1. 围绕SFL,TG Grammar, FSP, Saussure 四个知识点,结合课本367及368页相关问答题准备复习。
categorization ,interpersonal function,duality,mantics,recursiveness,language linguistics,image schema,competence,allophone,inflection,syntax
3. 会自己分析诸如课本368页22题,367页14题的题型。
电脑桌面壁纸日历1.Why is Saussure hailed as the father of modern linguistics?
Saussure was the first to notice the complexities of language. He believed that language is a system of signs. To communicate ideas, signs must be part of a system of signs, called conventions. He held that the sign is the union of a form (signifier) and an idea (sig
nified), and it is the central fact of language. By providing answers to questions concerning many aspects of language, Saussure made clear the object of study for linguistics as a science. His ideas on the arbitrary nature of sign, on the relational nature of linguistic units, on the distinction of langue and parole and of synchronic and diachronic linguistics, etc. pushed linguistics into a brand new stage.
2.What are the three important points of the Prague School?
网上申请个人营业执照First, it stresd that the synchronic study of language is fully justified as it can draw on complete and controllable material for investigation. Second, it emphasized the systemic character of language, arguing that no element of any language can be satisfactorily analyzed or evaluated if viewed in isolation. In other words, elements are held to be in functional contrast or opposition. Third, it looked on language as a tool performing a number of esntial functions or tasks for the community using it.
3.What is the Prague School best known for?
The Prague School is best known and remembered for its contribution to phonology and the distinction between phonetics and phonology. Following Saussure’s distinction between langue and parole, Trubetzkoy argued that phonetics belonged to parole whereas phonology belonged to langue. On this basis he developed the notion of “phoneme”as an abstract unit of the sound system as distinct from the sounds actually produced. In classifying distinctive features, he propod three criteria: (1) their relation to the whole contrastive system; (2) relations between the opposing elements; and (3) their power of discrimination. The oppositions can be summarid as: a) bilateral opposition; b) multilateral opposition; c) proportional opposition; d) isolated opposition; e) privative opposition; f) gradual opposition; g) equippolent opposition; h) neutralisable opposition; and i) constant opposition.
祝生日快乐的成语4.What is the esnce of Functional Sentence Perspective (FSP)? FSP is a theory that refers to a linguistic analysis of utterances (or texts) in terms of the information they contain. The principle is that the role of each utterance part is evaluated for its mantic contribution to the whole. From a functional point of view, some Czechoslovak linguists b
elieved that a ntence contains a point of departure and a goal of discour. The point of departure is equally prent to the speaker and to the hearer –it is their rallying point, the ground on which they meet. This is called the Theme. The goal of discour prents the very information that is to be imparted to the hearer. This is called the Rheme. It is believed that the movement from the Theme to the Rheme reveals the movement of the mind itlf. Language may u different syntactic structures, but the order of ideas remains basically the same. Bad on the obrvations, they created the notion of