Dear reader,
Battery University is an on-line resource that provides practical battery knowledge for engineers, educators, students and battery urs alike. The papers address battery chemistries, best battery choices and ways to make your battery last longer.
The prentations are easy-to-read and are limited to about 1000 words. The material is bad on the book Batteries in a portable World - A handbook on rechargeable batteries for non-engineers, and is written in condend form. The 300-page book and a library of battery articles are available on Battery rvice products are shown on .
Battery University is sponsored by Cadex Electronics Inc., a manufacturer of battery analyzers and chargers. The material is free of charge for the benefit of all battery urs and cannot be ud for profit. If intended for publishing or educational purpos, plea obtain permission from Isidor..
Battery University is organized into three parts. Part One address the 'mechanics' of the battery and deals with chemistries, charging, discharging, storing and recycling. Part Two looks at the personalities of different battery systems and describes ways to get the most out of them. Part Three reveals who is behind Battery University and provides links to various products to rvice your batteries. I hope you will enjoy the reading.
Isidor Buchmann
Cadex Electronics Inc.
PART ONE - Basics every battery ur should know
PART TWO - Getting the most from your batteries
PART THREE - Battery University and the people behind i
Part One - Basics every battery ur should know
<< Click on the flag beside each article to view a German version.
Facts about batteries | BU1 BU2 | Sharing battery knowledge l型衣柜 When was the battery invented? |
Battery chemistries
| BU3 BU4
| What's the best battery? The nickel-bad battery, its dominance and the future - The nickel-cadmium battery - The nickel-metal-hydride battery Is lithium-ion the ideal battery? - The lithium-ion battery - The lithium polymer battery - Restrictions on lithium content for air travel - Restrictions on shipment of lithium-ion batteries The high-power lithium-ion - Types of lithium-ion batteries - Definition of Energy Density and Power Density - Confusion with voltages - Prolonged battery life through moderation Lithium-ion safety concerns - Recall of lithium-ion batteries - Safety level of lithium-ion systems - What every battery ur should know Can the lead-acid battery compete in modern times? Will the reusable alkaline battery have a future? What's the role of the supercapacitor?
投资目标Packaging and safety
| BU9
BU10 BU10A
| Battery packaging - a look at old and new systems - The cylindrical cell - The button cell - The prismatic cell - The pouch cell - Battery packs for portable devices Safety circuits for modern batteries Serial and parallel battery configurations - Singe cell applications - Serial connection - Parallel connection - Serial/parallel connection - Charging and discharging lithium-ion batteries - Houhold batteries
| 梁书 BU11
| Charging nickel-bad batteries - Charging nickel-cadmium -Charging nickel-metal-hydride Charging lithium-ion batteries -Preparing new lithium-ion for u -State-of-charge reading bad on terminal voltage Charging the lead-acid battery - Charging lead-acid batteries with a power supply - State-of-charge reading bad on terminal voltage - Battery as a buffer Charging at high and low temperatures - Ultra-fast chargers How to charge-when to charge table
| BU15
| Discharging at high and low temperatures - Pul discharge Discharge methods - What is C - rate? - Depth of discharge - Discharge currents and load signatures - What constitutes a discharge cycle? Calculating the battery runtime - The Peukert number
Internal resistance
| BU17
| How does the internal battery resistance affect performance? -Talk-time as a function of internal resistance -Internal resistance as a function of state-of-charge
Intelligent battery
| BU18
| The 'smart' battery - The Single Wire Bus - The SMBus - Negatives of the 'smart' battery The battery fuel gauge - The state-of-charge indicator - The target capacity lector
Storing and recycling
| BU20
| How to store batteries - Priming new batteries Recycling batteries
Summary Table
| BU22
| 万籁俱寂 Do and don't battery table
| | |
Sharing battery knowledge (BU1)
It is my pleasure bringing to you Battery University, the institution for Learning the basics about batteries. In each of the short commentaries you will read about the best battery choices, new battery technologies and ways to make your batteries last longer. Practical, down-to-earth battery information is sometimes hard to find. Battery manufacturers are often too optimistic with their promis and only emphasize positive features.
I have a background in radio communications and studied the behavior of rechargeable batteries in practical, everyday applications for veral decades. In desiring to share this battery knowledge with you; I wrote veral articles addressing the strength and limitations of the battery. The articles have been published in various trade magazines in the USA, Canada and Europe. I later compiled the material and wrote my first book entitled Batteries in a Portable World - A Handbook on Rechargeable Batteries for Non-Engineers.
