1. Outline
红糖馒头的制作方法➔Introduction of Fukuyama
➔Desire of recognition
驰名中外➔what is the end of history by Fukuyama ➔Ca study
The End of History
●Francis Fukuyama, 1989
●The American magazine the National Interest
●Bad on the end of Cold War
○Hegelian thoughts
○Capitalism vs. Communism
○Liberal democracy vs. planned, dominant government ■Liberal democracy- liberty, equality
The End of History
●‘Something very fundamental has happened in world history.’
●‘Victory of economic and political liberalism’
八卦罗盘图●‘The triumph of the West, of the Western idea’咸肉粽
●End of History
○End point of mankind’s ideological evolution
○universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government ○‘unabashed victory of economic and political liberalism’
●Three Parts in total
1.The notion of History by Hegel and A. Kojeve
●Karl Marx- historical development
○determined by the interplay of material forces
○end when communist utopia achieved
○resolved all prior contradictions
●Max Weber
○Whenever comes to labour, they choo leisure > income
○therefore the high productivity is not the ultimate means and ends of history, but the autonomy of the consciousness
○Battle of Jena- Napoleon’s defeat of the Prussian monarchy
快穿之肉沫飘雪■victory of the ideals of the French Revolution
■universalization of the state incorporating the principles of liberty and equality ○Ideology
■ideas in the n of large unifying world views
■religion, culture, moral values etc.
■Ideology/ consciousness exists before history (in contrast with Marx)○Marked the end of History
■due to the vanguard of humanity actualized the principles of the French Revolution
■this idea→ abolishing slavery, slave trade, extending the franchi to workers, women, blacks and other racial minorities, etc. after 1806