 240 different tribal entiti
es in North America. (Note: By the time Europeans began arriving in significant numbers at the beginning of the 16th century AD, the descendants of the and later waves of migrants had spread over the Americas and had developed a variety of cultures adjusted to various ecological conditions.)
4. There were more than 60 Indian language families in North America, comprising over 500 languages. The ancestors of the Indians left the Old World (Asia) so long ago that any relationship was lost through linguistic change.
太平天国失败的根本原因是II. The Discovery, grand immigration and a new culture
1. △ America has always appeared to be not one culture, but a mixture of different cultures.
2. Around the year 1000, some Icelandic Vikings sailed to the eastern coast of North America. (leader: Leif Ericson[`li:f] [ ] also spelled as “Ericsson”, the same to the famous telecom company.) Remains of a Viking ttlement can still be found in the Cana
dian province of Newfoundland[ ]. The Vikings may visited New England, but they failed to establish an permanent ttlement.
3. In 1492, the Spanish navigator Christopher Columbus sailed west in his efforts to find India, and explored the islands in the Caribbean Sea. Although he did not reach the Far East, he returned with some gold and inspired many treasure-hungry Spanish adventurers who conquered a large empire in South and Central America. (Note: The Spanish also built some ttlements in North America in Florida (1565), New Mexico (1609), and San Diego [ ]圣地亚哥 in California.
4. Purpos:
(1) The Europeans were firstly and most importantly drawn to this new world by the prospect of finding wealth. And to realize this purpo, each country tried its best to 面包的制作方法预习课文claim as much territory as possible, and this can only be accomplished by establishing ttlements.
(2)The Spanish priests had zeal to convert the indigenous inhabitants to Christianity.
(3)The European religious and political disnters tried to find refuge from percution in their homelands.
(4) Some people had a thirst for adventures.
5. The Spanish tried assiduously to Christianize the natives and to remake their living patterns. They created the first Indian rervations, promid that the Indians may keep their lands, and broke their promi. Both the Indians who moved to the rervations and tho who escaped to mountain places for fear of losing what they owned lost their land.
6. French administrators, in dealing with the various tribes, tried primarily only to 趣味活动方案establish trade relations with them.
7. In contrast to the French, the English were primarily interested in land and permanent ttlements; beginning quite early in their occupation, they felt an obligation to bargain with the Indians and to conclude formal agreements with compensation to presumed Indian landowners. In spite of the official efforts to protect Indian lands, unauthorized entry and u caud constant friction through the colonial period.
8. In 1607, the first successful English colony in North America was founded at Jamestown, Virginia. (The ttlement was financed by a London company which expected to make a profit from the ttlement. It never did. Of the first 105 colonies 73 died of hunger and dia within 7 months of their arrival. But the colony survived and eventually grew and became wealthy. This fact explains the reason why the Americans are hard working. The American Fathers worked hard for the necessity of survival.) The Virginians discovered a way to earn money by growing tobacco, which they began shipping to England in 1614.
9. The English Puritans established veral ttlements in New England. The ttlers believed that the Church of England had adopted too many practices from Roman Catholicism, and they came to America to escape percution in England and to found a colony bad on their own religious ideals. (religious freedom pursued by the Puritans未来由我) One group of Puritans, called the “Pilgrims,” sailed across the Atlantic on ship called May Flower and ttled at Plymouth, Massachutts in 1620. A much larger Puritan colony was established in Boston in 1630.
10. △ New England established an American tradition of intolerant moralism. The Puritans believed that governments should enforce God’s morality. They strictly punished drunks, adulterers, violators of the Sabbath and heretics. In the Puritan ttlements the right to vote was restricted to church members, and the salaries of ministers were paid out of tax revenues [杜渊泉 ].国家的税收 (A Christian Society)