Study on chromatographic enantioparation of amino acid amides and asymmetric catalysis of sulfinamides
Most natural products have chirality.With the development of the rearch on the chiral substances,more and more chiral compounds have been widely ud in medicine,fine chemicals and chiral materials.The enantiomers of chiral compounds have many similar physical and chemical properties.However,there are great differences in the performance for different isomers in vivo.There
fore,it is very important for people to obtain isomers which have a good effect on animal bodies. The usual methods for obtaining the single optical isomers are chiral resolution, chiral reagent transformations,asymmetric catalysis,and biosynthesis.
This paper is divided into two parts:chromatographic enantioperation of chiral amino acid amide derivatives by HPLC and synthesis of new chiral ligands and their application in asymmetric catalysis.
Part one:Chromatographic enantioperation of chiral amino acid amide derivatives.
Among the many methods of chiral paration,chiral stationary pha method has been ud more and more widely.Chiral amino acid amide derivatives as chiral drug intermediates are widely ud.Although there are some studies on chromatographic enantioparation of amino acid derivatives,study on chiral resolution of amino acid amide derivatives on chiral stationary phras was rarely reported,chiral amino acid amide as important medicine intermediate,so study on paration by high performance liquid chromatography is also important.
First of all,ten amino acid amide derivatives were synthesized according to our group reported synthetic methods.Then,chromatographic enantioparation of the ten amino acid amide derivatives 活海参
under various conditions was elvaluated in high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC),and thus the optimized chromatographiccondition was obtained.
Secondly,under the optimized condition,the different conditions of the parameters are analyzed and compared.According to the difference of the structure of the compound,the effect of different groups on the paration effect was explained.A chromatographic enantioparation mechanism is propod.
Part two:The asymmetric catalysis of N-aryl sulfinamide-olefin chiral ligands.
Chiral ligands play an important role in asymmetric catalysis.At prent,the chiral ligands such as phosphines,sulfoxides,and sulfinamides are commonly ud as the"preveleged structures".
First,veral chiral sulfinamide-olefin ligands were synthesized bad on the reported procedures.And then the chiral ligands were ud in rhodim-catalyzed the conjugate addition of arylboric acid to cyclicα,β-unsaturated ketones.The conditions for the ligands,bas and solvents were screened with cyclohexene and aryl boric acid as substrates.
Secondly,under the optimized experimental conditions,the reaction of cyclohexenone,nitrostyrene,benzil,trifluoroacetophenone and a ries of aryl boric acids were investigated.The results showed that nitrostyrene was not involved in the reaction.Benzil and trifluoroacetophenone reacted with aryl boric acids,but only low enantiolectivities were obtained.
In summary,this thesis mainly studies HPLC chromatographic resolution of ten kinds of chiral amino acid amides.The effect of various factors,such as chiral solid phras,column temperature,mobile pha on chromatographic paration of chiral amino acid amides are investigated.The chiral paration mechanism of chiral amino acid amides on chiral solid phas are explored from thermokinetic point.Chiral N-arylsulfinamide-olefin ligands ud in rhodium-catalyzed enantiolective addition reactions are also studied in this thesis.
Keywords:HPLC,Chiral stationary phas,Amino acid amides,Asymmetric catalysis,Chiral sulfinamide-olefin ligands,Rhodium catalysis
摘要.............................................................................................................................III 第一部分手性氨基酸酰胺化合物的液相色谱分离 (1)
第1章绪论 (1)
1.1手性分离的重要性及意义 (1)
1.2手性分离方法 (3)
1.2.1结晶分离法 (3)
1.2.2化学拆分法 (4)
1.2.3生物法 (4)
1.2.4色谱分离法 (4)气相色谱法 (5)超临界流体色谱法 (5)
管理类专业薄层色谱法 (6)
滕州马铃薯1.2.4.4毛细管电泳色谱法 (6)高效液相色谱法 (6)
就当养条狗1.3高效液相色谱手性固定相法 (7)
1.3.1冠醚类手性固定相 (7)
1.3.2Pirkle型手性固定相 (8)
1.3.3环糊精类手性固定相 (9)
1.3.4多糖类手性固定相 (9)
1.4高效液相色谱手性固定相法分离机理及色谱参数 (10)
1.4.1分离机理 (10)
1.4.2色谱参数 (11)
1.5选题依据 (12)
第2章实验部分 (14)
2.1实验仪器及药品 (14)
2.1.1实验仪器 (14)
2.1.2实验药品 (14)
2.2手性氨基酸酰胺类化合物的合成 (15)
2.3色谱条件的优化 (17)
第3章结果与讨论 (18)
3.1代表产物的氢谱分析 (18)
3.2手性柱对分离效果的影响 (19)
3.3柱温对分离效果的影响 (22)
3.4流动相中异丙醇浓度对分离的影响 (25)
3.5机理浅析 (29)
第4章结论 (30)
第二部分手性N-芳基亚磺酰胺烯烃配体的合成及不对称催化研究 (31)
第1章研究背景 (31)
1.1手性配体不对称催化的意义及反应 (31)
1.2手性配体及其研究进展 (32)