NANDA:North America Nursing Diagnosis Association,北美护理诊断协会
According to NANDA International ( NANDA-I), a nursing diagnosis is “a judgment bad on a comprehensive nursing asssment.” The nursing diagnosis is bad on the patient’s current situation and health asssment, allowing nurs and other healthcare providers to e a patient from a holistic perspective.
根据NANDA国际,护理诊断是 "基于综合护理评估的判断"。护理诊断以病⼈的现状和健康评估为基础,使护⼠和其他医疗服务提供者能从整体的⾓度来看待病⼈。
There are 4 types of nursing diagnosis according to NANDA-I. They are:
1. Problem-focud以问题为中⼼
2. Risk 风险
3. Health promotion 健康促进
4. Syndrome 综合征
Domain 11: Safety/protection
1. 有感染的危险
Risk for infection
2. 有术区感染的危险
Risk for surgical site infection
3. 清理呼吸道⽆效
Ineffective airway clearance
4. 有误吸的危险
Risk for aspiration
5. 有出⾎的危险
Risk for bleeding
Risk for bleeding
6. ⽛齿受损
Impaired dentition
7. 有⼲眼症的危险
孝亲敬老的诗句Risk for dry eye
8. ⼲眼症⾃我管理⽆效
Ineffective dry eye lf-management 9. 有⼝⼲的危险
Risk for dry mouth
10. 有成⼈跌倒的危险
Risk for adult falls
11. 有⼉童跌倒的危险
Risk for child falls
下班啦12. 有受伤的危险
Risk for injury
13. 有⾓膜损伤的危险
Risk for corneal injury
14. 乳头乳晕复合伤
Nipple-areolar complex injury
15. 有乳头乳晕复合伤的危险
Risk for nipple-areolar complex injury 16. 有尿道损伤的危险
Risk for urinary tract injury
17. 有围⼿术期体位性损伤的危险Risk for perioperative positioning injury 18. 有热损伤的危险
Risk for thermal injury
19. ⼝腔黏膜完整性受损
19. ⼝腔黏膜完整性受损
Impaired oral mucous membrane integrity
20. 有⼝腔黏膜完整性受损的危险
Risk for impaired oral mucous membrane integrity 21. 有周围神经⾎管功能障碍的危险
Risk for peripheral neurovascular dysfunction 22. 有躯体创伤的危险
Risk for physical trauma
23. 有⾎管损伤的危险
Risk for vascular trauma
24. 成⼈压疮
Adult pressure injury
25. 有成⼈压疮的危险
Risk for adult pressure injury
26. ⼉童压疮
Child pressure injury
27. 有⼉童压疮的危险
Risk for child pressure injury
28. 新⽣⼉压疮的确近义词
Neonatal pressure injury
29. 有新⽣⼉压疮的危险
Risk for neonatal pressure injury
30. 有休克的危险
Risk for shock
31. ⽪肤完整性受损
Impaired skin integrity
32. 有⽪肤完整性受损的危险
Risk for impaired skin integrity 33. 有新⽣⼉猝死的危险
Risk for sudden infant death 34. 有窒息的危险
Risk for suffocation
35. 术后康复迟缓
Delayed surgical recovery
36. 有术后康复迟缓的危险
Risk for delayed surgical recovery 37. 组织完整性受损
Impaired tissue integrity
38. 有组织完整性受损的危险Risk for impaired tissue integrity 39. 有⼥性割礼的危险
Risk for female genital mutilation 40. 有对他⼈实施暴⼒的危险Risk for other-directed violence 41. 有对⾃⼰实施暴⼒的危险Risk for lf-directed violence 42. ⾃残
43. 有⾃残的危险
Risk for lf-mutilation
44. 有⾃杀的危险
Risk for suicidal behavior
45. 受污染
微信换铃声怎么换46. 有受污染的危险
Risk for contamination
47. 有职业性损伤的危险
Risk for occupational injury
48. 有中毒的危险
Risk for poisoning
49. 有碘造影剂不良反应的危险
Risk for adver reaction to iodinated contrast media 50. 有过敏反应的危险
Risk for allergy reaction
51. 有乳胶过敏反应的危险
Risk for latex allergy reaction
52. 体温过⾼
53. 体温过低
54. 有体温过低的危险
Risk for hypothermia
55. 新⽣⼉体温过低
Neonatal hypothermia
56. 有新⽣⼉体温过低的危险
Risk for neonatal hypothermia
57. 有围⼿术期体温过低的危险
Risk for perioperative hypothermia
58. 体温失调
Ineffective thermoregulation
59. 有体温失调的危险