Atlas Copco Stationary Air Compressors
GA11, GA15, GA18, GA22
Elektronikon I regulator Pack/Pack Full-feature
Parts list
From following rial No. onwards:
WUX – 23xxxx
• Copyright 2008, Atlas Copco Airpower n.v., Antwerp, Belgium.
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No. 9829 3071 50
Parts list Contents0
Drive arrangement (1)
Air system - Air Inlet (2)
Air flow (3)
Unloader Valve (4)
Oil system – Oil circuit (5)
Oil System – Oil vesl connections (6)招商引资
Regulating system (7)
Air Outlet - Pack (8)
Air Outlet - FF (9)
Air dryer (10)
Bodywork (11)
Start cubicle – Star / Delta (12)
Heavy duty filter (13)
Service Kits (14)
2 9829 3071 50
Parts list
1 Drive arrangement
Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks 1010 1616 6712 90 1 Service stage 3010 1 Gear wheel t
越来越好的英文2010 1622 0007 00 1 Gear casing 1625 0020 17 GA11-7.5 bar(e)
2015 0663 2103 22 1 O-ring 1625 0020 27 GA11-8.5 bar(e)
2020 0147 1364 03 8 Hexagon bolt 1625 0020 06 GA11-10 bar(e)
2025 0101 1951 40 2 Pin 1625 0020 15 GA11-13 bar(e)
2030 1622 3400 00 1 Spacer 1625 0020 19 GA15-7.5 bar(e)
2035 0147 1368 03 1 Hexagon bolt 1625 0020 07 GA15-8.5 bar(e)
2040 0337 0009 42 1 Parallel key 1625 0020 18 GA15-10 bar(e)
2041 0337 0009 45 1 Parallel key 1625 0020 17 GA15-13 bar(e)
2045 1622 0009 00 1 Bushing 1625 0020 25 GA18-7.5 bar(e)
2050 1616 5742 00 1 Seal ring 1625 0020 11 GA18-8.5 bar(e)
2055 1622 0010 00 1 Washer 1625 0020 20 GA18-10 bar(e)
2060 0147 1478 03 1 Hexagon bolt 1625 0020 07 GA18-13 bar(e)
贵在持之以恒2065 0147 1475 03 4 Hexagon bolt 1625 0020 12 GA22-7.5 bar(e)
2070 1613 6752 01 2 Antivibr. pad 1625 0020 22 GA22-8.5 bar(e)
2075 0147 1363 03 2 Hexagon bolt 1625 0020 25 GA22-10 bar(e)
2080 0301 2344 00 2 Washer 1625 0020 02 GA22-13 bar(e)
2100 16619 2766 00 6 Bolt 4070 1 Motor
2115 1092 0010 60 2 Nipple 1091 6340 04 GA11
1091 6341 04 GA15
1091 6342 04 GA18
1091 6343 04 GA22
9829 3071 50 3
Parts list Air system – Air Inlet2
Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks
1010 1622 0004 00 1 Air Filter
1202 8040 02 1 Filter element 1015 1622 4741 00 1 Elbow
1020 1622 4780 00 1 Tube
老坛酸菜怎么做1025 0347 6114 00 3 Ho clip
1030 1622 1713 82 1 Asmbly Unloader 1035 1622 7811 00 1 Gasket
1040 0147 1325 03 4 Hexagon bolt 1045 0301 2335 00 4 Washer
3010 1622 0014 01 1 Housing
3015 0663 2111 35 3 O-ring
3020 0663 7134 00 1 O-ring
3025 0147 1329 03 2 Hexagon bolt 3030 0147 1335 03 2 Hexagon bolt 3035 0301 2335 00 4 Washer
3040 0571 0035 96 1 Nipple
3045 0663 3125 00 1 O-ring
3050 1622 3648 20 1 Nipple
3051 0663 3119 00 1 O-ring
3055 1613 9005 01 1 Valve
3060 0663 2108 11 1 O-ring
3220 0581 0001 02 1 Nipple
3221 0661 1000 40 1 Seal washer 4045 1089 0574 55 1 Temp. nsor 4050 1089 0702 09 1 Solenoid valve 5005 1088 1001 01 1 Warning mark
4 9829 3071 50
Parts list
3 Air flow
Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks Ref. Partnumber Qty Name Remarks
1070 1622 0015 00 1 Ho asmbly 1075 0663 7134 00 2 O-ring
1080 0147 1325 03 4 Hexagon bolt 1085 0301 2335 00 4 Washer
1215 0070 6002 05 AR Plastic tube 2005 1092 0015 73 1 Ho asmbly 2010 1 Plate
1622 0110 00 GA11
1622 0111 00 GA15
1622 0112 00 GA18
2015 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon bolt 2025 0147 1963 08 4 Hexagon bolt 2030 1622 0012 00 1 Spacer
2035 0147 1376 03 1 Hexagon bolt 2040 1613 6752 17 1 Antivibr. Pad 2060 1619 5188 00 AR Seal
3005 1 Combi-cooler 1622 0941 00 GA11
1622 0942 00 GA15
1622 0943 00 GA18
1622 0944 00 GA22
3010 0686 3716 01 1 Hexagon bolt 3015 0653 1062 00 1 Flat gasket
9829 3071 50 5