The 88-page first edition appeared in 1997 and covered such topics as the memory effect of nickel-cadmium batteries and how to restore them. Some readers commented that I favored nickel-cadmium over nickel-metal-hydride. Perhaps this obrvation is valid and I have taken note. Having been active in the mobile radio industry for many years, much emphasis is placed on battery longevity, a quality that is true of nickel-cadmium. Today's battery urs prefer small size and want maximum runtime. Longevity may be less important, especially in the fast-moving consumer market.
The cond edition of Batteries in a Portable World was published in 2001. With 18 Chapters and 300 pages, this book has been extended to include new battery technologies and various field applications.
In May 2001, the Battery Information Website was launched, making the contents of the book available to the world at large. Battery articles have been added to complement the book and rve readers of non-English languages. A arch engine w
如何开导被排挤的孩子as installed to help you find topics of interest. The Battery Information Website is sponsored by Cadex Electronics Inc., the manufacturer of advanced battery analyzers chargers and PC software.
Out of sheer curiosity, I conducted a statistical analysis at the end of the year to find out which battery topics in the book are being requested most often. The winners are:
Number 1. Getting the Most from your Batteries Chapter 10
Number 2. Proper Charge Methods Chapter 4
Number 3. Internal Battery Resistance Chapter 9
Number 4. Choosing the Right Battery Chapter 8
Number 5. The 'Smart' Battery Chapter 7
Getting the Most from your Batteries has consistently been first choice. People want to know how to care for their batteries to get maximum runtime and dependable rvice. Proper Charge Methods is also very much in the hearts of the battery urs. A surpri w
as Internal Battery Resistance in third position. This subject is of growing concern with digital equipment that puts high demands on the battery. A emingly good battery often fails to deliver the heavy current bursts becau of elevated internal resistance caud by aging batteries.
Battery University is bad on the book Batteries in a Portable World and will address such issues as the choice of battery chemistries, physical battery packs, charge and discharge methods, runtime concerns, the 'smart' battery, internal battery resistance, getting the most of your batteries and much more.
Batteries in a Portable World is written for the non-engineer. It address the u of the battery in the hands of the general public, far removed from protected lab environments of the manufacturer. Some information contained in this book was obtained through tests performed in Cadex laboratories; other knowledge was gathered by simply talking to diver groups of battery urs. Not all views and opinions expresd in the book are bas
ed on scientific facts. Rather, they follow opinions of the general public, who u batteries. Some difference of opinion with the reader cannot be avoided. I am prepared to accept the blame for any discrepancies. The book is available from at $29.50US
I would like to hear your comments on Battery University. After all, battery technology is not black and white but has many shades of gray. I hope you will find the lessons interesting and helpful.
Created: April 2003, Last edited: July 2003
When was the battery invented? (BU2)
One of the most important discoveries in the last 400 years has been electricity. You may ask, "Has electricity been around that long?" The answer is "yes", and perhaps much longer. Surprisingly, electricity only became uful to humanity in the late 1800s.蛋糕怎么折
| Figure 1: Prehistoric batteries Clay jar with iron rod surrounded by copper cylinder. When filled with vinegar + an electrolytic, solution produces 1.1 volts DC (circa. 250 BC to 640 ADO). It is believed that the Parthians who ruled Baghdad (circa 250 BC) ud batteries to electroplate silver. The Egyptians are said to have electroplated antimony onto copper over 4300 years ago. |
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The earliest known methods of generating electricity were by creating a static charge. Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) invented the so-called "electric pistol" by which an electrical wire was placed in a jar filled with methane gas. By nding an electrical spark through the wire, the jar would explode.
Volta then thought of using this invention to provide long distance communications, albeit only one Boolean bit. An iron wire supported by wooden poles was to be strung from Como to Milan in Italy. At the receiving end, the wire would terminate in a jar filled with methane gas. On command, an electrical spark is nt by wire that would cau a detonation to signal a coded event. This communications link was never built.
| Figure 2: Volta and his battery. In 1800, Alessandro Volta invented the first modern electric battery. Volta demonstrated that an electrical current is generated when metals and chemicals come into contact. |
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The next stage of generating electricity was through electrolysis. Volta discovered in 1800 that a continuous flow of electrical force was possible when using certain fluids as conductors to promote a chemical reaction between metals. Volta discovered further that the voltage would increa when voltaic cells were stacked. This led to the invention of the battery.
From the availability of a battery, experiments were no longer limited to a brief display of sparks that lasted a fraction of a cond. A emingly endless stream of electric current was now available.
In the early 1800, France was approaching the height of scientific advancements and new ideas were welcomed with open arms to support the political agenda. By invitation, Volta addresd the Institute of France in a ries of lectures in which Napoleon Bonaparte was prent. Napoleon himlf helped with the experiments, drawing sparks fr
om the battery, melting a steel wire, discharging an electric pistol and decomposing water into its elements.