行书书法欣赏以下是一些使用"as long as"的句子供八年级的学生参考:
1.You can borrow my car as long as you promi to be careful.青春励志电影>寒假思想汇报
2.You can come to the party as long as you promi to behave.
香港回归是哪年3.I'll help you with your homework as long as you promi to try your best.
4.You can borrow my bike as long as you promi to return it on time.
树的简笔画5.You can stay at my hou as long as you follow my rules.
年会邀请函模板>其实你一直都在6.You can u my computer as long as you don't download any illegal content.
7.You can have another slice of pie as long as you finish your vegetables first.
8.You can go to the concert as long as you promi to be home by curfew.