DC: drill collar借款格式钻铤 DP: drill pipe钻杆
HWDP: heavy weight drill pipe加重钻杆
X/O: crossover转换接头 爱军习武
CSG: casing 套管
WOC: wait on cementing侯凝
POOH: put out of hole起钻(trip out)
短起:short trip
RIH: run in hole下钻(trip in)
R/U: rig up组装
N/U: nipple up组装
L/D: lay down甩钻具
DD:directional driller:定向司钻(斯伦贝谢的员工)
w/: with
BOP: blowout preventer防喷器、封井器 动员大会主持词
BHA: bottom hole asmbly井底钻具
OD: outside diameter外径
ID: inside diameter内径
IF: internal flush内平
FH: full hole贯眼
EU: external upt外加厚
IU: internal upt内加厚
WBM: water ba mud水基泥浆
我爱汉字手抄报OBM: oil ba mud油基泥浆
TIW: Texas Iron Works全开安全阀
MW: mud weight泥浆密度
SPP: standpipe pressure立管压力
MWD: measure while drilling随钻测量
CCL: casing collar log套管接箍测井
GR: gamma ray伽马(测井)
HTHP: high temperature & high pressure高温高压