Ionization coefficients and sparking voltages in argon-methane and argon-propane mixtures 期刊名称: Journal of Physics D Applied Physics暑期社会实践报告
作者: HEYLEN, A. E. D.
年份: 1968年
室内种植致富项目期号: 第2期
你比我猜什么是妊娠纹关键词: boric oxide;aluminum squioxide;hydrolysis;equilibrium
constants;aluminum isopropoxide
选购蜂蜜摘要:Townnd primary and condary ionization coefficients have been measured in 0.03, 0.3 and 3% of methane and of propane in argon for a total pressure in the range 0.5-500 torr and for a uniform field gap up to 1 cm. The primary ionization coefficient for the Ar-CH4 mixtures remains within 30% of that for pure argon but an optimum concentration of 0.13% of propane in the Ar-C3H8 mixture gives ri to a Penning effect almost comparable in intensity to that obrved by Kruithof and Penning (1937) 花非花歌曲
待人之礼in Ne-Ar mixtures; thus at E/p0=5 v cm1 torr1 at 0°c, the coefficient is incread by a factor of 200 above that for pure argon. Becau of the quenching property of hydrocarbons, it is shown that it is possible to reduce the condary ionization coefficient of argon as much as 107 times; at low and high E/p0 the effectiveness